I had no idea that both of these were such chunksters!! 975 for the tagged and almost 700 for The Book of Elsewhere! These will keep me busy for awhile 🤣
I had no idea that both of these were such chunksters!! 975 for the tagged and almost 700 for The Book of Elsewhere! These will keep me busy for awhile 🤣
How do you even describe the experience of reading this book? It's completely unique. Like an adult children's fantasy book all about books and authors. If you haven't heard of it, check out the book summary and read some of the reviews. This is very beloved by a lot of people. The writing style is so creative and imaginative. The creatures, book titles, and made up words are fun. It seemed a bit long, so 4 stars from me. Definitely worth reading!
According to my fb memories, I found this gem 10 years ago. It is still in my top 5 of favorite books. It is whimsical to be sure, but it is also a love letter to the book obsessed. I even made a friend of mine, who also read the book, a stuffed Bookling. (The character on the cover.) Highly recommend this one. (It does get dark and scary near the end for anyone considering this for their kiddos.)
I have never been more excited to read anything, EVER!! I came across this randomly on Scribd/Everand as an ebook. Once I read the first couple of pages and saw the artwork, I knew I had to find a physical copy ASAP. MelCat for the win. 💪🏽
Now if you'll excuse me, it's time to tie up my laces and embark on this journey. 👟
I have never been so happy to have stumbled upon a book by accident. This book is now one of my all time favorites. It made me laugh, cry, start with surprise, sigh with relief. I didnt want it to end. Whimsical fantasy. Lemony Snicket meets Tolkein with a dash of Dr. Seuss. I cannot give it enough praise. I imagine I will re-read this until it falls apart.
'Reading is an intelligent way of not having to think'
I'm saying goodbye to the forest for now. But I'm taking all it's advice with me ❤️ until next time, PNW.
Enjoyed almost a whole day of reading in the woods. Didn't see a single other person near our camp site. Had to do some exploring at the nearby creek, of course, but got through a lot of this delightful book the rest of the time. Gifford Pinchot National Forest.
Stumbled on this at my local book shop. I haven't heard of it before. I think its going to come with me while we go hiking and camping in the PNW for the next couple weeks 🥰
Somewhere between quirky fantasy and gothic/medieval horror. Having hopped from the first to the fourth in this series, it's intriguing to see the evolution, or difference, in style, both in the writing and illustrations. First had a Roald Dahl/Shel Silverstein look, this one is darker, more detailed, woodcut-like sketches. I believe the first is billed as YA, and this one isn't, which the body horror alone would account for! 1/?
"demanding literature" and reading comprehension: it's a process! ?
Books and dinosaurs. BOOKS and DINOSAURS! This is the BEST thing. 🦕🦖📚
I just picked this up for my Kindle. Amazon had it for $1.99. Have any of my friends here read books in this series?
This book was full of imagination and twists and turns. I absolutely loved it 🥰. I felt like I was a kid falling in love with reading all over again. What an ending! Definitely is one of my favorite books now. Already ordered the next book that connects to this one!
The illustrations in this book are too cute. I love the ‘fearsome‘ booklings. Tea and a good book is the best way to spend a day don‘t you think?
Went on a long walk with the family and of course my book came along 📚❤️☀️ my pup got very dirty 🤦🏽♀️ Also thank you all for the welcomes, I feel the love 💕 #naturewalks #familytime #welcometolitsy
What a beautiful day. Time for a brain break after an exam #bliss
Perfect day to read outside 😍☀️ #sunnydays #bookaddict #thecityofdreamingbooks
Seems like Optimus and I had the same idea for a snack and a good read ☕️🥮 #cityofdreamingbooks #cozyreads
1. The City of Dreaming Books by Water Moers
2. Audiobooks
3. Dracula by Bram Stoker
Still one of my all time favorite books. A true book lovers book. Trust me on this. Even if the main character is a 300 year old dinosaur. Superb writing. I really need to check out some of his other books.
