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The Nomination
The Nomination: A Novel of Suspense | William G. Tapply
14 posts
The Nomination is a fast-paced action and suspense thriller that brings events from the final days of the Vietnam War into direct conflict with contemporary American politics. Vietnam War hero and Massachusetts Judge Thomas Larrigan is hand-picked by his friend the president to fill the upcoming vacancy on the Supreme Court. Larrigan seems like the perfect candidate: a family man with an uncontroversial judicial record. The presidents credibility needs a sure bet. Larrigan will do anything to win the nomination, but he has some old skeletons rattling around in his closet. He calls his old Marine buddy, now a hit man, to sweep the closet clean. But there are a few skeletons Larrigan doesnt know are still alive. The Nomination is the story of how lives can intersect in deception, desperation, revelation, death, and, ultimately, redemption.
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Loved seeing everyone's nominations for #camplitsy24 and here are mine. Focused on books in translation for my picks. Thanks again for hosting @BarbaraBB @Megabooks @squirrelbrain ! 📚🏕️

batsy Under the Storm 5mo
batsy A Woman of Pleasure 5mo
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batsy Verdigris 5mo
BarbaraBB Wow. I love Scandinavian thrillers, I enjoyed The End of Eddy and I am a sucker for Japanese fiction… I need to stack at least three of your choices! 5mo
TrishB That Change is going to be 🥲 isn‘t it…. 5mo
squirrelbrain I was looking forward to your choices and now I need to read them all! 😃 5mo
Ruthiella These all sound great. I would love to have a mystery on the shortlist. I also really appreciated (but was also horrified by) 5mo
Cathythoughts These all look good ♥️ ♥️♥️ 5mo
Cathythoughts Under The Storm … I‘m getting that one 👍🏻♥️ 5mo
TheKidUpstairs These look so good. I'm especially intrigued by A Woman of Pleasure and Verdigris. Stacking both! 5mo
Megabooks I knew I could count on you for some very cool choices! Thanks! 5mo
batsy @BarbaraBB I need to read the End of Eddy! And happy to be of service for our favourite types of books 😁 5mo
batsy @TrishB Definitely seems like it 😢 5mo
batsy @Cathythoughts He has a previous book that I'm also interested to check out 💜 5mo
batsy @TheKidUpstairs Yes, those two feel like must reads! Such interesting concepts. 5mo
batsy @Megabooks Thank you 😁 5mo
Cathythoughts I‘ve ordered Under The Storm 👍🏻 I‘m stacking Blaze ❤️ 5mo
batsy @Cathythoughts Fab! Look forward to your thoughts (you'll definitely read it before I do 😁) 5mo
Cathythoughts I started Blaze … I love those Swedish names. So far so good 👍🏻❤️ 5mo
batsy @Cathythoughts Very nice. Hope it maintains the quality till the end 💜 5mo
sarahbarnes I love this list! Thanks for adding to my TBR. 😁 (edited) 5mo
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Repost for @Soubhiville

#AuthorAMonth readers (and anyone else who is interested)

It‘s time to nominate authors for next year‘s reading list!

I will build the poll in 2-3 weeks. Nominate anyone you‘d like, but I‘ll remove all authors we‘ve already read from the poll list.

Authors can write any genre, but must have several books published.

I‘m looking forward to seeing who you suggest!

Soubhiville Thanks for reposting! 11mo
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This stuff is organized by @InLibrisVeritas — please post your nominations on her original post!

It's time for nominations #BBBBC! It's time for our first Sci-fi pick of 2019! 1 nomination per person! No sequels unless standalone! Must be available in ebook and paperback! Deadline is Feb, 3rd! I will start voting ASAP so we can buy the book ahead of time if we want.

InLibrisVeritas Thank you for the share! 💚 6y
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It's time for nominations #BBBBC! It's time for our first Sci-fi pick of 2019!

