I'm behind on posting these, but here are books 12, 13, and 14 from my bookish holiday calendar! 🤭💕📚
❤️ Journey to the Centre of the Earth by Jules Verne
💚 Vanity Fair by W.M. Thackeray
❤️ The Hound of the Baskervilles
I'm behind on posting these, but here are books 12, 13, and 14 from my bookish holiday calendar! 🤭💕📚
❤️ Journey to the Centre of the Earth by Jules Verne
💚 Vanity Fair by W.M. Thackeray
❤️ The Hound of the Baskervilles
First day of October and I‘m starting my Q4 Chunk! Hoping to finish this by the end of November so I can squeeze in 1 more classic or non-fiction before the end of the year.
@Kelly326 @Amiable
Birthday book haul! I‘m a little late posting…I was waiting for my new Tracey Crosswhite to be delivered! Excited about these!
I've finally finished Vanity Fair!
It was a bit wordy at times, but overall a great book with fantastic character studies and a fitting ending.
As usual, thanks for the daily posts @BarkingMadRead and all the comments and insights #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade I loved reading this with all of you 💕
I'd been wanting to read this book for a long time and I'm glad I finally got around to it, as I loved the story and the writing! Many thanks to @BarkingMadRead and the #PemberLittens #HashtagBrigade for motivating me to keep going with this doorstopper of a book!
#BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks
#SummerEndReadathon @TheSpineView
#RushAthon @DieAReader @Andrew65 @GHABI4ROSES
It was a love affair from the start for me! Thank you #hashtagbrigade for making all my days so fun
Overall, I enjoyed this long listen. It has some really entertaining sections, several cliffhangers, and also some ridiculously long sections. I was often amused by the narrator‘s asides to the reader and some incredibly odd name choices. All the main characters annoyed me at times, but I was fully invested in their stories as well.
@BarkingMadRead Thanks for another great #PemberLittens #HashtagBrigade readalong!
#audiobook #1001books
“All is vanity, nothing is fair.“ After 912 pages and 67 chapters, that pretty much is the main theme. I can see why this is Thackeray's masterpiece as he scathingly criticizes the norms in early 19th-century England between rich vs. poor, women vs. men, religion vs. non-religion ... nobody is immune from his satire. A different type of narrator, too, where you felt like he was addressing you personally for a LONG story. ⬇️
IYKYK ☠️☠️
What do you think?
Ch 67: wrapped up in a bow #everyonedies #oknoteveryone #beckystoleallofJosmoney #diedapauper #dobbinfinallymarriesdobbin #georgyandrawdyarefriends #theyalmostallliveHEA #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
Ch 66: what just happened? #beckymovesin #dobbinmovesout #hehasfinallyhadenough #poorgeorgy #poordobbin #ameliamessedup #beckyishorrible #josisridiculous #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade #DOBBIN
Ch 65: Becky is at it again 🙄 #Josfellforit #Dobbindidnot #Ameliawavered #butletsbereal #shefellforit #staytuned #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
Ch 64: a little Becky history, since we saw her last #gambling #stealing #cheating #deaththreats #butdowecare 🤷🏻♀️ #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade (this is the other movie Becky 🤣)
Ch 63: #blahblahblah royalty #blahblahblah gambling #blahblahblah BECKY! 🙄 #shesbaaaaack #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
Ch 62: everyone goes abroad #seriously #alloflondon #aredobbinandemmygettingcloser #staytuned #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
Ch 61: Mr Osborne passes away #hefinallyacceptedamelia #toobadshefoundoutafterhedied #andnowsheknowsevenmore #poordobbin #nowshesacceptabletosociety 🙄 #georgylivesathomeagain #bullockisstillanass #staytuned #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
Ch 60: Amelia settles in with Jos #poordobbin #osbornestillsucks #dobbinputsgeorgyinhisplace #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
