Es hat ne ganze Zeit gebraucht in dieses Epos einzusteigen, aber jetzt (bin grade ~ in der Mitte) nimmt es Fahrt auf. Ich bin doch sehr gespannt wo das hingehen wird!
Es hat ne ganze Zeit gebraucht in dieses Epos einzusteigen, aber jetzt (bin grade ~ in der Mitte) nimmt es Fahrt auf. Ich bin doch sehr gespannt wo das hingehen wird!
In the middle of the fifth book of the "Throne of Glass" -Series. I do understand the fuss, that's surrounding it, now. Absolutely love that the women are not only empowered but also smart!
1) Yes I do! My apologies to the authors with not so good graphic designers ...
2) I got The Subtle Knife as a birthday present as sequence to Northern Lights (love it)
3) newspaper at the office or people of the same place^^
4) I set 2 alarms, one to snooze one to wake up and get up
5) @bookandbedandtea @JulietBoydAuthor
Thank you for the tag @LittleBug ^^ I want to wake up so smoothly as you do with lights and music *_*
Got this as a present from a dear friend. He promised fantastic ideas, plot twists and a easy but colorful language.
So far I agree *_*
What a nice, encouraging ans captivating YA book! I liked it very much!
I started yesterday on my way to work. Since then I can barely stop reading^^ it's easy, teen- English which fits perfectly the age of the characters. It's also making it effortless to read which is exactly what I need right now :D
I heard much about this book and I have to say I really liked it! Lots of fantasy but without the endless discriptions.
Going on to the second book now:)
I had no idea that we had so much Dan Brown at home.
I started with Inferno (because of a book challange) and let's see if the others find their way into my hands as well^^
I don't pretend to know much about love, but that's how great lives come to an end, not in the flames of passion, but in the silence of regret.
The snow hare changes its coat to whitr to go unseen in winter. [...] All of life does the same -even gods- turning their coats to suit the turning seasons of the world. There should be a name for that kind of thing [...] Let's call it _Revolution_
I just walked passed the bookshop.... and then I went back
I already read the book and got this one from @LittleBug
And I love it! It is beautifully drawn and you can relive the story in little time. I need the second part 🤩
"Michael was mint-chocolate chip for her. She could try other flavors. But he'd always be her favorite"
"How could she seduce her escort?"
Hahaha well they ask the important questions ?
Thank you very much for the tipp @LittleBug ! This were the books I got from 'Brösels Buchregal' in Hersbruck, it's a REAL win! It's really neat and has a good selection of books you actually want to read, other than many book sharing stations which get misused as storage for ancient books none wants anymore.
To lazy to much and I feel like a love-story ^^ so I started listening to the #goodreads Award winner in the Category 'Romance'. It sounds just right 😁
My friend lend me this book with the remark that it's genius and that there will be a movie next year - he knows that I would want to read the book before hand^^ so cute
It's interesting to read! For science-fiction fans I would almost say:a must read; but for me the writing style was hard because of so many 'scientific facts'. Still: I really like the ideas they poured in there (about one human race to conquer the galaxy and the discovery of other (more) intelligent beeings).
Sooo this book took me quite a while.
Most of the book was chewy and I had no urge to keep picking it up. Its written in a formal style since it displays a day in the White House with accurate language. But I would have hoped for more emphasis on the *female* president since that was what the title promised..
I needed to read this for a Seminar I am taking this Semester but for me personally I probably wouldn't have finished it.
1. I am so happy for @LittleBug in my life! She just makes everything brighter and unpleasant stuff much more bearable 🤗
2. My structure clay to style my hair so it doesn't bother me with falling in my face! 🌟🙌🌟
3. Nice people in my courses I can fool around with^^
4. Seeing my family and some quality time with them (reason I tagged this book)
Of course! When I come to think about it the best books I read had mostly over 400 pages 🤔😄
I try now and then to convince some of my not-so read-obsessed- friends to not be intimidated by size/length.
This book contains a lot of philosophical questions. You could just go on and on and on thinking about who's right with his/her opinion and how you still can understand the other view.Got the feeling I may add things to my review because there probably is much more that'll bubble to the surface only when thinking about it a little longer.
I needed to cry at some point, that barely ever happened so far.
"The world," he said, "is not a wish-granting factory"
Oh my goooood! As part of a book challange my November read is this... and I can't stop. Like... I can't stop. I wanted to post on Litsy before I started but then I decided to read a few pages to be sure ... 120 pages later I can tell that I want to read this book! 😄🤩🌟
🐾 Shepherds Pie
🐾 probably Terry Pratchett
🐾 Tigger :D
🐾 early bird 🐦
🐾 I do like your choice of cartoon character @Judybskt ^^
#friyayintro @howjessreads
Ngha the first one had me hooked more. But it's still good enough to read the next one as well
I listend to the audio-book and it was a welcomed take-away to another time in history. Even though the beginning seemed outstretched it took on some speed until you get pulled in😄😉 you had time to get to know the characters and feel with them, especially Fiona (main character). 😊
1) tagged
2) pie 🤤
3) painting (even though its not any good it's fun either way^^)
4) Muenster
Have a nice day before the weekend!!!
Got this book for a Seminar and after taking a look I present: Betty Ford on the Cabinet Room table (where seats were often reserved for men only) the day before she left the White House!
Awesome 😄
#strongwomen #FirstLadies
@LittleBug bet you love it xD
1. Difficult... I read "Harry Potter" for the first time but "Käpt'n Blaubär" was fantastic as well as "Wonder"...
2. 15 (goodreads is helping me keeping track @LittleBug :-* :D)
3. I moved to another city and I'am lovin' it!!!
4. My new study subject
5. Thank you for welcome me so very kindly @CarolynM @Wife @CoffeeNBooks !
I definitely can imagine worse than waiting in a Cafè :D
I started to listen do audio-books and I really like it! This one wouldn't normally fit the genres I read most but I like being told a story... Now I find myself enjoying historical books as well ^^
Saw this masterpiece in a bookshop today and I think I'm going to collect a few childhood- classics^^ I have almosr bo memory of the book beaing read to me as a child so I'm a little excited to read it from just an adult point of view #yay #classic #childhood
This book will be part of my studies this semester and I am really looking forward to some "ahaaaa!!" - moments I will have (I already read the Intro and had a few of them)
#alivetolearn #studies
Well this book had me tied up :D at first I was al little off because the Ideas seemed familar and predictable (at least for someone who read the "Selection" - series) and the love triangle was nothing new as well. But (!) because of the (really cool) abilitys and more action than I expected it was pretty gripping! So the supernatural won me over I guess^^ Let's start the next one O.O !!!
The day I finish a book it feels strange to begin with the next one immediately after. Soooo I start today with this book, which was recommended to me by a friend so keenly she gave me the second one of the series as well. Lets find out, shall we? :D
#recommendedbook #morningread
@LittleBug its also my October read for our book challange :D
It was absolutly stunning. Its a harmless, very enjoyable Fantasy book. I read the following books first so I loved how some Characters I already knew showed! But I am amazed every time about the wealth of ideas Walter Moers has :)
#Zamonien #WalterMoers