1 nomination per person! No sequels unless standalone! Must be available in ebook and paperback! Deadline is Feb, 3rd! I will start voting ASAP so we can buy the book ahead of time if we want.

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BookwormAHN Okay, so I may be the only one who hasn't read this but how about 6y
daena I realized my first choice was more of the steampunk genre. I deleted that nomination and went with another book I have on my TBR. 6y
TheSpineView I really want to read The Fifth Wave but it comes in at 512 pages so.... instead Old Man's War by John Scalzi 6y
daena @TheSpineView that sounds great too! 6y
bookandcat Sleeping Giants, Old Man's War, Space Opera all sound good to me too! The 5th Wave sounds good too and is a YA book so is probably a quicker read. (BTW I've already read The Martian and highly recommend it.) 6y
MeganAnn @Laughterhp that one sounds quite good! I‘ve already read Sleeping Giants and enjoyed it. I nominate: 6y
BethM I‘d love to join in on this! I nominate 6y
RainyDayReading If length isn‘t a factor (because it‘s a little long) I‘ll throw Leviathan Wakes into the mix as well because....it sounds good and why not haha. 6y
AnneFindsJoy Lots of good books nominated already, but I‘ll add 6y
RJHowe I would think Space Opera might be a good choice 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @BookwormAHN That‘s a great book, I‘d definitely reread that one anytime. 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @daena Are you the one that originally posted about The Black God‘s Drums and them removed it? If so, it‘s on kindle sale today for $1.99 in the US if you are interested (& in the US). 6y
daena @Riveted_Reader_Melissa I did! But later realized it don‘t fit the sci-fi genre. But I do have it on my kindle! Thanks! 6y
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So if we are going to have something to read in Jan/Feb I should probably get things rolling 😅

It's time for nominations #BBBBC! We are starting 2019 with Fantasy! (Our novella unintentionally kept with our pattern).

1 nomination per person! No sequels unless standalone! Must be available in ebook and paperback! Deadline is Dec. 10th! I will start voting ASAP so we can buy the book ahead of time if we want.

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Angeles The poppy war 6y
LittleBug Maybe something by Brandon Sanderson? Such as 6y
TheSpineView I have several on my TBR list. The Novice, The Queen of the Tearling, Huntress, Throne of Glass, and Carve the Mark 6y
TheSpineView @LittleBug This would be a good one. 6y
daena This a standalone title. Been wanting to read it for a long time. 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @BookwormAHN I loved that series, so much fun. 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa Spinning Silver....or if that‘s too new for people to easily request, maybe Uprooted 6y
daena @Riveted_Reader_Melissa I know I nominated already, but I would love to read uprooted or spinning silver. Both are sitting on my shelf begging to be read. 6y
daena @LittleBug I feel the same way about mistborn. 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @daena Yep I have Mistborn and Spinning Silver waiting for me already, but knowing me I‘m sure I‘ll be adding a bunch of the nominees to me TBR wish list too. 6y
TheSpineView @Riveted_Reader_Melissa I have Spinning Silver and Uprooted on my TBR list also. No matter how hard I try the list only expands. You would think it should shrink every once in a while. 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @TheSpineView Nope, I‘m always adding faster than I read, descriptions are shorter to read than books....and Litsy hasn‘t helped at all with that! LOL 6y
daena @TheSpineView @Riveted_Reader_Melissa it‘s never ending isn‘t it! Right there with you! 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa I think you‘d like this group @Gezemice 6y
Gezemice @Riveted_Reader_Melissa Oh, so cool, thank you, Melissa! Lovely! What a great group! We wanted to read Mistborn in January, didn‘t we? (edited) 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa Yes. We actually got 2 votes if you see the other post I tagged you in. I did vote for them as one of my 2 votes. Figuring if it win I could read it for both this group and with you and if not, I‘d read it with you when you got around to it anyway. 6y
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LibrarianRyan Yeahhhhh. Thank you. 6y
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Today I started reading through nominations and I wanted to address a concern about "favorite Litten" being a popularity contest. First off, all these awards are a popularity contest. Secondly, as the person who wrote this, the idea was to share to users and others great people to follow. There are quite a few people who were nominated that I haven't seen and I am excited to look them up. I see it no differently than when we welcome a new ??