Ch 59: Jos is back 🙄 and the true giver of the piano is discovered #poordobbin #georgewasnevergoodenough #andyetshestillworshipshim #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade #bangingitout #letsgiterdone
A question….. we have 8 chapters left and two days in the month. Do we want to bang this out, reading another chapter today, 3 tomorrow, and then finishing it on Thursday? Or do we want to stick with the two a day and go into September? #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
Ch 57-58: that moment we‘ve all been waiting for! #whatajourney #DOBBIN #notquitewhatihopedfor #theresstilltime #notmanychaptersleft #putonyourbigboypants #stopmakingassumptions #marrythatgirl #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
Ch 55-56: tell me that I‘m not the only one reading these chapters and wondering where the heck #DOBBIN is?!? #anyway #noduel #steynestrikesagain #beckyisoffsomewhere #janefinallystandsuptopitt #bravo #rawdonisofftocoventryisland #whatcouldgowrong #georgyishellaspoiled #justwhenyougiveuphope #DOBBIN #staytuned #iwanttokeepreading #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
Ch 53-54: Rawdon challenges Steyne to a duel 😳 #wesawthatcoming #rawdonsendsbeckyanotefromjail #beckysaysshewillmaybecometomorrow #rawdonwritestopitt #janerushesover #rawdongetssurprisedathome #steyneplannedthewholething #rawdonkicksbeckyout #theservantsgowild #staytuned #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
Ch 51-52: #blahblahblahbecky #blahblahblahcharades #byebyebriggs #byebyerawdy #blahblahblahjail #ooops #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigqde #DOBBIN
Ch 49-50: this was not the glimpse of Amelia I was hoping for! #beckyisstillawful #wormingherwayintosociety #emmysdadisruined #icannotbelieveshegaveupgeorgy #sofrustrated #whereisdobbin #ireallythoughthewouldsavetheday #DOBBIN #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
Ch 47-48: aka #thebeckyshow #sheshorrible #wheresdobbin #DOBBIN #haveimentionedbeckyishorrible #DOBBINNNNNNN #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
Ch 45-46: y‘all. I searched for Georgy pics and these came up 🤣 I feel like he is more like Louis though! #anyway #beckyisstillhorrid #ameliaisoffendedbyosbornesoffer #but #iworrythatnowshewillgivein #herparentssuck #wheresdobbin #DOBBIN #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
Ch 43-44: Glorvina throws herself at Dobbin and the Crawleys celebrate Christmas together #dobbinisNIOTmarried #maybeameliais 😳 #dobbinisonhisway 🤞🏻🤞🏻 #beckyisworsethanever #makingmovesonpitt #borrowingagainsthisname #whatcoulsgowrong #merrychristmas 🎅🏼 #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
#pemberlittens 2 chapters a day of this rollicking ride of a novel make my day ❤️❤️ I‘m going to go down a rabbit hole of mini series when we are finished it so I can relive every hilarious soap opera minute ( reading on my kindle I have no idea, really, where we are logistically in it, last third-ish?)
Ch 41-42: we visit the Crawleys and the Osbornes. My book had no drawings for either chapter, so here is Becky and Rawdon from the BBC series 🤣 #beckywinseveryoneover #evensouthdown #fredtriestoswindleosborne #heisnotsuccessful #karmaallaround #osbornewontlethisdaughtermarry #wtf #everyoneismiserable #exceptgeorgy #staytuned #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
Ch 39-40: Pitt passes away #somuchdrama #thebutesarebroke #pretendingtohavemoney #gottamarryoffthosegirls #missribbonswantspittsjewels #hehidthemaway #butecatcheshertryingtostealthem #peaceoutbetsy #pittjrtakesover #theresthatbackbone #beckyisfinallyinvitedover #staytuned #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
Ch 37-38: in which we meet the babies, who are growing up…. #poorrawdonisneglectedbybecky #iloverawdonandrawdontogether #rawdonandgeorgymeet #socute #georgyisspoiled #thatpoisonstorythough ☠️🤣 #dobbinsendsallthethings #butishegettingmarried #andemmyisjealous 😳 #staytuned #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade #almostforgot #karmafrommisscrawley