#currentlyreading this imaginative #LGPOG pick. I haven‘t had much reading time lately so it‘s slow going, but quite good.
I love the illustrations, all the bookish references, the whimsical characters. Hoping to get a little more reading in tonight and tomorrow so I can finish it.
This was...y'know, alright. The language and prose were fantastical and whimsical and fun to read...but the actual narrative could've been 100 pages and with a main character who didn't just watch everyone else do everything. Squidapus is not a fan of writing a narrative tale where 80% of your focus is world-building history and lists like it's a Fantasy Wikipedia article. In the end he still liked the book but he often waited for plot to show up
A booklover‘s dream. Powell‘s Books on Christmas!!
Moers‘ language is rich and imaginative, sometimes with an almost formal feel to it, but simultaneously playful, almost whimsical.
Although many people may read this as an amazing, fantastical story, to me it was about the adventure that‘s reading. About the dangers and pitfalls, joys and surprises, excitement and anticipation.
Either way, an absolute joy to read!
@Tahoe Thanks for the recommendation!!😘
(Image from robots-and-dragons.de)
Do you do this too? Whenever I‘m eating alone, I‘ll read a book while eating.😊 Two of my favourite activities combined😜
#SisforSeptember Day 30: #Skinny
Well, I‘m not skinny and my books are never skinny, so here‘s my next, not #skinny read😜
Mini #bookhaul from this weekend‘s fire sale at my favorite local used book store. I was good... I put three back! But these three came home with me. And they‘re basically all #blameitonlitsy picks. 😊📚
I bought this #fantasy book purely for its cover, but I didn't regret it. The title means The City of Dreaming Books. That little guy is a Buchling (bookling). Walter Moers' Zamonia books are full of strange creatures.
#litsyclassics @Sarah83 @Bambolina_81
A huge thank you to @Bookworm83 and @LitsyGoesPostalOG for bringing this book into my life!! It was a slow burn for me, but once I got into the story it was a rollicking good time!! Lots of bookish fun, and some great notes and coloring from my fellow #LGPOG members!! I‘m loving this endeavor, friends!! 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
#ReadingResolutions Day 2: The Zamonia series is the quintessential #BooksAboutBooks - the German author, Walter Moers, is endlessly entertaining. He is so unbelievably talented that he even illustrates his own tomes. I read all of the five books here - practically all his novels translated in English. If you haven‘t read any of his books yet, and you are a certifiable bibliophile, you need to find him stat!
Eines der schönsten Bücher die ich gelesen habe. Nicht nur die Geschichte, sondern auch Walter Moers' Schreibstil sind einfach anders, aber auf eine gute Art und Weise. Es hat mich von Anfang an gefesselt und unterhalten. Ich kann das Buch jedem empfehlen, der gerne Bücher der Phantastik liest.
Just got my latest #LGPOG book and I‘ve never even heard of this one. @Bookworm83 I can‘t wait to dive in, it sounds right in my wheelhouse!!
Let's be honest, dear readers: I lay down at full length.
It is certainly the most brilliant sentence any writer has ever devised. It runs: 'This is where my story begins.'
I am hating how busy reality can be, and how it‘s interfering with my reading... it is taking me a lot longer to get through this wonderful book, and every time I have to put it down I get sad
This book has had a slow grip on me since I started, slowly drawing me in... until today; the grip tightened and I officially want to put life on hold and read until I‘m finished... (And I‘m not even half way through yet)
I love Saturday mornings. Wishing I could do this all day!
✅book about books
✅with pictures
✅ page-turner
✅ cute creatures
❗️for adults ❗️
And your Litsy fellow allowed you to color it❤️
How else to describe this OMG book I do not know🙀
I have swollen 500 pages in 5 days 🤤
So far, #harvey has just meant reading and cat napping for me and the adorkable duo... but my heart is going out to my fellow Texans more adversely affected by the storm. Stay safe and take care, y'all.
#catsoflitsy #caturday