This book was SO interesting! I recently came off my birth control and was having a hard time describing to my friends and dr how I was feeling. The author put my feelings into words to a tee! Highly recommend this book.
This book was SO interesting! I recently came off my birth control and was having a hard time describing to my friends and dr how I was feeling. The author put my feelings into words to a tee! Highly recommend this book.
This book is beautifully written, but it does move at a bit of a slow pace. I had to get it back to the library so I wasn‘t able to finish it. I may pick it up again though.
This was a very beautifully written imaginative story. I loved it.
This was the first fantasy book I‘ve read by Nora Roberts. I‘ve always opted for her typical romances. I really liked the story and the magical realism. Some parts were a little slow, and I felt like some of the characters could have been fleshed out more, but over all I enjoyed it. I‘ll probably read the next book in the series.
A satisfying end to the story, even if the last bit seemed a little rushed. I really enjoyed the characters and the world she created.
I really love Sarah Maas, but I was originally hesitant to pick this up because I‘m not a big DC fan. I ended up being pleasantly surprised and really enjoyed this Catwoman story. The villains were fleshed out and given interesting and sympathetic back stories. And there was enough action that it was a fast paced read.
Pretty good story. The relationships seems to happen a bit too quickly, but over all a decent story with an interesting world that got wrapped up nicely at the end. Fairly easy and quick read as well.
A beautifully written imaginative story. I adored everything about this book. It was uniquely creative, with a lovely romance, interesting characters, and wonderful descriptions of magic. I highly recommend it!
100 pages in and I had to bail. I couldn‘t get past the copious amount of footnotes. They were entertaining but I really felt like they distracted me from the story. I also had a hard time caring about the characters. The world building was awesome, but unfortunately it wasn‘t enough to hold me.
I loved this Little Mermaid retelling! It was different enough to make it feel fresh and keep it interesting. The writing is wonderfully descriptive. I really enjoyed the character development and the relationships. I‘m also a sucker for happy endings and this book didn‘t disappoint.
I loved this book! A well written story with a librarian as the hero. There were so many good quotes that I wish I had written them all down. Elisabeth is a strong protagonist with some nice character development. Nathaniel is quite funny, I really enjoyed him as a character. I also liked the personification of the books. Some of the “reveals” were easy to spot, but overall I highly recommend this book!
I am not sure if I will get used to the footnotes in this book... but this did have me giggling
I loved the premise of this book. The writing isn‘t anything overly spectacular, but it was a really wonderful story. The love story was very sweet. I also thoroughly enjoyed the ending.
Stayed up tonight finishing this book with this little guy. It was a great sequel, and I really enjoyed the ending. Overall a quick and easy read with a sweet love story and fun characters.
Took me only a day to read this. It was a quick easy read that I really enjoyed. A unique story with some interesting characters. The banter and relationship between the two main characters was fun and had me laugh out loud a few times. Looking forward to reading the sequel!
Stayed up till 3am to finish this book, only for it to end in a cliff hanger! Ugh. Overall I really liked this book. It was a fast read with a sweet love story. Not a terribly deep plot, but enjoyable nonetheless.
This did take me a bit to get into, but I think it‘s because it‘s the only book in this series I have read. I ended up really enjoying her writing and the world she created. The anithero dark romance was also a guilty pleasure to read. I don‘t think I‘ll read any others of this series, but the sci-fi uninverse is really interesting and I‘d definitely recommend it to people who enjoy the genre.
I wanted to like this book so badly! The plot seemed incredibly interesting at first, but at times I found myself rolling my eyes at things taken almost verbatim from the movie Labyrinth. I felt like the first half of the book was disjointed from the second half. At times it was too verbose. I thought the ending was going to make up for everything, but then I just found myself disappointed. Overall an ok read, just left me wanting a bit more.
I really like the story, and fair tale vibe, but found it difficult to get through. The POV was hard to follow at times, and I found myself getting confused as to what was happening. The romantic relationship seemed to come out of nowhere since there didn‘t seem to be much build up. I also found myself thinking it could have ended several times before it actually did.
A beautiful story that brought tears to my eyes. I love the drawings on the pages, and the lesson the monster teaches is really lovely. Devoured this book in 2.5 hours, and will definitely read again.
Absolutely my favorite series. Excellent world building and wonderful character development. Highly recommend, though I‘m not sure I agree with calling them YA, as there are some incredibly sexy scenes.
Just finished reading this series and I cannot praise it enough. Admittedly it starts off a little slow, and I didn‘t really find myself getting fully immersed in it until the 3rd book. By the end I had fallen in love so completely with all the characters that I didn‘t want it to end. A really well told story with excellent character development, interesting plot twists, and some very steamy love scenes. Loved it!