LibrarianRyan Person and suggest people to follow. It's about building a community of bookish people, not voting for the school bully. Next month @BarbaraTheBibliophage and I are going to do a Littens Awards with categories like Cats of Litsy or Best Food Pic. Once again to share with the community as a whole what amazing people are here. As always voting is optional and so is nominations. Please take this "event" in the fun spirit that is intended. 7y
KOTK Whilst I would love to nominate I am so slow that it is 2018 and beyond before I get to any books from 2017 unless it's one I have been dying for. Am I just being weird or slow? (edited) 7y
GypsyKat I can never choose a favorite anything, much less a person! But I do agree with you that we should focus more on Litsy as a community more than anything else. 7y
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LibrarianRyan @KOTK neither. I am the same way. 7y
benchley1 @KOTK same. I think i read about 5 books from this year of my nearly 110 read. 7y
KOTK @benchley1 @LibrarianRyan phew. Glad it is not just me. The "to read" list gets bigger every year! Loving this new app as adding books daily. Just need to find a way to not have to work 7y
LeahBergen I am such a backlist reader that I‘m not sure if I read ANY books published in 2017. 😂😂 7y
ValerieAndBooks @LeahBergen agree with you 😂! So I ended up not voting at all. 7y
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@LibrarianRyan is brilliant, and is organizing the #LitsyAwards 🏆

I am clearly not so much a ‘new release‘ kind of girl... I‘ve read 187 books so far this year, and only 11 of them were published in 2017. Still, some of them were very good, and I made a few nominations!

BarbaraTheBibliophage I‘m with you - always late to the party! But I had a few to contribute as well. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻📚📚📚 7y
Yeah_I_Read Daaaammmmnnnnn 187?!?! No wonder your brain is sprained 😂😂😂. Jk that‘s AMAZING!! 7y
sprainedbrain @Yeah_I_Read You‘re not wrong though... 😂 7y
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RealBooks4ever I've put in my nominations! Thanks for the heads-up! 💜 7y
2BR02B Yasss! After seeing the GR Awards, I was just thinking how we needed this. As we all know, Littens have fantastic taste. 😁 7y
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Hey Littens! @LibrarianRyan is hosting Litsy Book Awards 2017. Go to the Google Form below and nominate your favorite books published in 2017. You also have the chance to nominate your favorite author on Litsy and your favorite Litten. Nominations must be submitted by Dec 9th, and then the voting will begin!


LeahBergen 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 7y
CouronneDhiver Cool! I‘ve got to remember to check it out when I get home from work tonight 7y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @CouronneDhiver Here‘s your reminder to check it out! (Hopefully it‘s not too late at night.) 😘 7y
CouronneDhiver Ha! Great timing. I just hopped on the bus to commute home (I‘m on afternoon shift) 👍🏽 7y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @CouronneDhiver Awesome - I wasn‘t sure what time zone you‘re in! 😎😎 7y
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I wanted to add the categories for nomination into the graphic. Use the link below to nominate in one or all the categories.


Nominations open until Saturday, December 9.

Some more news, @BarbaraTheBibliophage and I are going to host the Litten Awards in January 2018. More on that later to come. I need her brain to think up categories, and brainstorm other ideas. Thank you so much Barbara.

