I enjoyed this one. The story of young lovers from two feuding families reminded me of The Night Circus (which I really should read again). The writing is beautiful enough for me to ignore little snags in the narrative. It was a fast read.
I enjoyed this one. The story of young lovers from two feuding families reminded me of The Night Circus (which I really should read again). The writing is beautiful enough for me to ignore little snags in the narrative. It was a fast read.
#owlsreadathon2020 Arithmancy: a book outside of your comfort zone
It was outside of my comfort zone because it's a full-on romance, and because Anne-Marie McLamore's writing didn't win me over the last time I've read something by them.
I can see why people would love it, but it still wasn't something I'd have picked up by myself if it didn't come from numerous Night Circus recs.
#owlsreadathon #magicalreadathon #magicalreadathon2020
This book is beautifully written, but it does move at a bit of a slow pace. I had to get it back to the library so I wasn‘t able to finish it. I may pick it up again though.
So impressed that this was her debut novel, loved seeing the beautiful things I‘ve come to treasure in her writing: singular magical realism, unforgettable characters, powerful voice of inclusion. Lace & Cluck‘s story was so moving, & felt real even in its surrealities. Also really appreciate the note at the end, on why “gypsy/gypped” are slurs & shouldn‘t be used or commodified for kitsch. Honestly? My favorite of hers, & a rare but earned 5/5 ⭐️
He and Lace were sewn of similar fabric, the raw edges of their families‘ cloth.
A quien dices tus secretos, das tu libertad.
To whom you tell your secrets, you give your freedom.
My parents got me three books for my birthday from a list of ten I‘d provided, and this was one of them and I was so happy to see it! I‘ve read her other three books but not her debut, and I adore her writing so much that I just had to pick this one up next! #nowreading
#BFCR2 Week 2 check- in @wanderinglynn @Caterina
I'm on vacation right now but still managed to get in a few books and workouts! But that's why I gave myself overall goals this round instead of weekly. I don't get home until Tuesday and I'll really need to buckle down to burn off some vacation pounds 😂
Books: 9 of 20
Workouts: 8 of 24
I am not a fast reader, but this book took me just over a day to read. I was instantly sucked into the story, the character are compelling without being over the top, the tension is real, and in one scene *little spoiler but not major* I could physically hear a bone breaking and it shattered me. Such a good book, and the 2nd from McLemore that I devoured.
A bird and a fish fall in love - in this case it‘s a mermaid but semantics. A fantastical reimagining of this old saying mixed with a twist of Romeo and Juliet. Two traveling show families - Corbeaus and Palomas - are in the same town performing; decades old anger between them until an accident puts two of their young together, for better or worse. Simple yet compelling story with a captivating legend and characters you connect with. 📚📚📚📚
The Good: Amazing setting. Lovely prose.
The Less Good: The author got carried away with description—it felt like the entire story was made of it. I didn‘t know these characters. They were made of feathers or mermaid tails or colors—not personalities.
There was so little tension it made the book a chore to finish.
I wish the author had spent as much time making her characters deeper & story compelling as she did on her setting & prose. 5/10⭐️
My cat inspecting my new book. I like it so far ... it‘s weird and surreal and interesting. There are too many characters to keep track of them all and the prose is a little too poetic at the expense of character I think. I‘m only a third of the way through though so we‘ll see if it picks up.
“But I am someone who loves stories, and I believe in their power.” 😍😍😍
My December TBR. I didn‘t read a single book in November so i hope i can get back into gear and finish this year strong 💪
"He was beautiful in ways that made him ugly to his family." #youngadult #retelling
I wanted to like this book so much more than I actually did. However, the whole time I keep thinking it was lacking something. I guess I didn't really feel the connection between Lace & Cluck. It was a decent book, just not a great book.
#bookstagram #bibliophile #bookworm #reading #theweightoffeathers
This book was a complete surprise! I went in not knowing much only a short description of two families pitted against each other and there was MAGIC involved! .....and a LOVE STORY! Umm YES! Also kind of like The Night Circus. 🙌🏼 Picture a magical Romeo and Juliet, but where that story has so many shortcomings, this fulfills them all. The Corbeaus and The Palomas are everything you need to make you believe in this beautifully written adventure.
"Tell me who you're with and I'll tell you who you are."
Candle from: @Mugglelibrarycandles (and based off The Night Circus!) LOVE the candle, don't love the book so far. The only thing I really like are the headers of the chapters.
#theweightoffeathers #mugglelibrarycandles #thenightcircus
A Romeo and Juliet retelling with magical realism that has gorgeous language and filled with an angsty love story. Lace Paloma is a Latina main character with mermaiding abilities, Cluck is french and loves to climb trees. Their families are in a fight to the point they can't even touch one another without being cursed. I got sucked in to the magic and also very real emotions of this story and I adore this authors writing!
A retelling of Romeo and Juliette mixed with some fantasy/ magical realism. Two feuding families of traveling performers. The Corbeaus wear wings made of peacock feathers for their high wire act in the trees. The Paloma women wear sequined tails and scales for their under water mermaid act.
Happy "Read Across America Day" AND "World Book Day", Litsyians and Littens of Litsy!
I've got a mini #BookOutlet #bookhaul headed my way and I can't wait until these are here ?
Hooray for #bookmail!
Magical realism meets Romeo & Juliet here, with prose that utterly melted my heart & brain regularly. It's primarily a romance, so the pacing might feel slower for some that are used to more action/adventure YA, but that never felt like a problem to me. The characters & setting sweep you off so completely you don't mind spending a little extra time moving through scenes. A swoon-worthy, gorgeous novel perfect for fans of Eleanor & Park 😍. ★★★★★!
#currentlyreading | Romeo + Juliet + magical realism? Sure, why not!
Trying to get into this book but I'm not really not clicking with it. Meh. Glad it's a library loan. Also when I lay down to read, someone thinks I'm a cat tree. 😂
I'm not much of a magical realism person, but I LOVED THIS BOOK. It's been described as Romeo and Juliet meets The Night Circus, which is absolutely right, and it doesn't go overboard on teenage angst. An absolutely delightful tale to read after the longest week. 4.5/5
After the craziest, busiest week ever, I'm so excited to spend the rest of my day with books. I'm going to catch up on #hpchapteraday, but which of hear lovelies should I start next? (Not pictured, THE WEIGHT OF FEATHERS).
The Paloma and the Corbeau families have been rivals for years, competing as traveling performers. But when Lace Paloma accidentally begins to fall for a Corbeau boy, the real danger of this conflict begins to unfold.
#TBR 😱📚
Night Circus meets Romeo and Juliet. Absolutely swoon-worthy.
Zoraida Córdova chose two books for her #EclecticPick! I'm tagging her second pick in the comments, along with her newest book "Labyrinth Lost" (which I'm really looking forward to reading!)
Gorgeous and heartbreaking and so wonderfully written. You will not regret picking up this book.
read & loved so far this month!
At the beginning of the book, the rivalry between the families is so pronounced that their accounts of the feud sound like entirely different events. But when Cluck and Lace come together, the accounts begin to overlap as the troubled history is revealed. Full review: HTTPS://goo.gl/f1lwG1
"You're beautiful. It's just true. His own words hovered in the air like dragonflies... He had no way of knowing if she wanted to swat them away or open her hands to let them land."