Christine, I teared up when I opened your card. Thank you, my precious friend, for these beautiful pictures. This is so special and I‘m so grateful to know you 💚 I‘ll be making some sort of collage to hang on the wall with these! @TheBookHippie
Christine, I teared up when I opened your card. Thank you, my precious friend, for these beautiful pictures. This is so special and I‘m so grateful to know you 💚 I‘ll be making some sort of collage to hang on the wall with these! @TheBookHippie
On my #Litsyversary celebrating seven years here, I want to say thank you to this community. It is so special to be part of this group. I treasure the friendships I‘ve made here. Thank you for encouraging me, not just in my reading—and I‘ve read A LOT of books I probably wouldn‘t have otherwise—but through life‘s ups and downs. I love you all! Here‘s to continuing to read and grow together ❤️
Just have to add one more post to thank all of my sweet #Litsy and #LitsyLove friends for the many cards, gifts, emails, messages, bookmarks, stickers, wishes and ❤️ you sent me for my birthday. You have made my day, month and year more special than you know and I am so blessed to have you in my life.
Captured this off of an Instagram ad. I don‘t watch the Golden Girls (say whaaat?!?), but I know there are littens who would enjoy this relatable #tbrtuesday meme.
Im so excited! My order from Urban Outfitters came! I got this book and playing card set for 50% plus i had rewards so it was around $11!!!
So this happened today, thanks to Littens near and far! Thank you for your kindnesses and all the sweet comments and likes
There are so many things that I am thankful for but a special thanks to all you Littens for the friendship!
I want to take a second today to tell all my Litsy friends how thankful I am for all of your good humor, friendship, positive energy, and support. I‘m glad about losing my job but I‘m still having a raft of anxiety about it. I get to live life as I‘ve dreamed, instead of suffering for the wages of capitalism. I‘m looking forward to more time with my family, new recipes, new opportunities, and lots of books.
Woot! @Kaye #50k
1. Carter
2. Cinco de Mayo!
3. Sunday's child is full of Grace (*snort*)
4. 2002
5. 99 Red Balloons
6. Seven For a Secret by Victoria Holt.
7. 20
8. 5
9. 0 (it's on my keychain)
10. 29 that I can remember.
451 characters is not enough to explain how happy I am, so I wrote a haiku:
Tales of girls, wolves, snow
Rainbow chocolate teddy hearts
Litsy #Valentine
Thank you @Liatrek for your creativity and generosity. You really made my day!
Thanks also to @Avanders @BookBabe and @MrBook for organizing such a lovely party!
Well, I'm back! Thank you to @BooksTeasAndBookishThings @Lacythebookworm and all you other groovy people for the gentle nudges. Happy to be back! What have I missed, besides you guys? This stack is my current situation. 💜☕️🍿
10,000!!!!!!!!! Amazing! Thank you guys for all the love! Book people ARE the best people! I was able to get 9,999 and 10,000 on the dot. I‘m good. #LitsyLove
#RiotGrams, Day 4: Today's prompt is "current read." I just got back from a trip to Print Bookstore, which involved sitting in a lot of traffic, so I'm going to ease my brain back into the day with some Golden Girls wisdom and thorough slayer knowledge. ❤️???
FYI _ My trusty old camera is still dating things 2005 from when I bought it LOL I can't figure the date thing out and got it to weird dates in 2017 I was trying to get it to do the date I took them for you ... I just recently took it out of storage started taking pics again and caught these lovely birds for you. I'm so glad you like them. I know you miss your parents terribly. I hope this gave you joy! XXOO 2y