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Love Hacked
Love Hacked: A Reluctant Romance | Penny Reid
22 posts | 43 read | 12 to read
There are three things you need to know about Sandra Fielding: 1) She makes all her first dates cry, 2) She hasn't been kissed in over two years, and 3) She knows how to knit. Sandra has difficulty removing her psychotherapist hat. Of her last 30 dates, 29 have ended the same way: the man sobbing uncontrollably. After one such disaster, Sandra--near desperation and maybe a little tipsy--gives in to a seemingly harmless encounter with her hot waiter, Alex. Argumentative, secretive, and hostile Alex may be the opposite of everything Sandra knows is right for her. But now, the girl who has spent all her life helping others change for the better, must find a way to cope with falling for someone who refuses to change at all.
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Another enjoyable read by Reid! Sandra and Alex were a complicated but combustible pair. I love how Reid creates situations that keep a series going, but also make it so each book is not only enjoyable, but unique. All that‘s left to say is ‘uhhhh, zing!‘ (IYKYK).


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Let‘s get book 3 started immediately, mostly because it‘s no longer free on Audible as of September 16. #currentlylistening

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Book 44

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Cute cover 💛❤️ 3y
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My hold just came in on this one-so, I am reading this series out of order. I will survive.

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Got my #BlindBookDate from @thereadingwomen 🎊 I‘m so excited! Gus was pretty enthusiastic about it too! (Never mind that getting the mail is one of his favorite activities, lol) @kdwinchester and @autumnprivett did an amazing job picking out a book for me. A whimsical 18th century gothic adventure featuring a bold female protagonist? Yes please!!! And, it‘s a completely new-to-me author. My book senses are tingling...this could be a new favorite!

SledgeReader Great book! Adorable Gus!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️🐶 6y
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This has been my favorite “Knitting in the City” adventure so far. Sandra is funny and amazingly adorable. I can totally see why she is someone everyone is “a little in love with.” And Alex, dear, sweet, irascible Alex, I just want to tackle him and make friends with him against his “better” judgment! And does anyone know if there is a short story somewhere showing how Thomas falls in love? I need to read that story! NEED I say!

JoRead I have a few of her books on my TBR because I keep hearing good things about them but I haven't had a chance to read them! I really need to remedy that soon 6y
julesG Can't remember Thomas coming up in any of the other books in the series. I guess he'd be a good candidate for the series with the professors. 6y
CoffeeK8 Loved this book! And as far as I know, Thomas doesn‘t have his own book. 6y
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Been busy getting ready for a craft show next month and not reading as much. Glad I took a day yesterday for another Penny Reid title.


I found this difficult to read/get into. Situation didn't seem anyway believable to me

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4.5 🌟 - It was funny, quirky and I Loved the hero - he sent me all aflutter with the feels a few times! (That's probably not a proper sentence - but I'm going with it)

🎧#audiobook 📖 #OSRBC 📚 #Romantsy


Heroine trying to convince herself that she can do no-strings sex: “I can copulate without comeuppance”

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It's the story of Sandra, who has tried to find the right guy for over two years now, making her dates cry and sending them running every other Friday. And of Alex, who is a sexy waiter in his early twenties and hence can only be a ONS.
At first I thought, this story couldn't be as good as Janie and Quinn's (Neanderthal seeks Human), but it's equally lovely, cute, romantic, sexy and funny.

#romantsy #romance #smartromance

DGRachel Sandra and her crying dates! I love her so much. 7y
MrBook Great review! 7y
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Texreader Love it!! 7y
Bambolina_81 Great quote and so true 😂 7y
silentrequiem 😂 Hahaha! 7y
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This book remains on my mind because it made me think about stuff. It made me rethink age differences in relationships when the woman is older; fantastic things happening to regular people; the chance of so many amazing things happening to a small group of knitters... The book bluntly showed me that sometimes I'm hypocritical. It's a book that made me feel strange for a number of reasons and I feel like I should rethink my life.

MrBook Nice review! 7y
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Another good book by Penny Reid. I love, love, love Sandra. I just wish Alex didn't have quite such a temper, as it did make me a little uncomfortable. There was no physical violence, so no trigger warning, but there were just a few moments that made me cringe. Sandra, though, may be my favorite of the knitting group. I adore her and she and Alex are adorable together.

CoffeeK8 Of all of her books, I think this might be my least favorite... I had a couple minor issues with Alex too. That being said, this was still a really fun read! (edited) 7y
mcipher This series sounds like so much fun! 7y
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Just under 15 hours logged for #24in48. Kind of disappointed, but not bad, all things considered. Still have about an hour left to go in this book, but it's already past my bedtime. 😴😴😴

GAustin Solid 👊 7y
TrishB Well done 🎉🎉 7y
Kalalalatja 👏👏👏 7y
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Graciouswarriorprincess Fabulous!👍🏻👏🏻 7y
GypsyKat Congrats! 👏👏👏 7y
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#hour24 of #24in48 #readathon and I've managed almost 8 1\u002 hours despite not feeling my best. But, rather than snacks and more reading, this lady is heading for bed. Good night, Littens!

Jinjer Feel better! 7y
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I wasn't sure what I would think about this book. I am in love with Penny Reid because she's written one of my all time favorite characters. Sandra, the main character of Love Hacked, is featured in the books preceding this one in the series. I saw characteristics I wasn't interested in but Love Hacked opened her up, developed her so that I saw what I didn't care for and so much more that I came to appreciate in her character.


Really enjoyed this wonderful book! The writing is so funny and smart and the couple has an unusual but charming path to their HEA. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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So, I am a knitter, and I listen to books while I knit... It's a perfect combo! This series of books thrill me for several reasons. They include characters who lust over yarn AND the stories are funny with intriguing characters!! I had never heard of bitcoins, but now have learned something new! Great author Penny Reid and great narrator Devra Woodward!

MrBook Here you go, @BookBabe ! 8y
MyBookLife I like to knit!! But I love to crochet ❤️ Right now I'm doing doilies in different patterns and sizes, I tried to filet for the first time yesterday. It is so much fun! I am now trying to find pixelated bookish pictures. Do you know of any? What are you doing? 8y
Bethsh I do mostly scarves and baby blankets... LOVE yarn!!! 8y
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Sue Knitters unite!! I crochet too, I hope that doesn't get me kicked out of the club. 8y
Lauramag I knit also , socks at the moment 👍🏻 8y
Imagineannie I like it that you say "whilst." It makes me feel that the world is a better place. 8y
AmandaL Love knitting! I've been on a knitting bender for the last couple of weeks, making toys. 8y
kspenmoll Love to knit but just basics: scarves, hats/ relaxing & love the sensory experience - 8y
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Not my favorite in this series, but I did love this section where they went to a recording of "Wait Wait...Don't Tell Me" and really glad that I actually know and understand what that means- oh Peter Sagal ?

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