LibrarianRyan Please include authors in nominations when possible. 7y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Yay!! I‘ll put my creative thinking cap on! 7y
Kalalalatja Good idea! 7y
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Simona 👏👏👏👍Cool 😎 7y
eraderneely I love that you‘re doing this, but for those of us who read a lot of nonfiction it‘s hard to only have one category. Could we at least have a separate memoir/biography category? 7y
Oryx Excellent idea. 7y
Oryx I like the first rule. Must have read the book ☺️ 7y
LibrarianRyan @eraderneely I will next time. Just go in again and add another. 7y
hermyknee This is such a great idea! 7y
kamoorephoto Sooo do we have to campaign to be favorite Litten to follow?! (I‘m so kidding) 😹😹😹😹 7y
LibrarianRyan @kamoorephoto 😁. Not this round. Maybe when Barbara and I do the Litten awards in January. 7y
kamoorephoto I don‘t want to say! I have lots of favorites!! You‘re all my chums! 7y
OSChamberlain I just made my nominations for the few categories I‘ve read this year, plus my favorite litten 😁 7y
RaimeyGallant This is such a great idea. I see it getting really big in the years to come. 7y
LibrarianRyan @RaimeyGallant insert home alone scream meme here. 😁 7y
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@LibrarianRyan is doing her own #LitsyAwards! Follow the link below and nominate. Please only nominate books you have read 🤗 I am so interested to see how these compare to the goodreads winners!


LibrarianRyan Thanks. For future reference, her own. Blame my parents. 7y
MinDea @LibrarianRyan So sorry! I fixed it. 🤗 7y
LibrarianRyan @MinDea cool beans. Happens ALL the time. I only correct it because it causes problems. 7y
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MinDea @LibrarianRyan I am glad you did! Thank you! I am so loving this idea! 7y
mcipher What a neat idea! 7y
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We had 20 nominations for December‘s book - A Book Published This Year. Use link below to rank each book from 1-5 with 1 being the book you least want to read and 5 the book you most want to read. Descriptions of the books are included in the survey.



kamoorephoto Several on my TBR and owned, and I have a definite #5 on there! I didn‘t give it to my ‘read‘ book though, so it wouldn‘t get picked, even though I loved it... 7y
kamoorephoto @AngieR @Acgamble88 Check this out, if you want to join in with a read... 7y
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We had 21 nominations for September's book - A Book Published Before You Were Born. Use link below to rank each book from 1-5 with 1 being the book you least want to read and 5 the book you most want to read. Descriptions of the books are included in the survey.


SoniaC Some great choices. Can't wait for the big reveal! 7y
Read4life Voted. Some really good selections and many on my #tbr 7y
MyBookLife Voted! Exciting to see which book it will be!! 7y
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Velvetfur Voting done! 👍😊 7y
BarbaraBB ✔️ 7y
Graciouswarriorprincess Voted! Great choices. 7y
tpixie Oh my! Apparently I want to read almost all of them!! ✅ 7y
cajunsyd Done, they all look great and many I have already read! 7y
Peddler410 Is there a way to see all the nominations? I missed that vote and I'm just curious 🙂 7y
Bookworm83 @Peddler410 Usually I put them on our website, but I had technical issues this month and had to bail on it. I'm sorry about that! If you go to the last nominations post you can see them. 7y
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We are still taking nominations for next month's book..."A Book Published Before You Were Born." We've had 8 excellent nominations, but would love to get some more before we vote. Anyone can nominate by tagging the book in the comments below or on our previous post. Thank you all!

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tpixie I've never heard of this before Goodreads 3.57 7y
tpixie I've always wanted to read 7y
Pasaal West With the Night/Beryl Markham 7y
SoniaC Got some great options. I'd like to add 7y
SoniaC Another thought is 7y
mommyincolortv Go Ask Alice by Beatrice Sparks (1971) 7y
tpixie @concreterosereads5889 is that the same Go Ask Alice as by Anonymous ?? ( teenage drugs?) I know there is a theory about who the author really is. Great book of my teens! (edited) 7y
Theresa Hmm... I'm on vacation & away from my TBR pile which is where I usually draw inspiration for nominations, so I'm relying on Google. How about 7y
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