Recommended to me by a dear friend! Another satisfying Picoult book. Great characters, a few types of love and a mystery to be solved. Pretty good read!!
Recommended to me by a dear friend! Another satisfying Picoult book. Great characters, a few types of love and a mystery to be solved. Pretty good read!!
This was a re-read for me, and it wasn‘t what I remembered 😂 but I still enjoyed it! Just not as much as the first time.
This wasn‘t my favorite by this author. It was good, but I did feel like it drug on too long and there was a lot of unnecessary pieces of the story. I liked the characters and it was an interesting story with a lot of ethical questions, but I just felt like there wasn‘t enough that made it super compelling like some of her other books.
Enjoyed this book... Loved the different chapters representing the different main characters point of view threading the story
I always enjoy JP‘s novels. This one has been on my shelf for a few years. I‘m not sure where I picked it up used.
It‘s not my favorite of hers, but it was good. I particularly liked the main character‘s relationship with her daughter, and her career as a search and rescuer with her bloodhound, Greta.
There were some twists I found really predictable, and as usual she makes you look at morals in some different ways. Overall a good book.
Purchased this at the airport “bookstore” today and started on the plane....so far so good......I‘m a fan of Jodi, so assuming this will be another good one!
Secrets and lies and when it‘s appropriate to protect yourself or those you love. Although I was engaged until the end, I took issue with too much of the execution to give this a pick. Also, two side stories (Andrews pretrial detention experiences, the random suicide of a secondary character) didn‘t add to the primary narrative of a daughter finding out 28 years after the fact she was kidnapped by her loving father.
#ReadTheUSA2020 Arizona
Saturday night back porch reading 📖... while hubby watches some action movie I have no interest in.
Taking a break from urban fantasy... my husband and I are both recovering from a nasty stomach bug, so fingers crossed I'll get some reading time today while he revels in March Madness. 😂 Hopefully the kids manage to not get sick!
“Do you ever go back?"
Ruthann nods, "When I need to remember where I came from, or where I'm headed.”
So I‘ve got good news and bad news. The bad news? I feel like I took forever to read this book and given the author, I was rather disappointed in what this one had to offer. But the good news? I‘ve managed to complete my first #litsyatoz challenge! It was fun and I‘d do it again. Still, I can‘t lie and say the ability to read whatever I want at the moment doesn‘t feel pretty good!
It looks like I‘m not reading anything, but I swear there are words there! I will finish this book tonight...but not without a little feline assistance! 🐱 📖 #catsoflitsy
1. You know, I honestly don‘t remember 2. Yes, via the Goodreads challenge. 3. #blameitonlitsy is how I‘ve found s ton of new titles to add to my never ending TBR. 4. I want to continue reading Vanishing Acts, but it‘s been a long week and I think my eyes have other plans.
So, this just happened....
Lovely Littens! I'm a Smitten Kitten
For all of ((((you))))
Delia, Eric, and Fitz grew up together and are inseparable friends Delia and Eric are planning their wedding as Fitz does his best to stifle his unrequited love for Delia in order to keep his friendships.
Out of the blue, Delia‘s father is arrested for kidnapping her when she was a young girl. He is guilty, but it takes a trial to bring his reasons to light. How far is too far when a parent is protecting a child?
Liked, but didn‘t love it.
I am having a hard time finishing this one. I have been reading it for over a month, and every time I pick it up I end up putting it back down and grabbing something else to read. At least I have Totems company tonight. 🐱
We make messes of our lives, but every now and then, we manage to do something that's exactly right. The challenge is figuring out which is which.
Then one day, I could do it. I held him, instead of him holding me, and all I wanted at that moment was to have it back the other way.
It's crazy, isn't it, the way we always say that children belong to their parents, when it's really the other way around?
I collected words the way some people collected shells or butterfly specimens.
"She believes I can fix this, and like always, that's enough to make me think I can." ?
There are some dreams that get stuck between your teeth when you sleep, so that when you open your mouth to yawn awake they fly right out of you. But this feels too real. This feels like it has actually happened.
#litsyatoz #letterv #litsyreadingchallenge #lrc8 #over400pages Definitely not one of my favorites by Picoult. The idea of the story was great, and the first quarter of the book was fast paced and shocking. The middle dragged and I had to make myself pick the book up, and make myself finish chapters. The end was okay but I feel like some things were unnecessary. This was recommended by a friend. I feel bad for not loving it as much as she does