Ch 37-38: in which we meet the babies, who are growing up…. #poorrawdonisneglectedbybecky #iloverawdonandrawdontogether #rawdonandgeorgymeet #socute #georgyisspoiled #thatpoisonstorythough ☠️🤣 #dobbinsendsallthethings #butishegettingmarried #andemmyisjealous 😳 #staytuned #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade #almostforgot #karmafrommisscrawley 🤣🤣🤣
Ch 37-38: in which we meet the babies, who are growing up…. #poorrawdonisneglectedbybecky #iloverawdonandrawdontogether #rawdonandgeorgymeet #socute #georgyisspoiled #thatpoisonstorythough ☠️🤣 #dobbinsendsallthethings #butishegettingmarried #andemmyisjealous 😳 #staytuned #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade #almostforgot #karmafrommisscrawley 🤣🤣🤣
Ch 37-38: in which we meet the babies, who are growing up…. #poorrawdonisneglectedbybecky #iloverawdonandrawdontogether #rawdonandgeorgymeet #socute #georgyisspoiled #thatpoisonstorythough ☠️🤣 #dobbinsendsallthethings #butishegettingmarried #andemmyisjealous 😳 #staytuned #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade #almostforgot #karmafrommisscrawley
Ch 37-38: in which we meet the babies, who are growing up…. #poorrawdonisneglectedbybecky #iloverawdonandrawdontogether #rawdonandgeorgymeet #socute #georgyisspoiled #thatpoisonstorythough ☠️🤣 #dobbinsendsallthethings #butishegettingmarried #andemmyisjealous 😳 #staytuned #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade #almostforgot #karmafrommisscrawley 🤣🤣🤣
Ch 35-36: after the war…. #wherearetheynow #osborneisanass #disownshisgrandchild #hatesamelia #bothladieshavesons #ameliadotes #beckyignores #dobbinspoilsgeorgy #thecrawleysgambleforaliving #runoutontheirdebts #hopingformisscrawleysmoney #staytuned #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
Ch 33-34: y‘all. I have so much to say. #lilpittsucksuptomisscrawley #misscrawleylovesjane #obviouslybutemustsendherownson #jimisafavorite #until #pittmakeshimlooklikeanalcoholic #soproud #thepipedidnthelp #peaceoutjim ✌️ #beckyisthetoastofparis #alsoamom #thatsterrifying #misscrawleylosesher 💩 #pittmarriesjane #theyhavetolivewithcrawley #janesmomrulesthemall #didimissanything #whew #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
Ch 31-32: y‘all. Just when you think Becky can‘t get any worse…. #josisuseless #readytorun #beckyandthosehorses #ladybareacrescouldntgetthem #mademegiggle #thewwyshetreatedamelia #ameliafinalltstooduptobecky #soproud #WHATisinthatletter #ihopewefindout #georgeissafe #untilheisnt #josrunsforit #staytuned #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
Ch 29-30: war is one big party, until it isn‘t #georgeisapig #beckyisatemptress #pooramelia #crawleyissurprisinglysweet #thewaractuallystarts #staytuned #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
Ch 27-28: Amelia meets the regiment! #mrsjenningsvibes #snobbypeople #josiseverywhere #everyonelovesemmy #welltheboysdoanyway #beckyhasarrived #emmyisnthappyaboutthat #hmmmm #staytuned #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
Ch 25-26: George is disowned and Miss Crawley doesn‘t miss a thing #georgeisbroke #heactssadforemmy #ohpuhlease #georgeissadforgeorge #butefinallyleaves #beckytriestomakeamove #misscrawleyseesrightthroughher #shetricksthemall #ilovethatoldbird #whenwillthatpeskyoldwarstart #staytuned #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
Ch 23-24: the men prepare for war #theosbornesallknow #thesistersareokwithit #bullockiadoublingdownformoremoney #osbornedisownsgeorge #dobbinfeelsguilty #staytuned #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
Ch 21-22: George‘s family tries to push Ms Swartz on him but he won‘t have it #poorAmelia #sheisbetteroffwithouthim #andsotheymarry #shorthoneymoon #beckyistherestalkingmisscrawley #notcreepyatall #wartime #staytuned #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade