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Let Me In
Let Me In | John Ajvide Lindqvist
In the aftermath of the bizarre murder of a local bully, 12-year-old Oskar theorizes that the killing was an act of revenge and wonders about the nighttime activities of a new next-door neighbor, in a first novel that is the basis for the forthcoming movie. Reprint. Movie tie-in.
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Let the Right One In | John Ajvide Lindqvist
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Characters were well created but hard to relate to. Oskar was my favorite character but I was just bored when I read from other characters POVs.

For me horror is something that should made me feel scared & thrilled but this was pretty boring. This was more about characters' miserable lives than something else.

The last part of the book was more thrilling but I struggled with the most of the pages.


TheSpineView 🤩📖📚 11mo
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Let the Right One In | John Ajvide Lindqvist
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@wanderinglynn I can‘t even begin to tell you how found this box was to open. I loved everything about it and the fact you found some of these books amazes me. Thank you so much. #HauntedHollowSwap. Pumpkin 🎃🖤

wanderinglynn So glad you like it! Happy reading! 🎃🖤👻🧡 12mo
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Let the Right One In | John Ajvide Lindqvist
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Happy #JolabokaflodSwap

Thank you so much @Ericalambbrown !!! You went above and beyond with the books and goodies. Yes, that book definitely is the “right one”, lol, so no worries! I‘ve been so looking forward to reading it and watching the new show it‘s based on. And such decadent chocolate with fruit! I will have a wonderful night of reading and eating treats, thank you 😊 🍫📚🎄

Ericalambbrown Yay!!! Happy Jólabókaflóð to you! I really hope you like the chocolate. It‘s such a wonderful, fair trade sourced company. The chocolatier has a real talent! 2y
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Let the Right One In | John Ajvide Lindqvist
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At the theatre. Apparently there's a risk of blood splatter in the first row. Not quite sure what I'll think of this one - but I did like the book and film.

TrishB Oh interesting! That looks good, I liked book and film too. 2y
MicheleinPhilly Do they warn first row ticket holders in advance? I‘d be showing up in my rattiest sweats. 2y
Oryx @TrishB it was good. From what I remember very close to the book and film. Would recommend. 2y
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Oryx @MicheleinPhilly yes, they sent an email. Luckily we weren't in the front row 🧛‍♀️ 2y
andrew61 I hope you enjoy. I saw it a few weeks ago and thought it was excellent, a very hard conceptto get right on stage. I've only seen the original film but plan to read the book soon after watching the play. 2y
Oryx @andrew61 thought it was great. The final big scene in the pool was done so well. I expected them to change that. The Royal Exchange is a great venue, isn't it? I always enjoy going there. 2y
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Let Me In | John Ajvide Lindqvist
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I didn‘t love this book; I didn‘t hate it. It‘s a good story but the writing is atrocious; I‘m convinced that Lindqvist didn‘t have an editor. Ultimately, my interest in how Oskar and Eli‘s story played out kept me from not slamming the cover shut for good. Lindqvist tries too hard to give us an epic, instead of keeping his focus where it counts.

If you‘re looking for a sexy or scary vampire novel this is not it.

Let Me In | John Ajvide Lindqvist

Fantastic! One of my favorite vampire books now, for certain. The corresponding movies are also worth watching - just binged both.

Let Me In | John Ajvide Lindqvist
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Currently reading... I have a feeling this is likely to become one of my favorite vampire books.

TrishB I loved this one 👍🏻 2y
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Let the Right One In | John Ajvide Lindqvist
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Yoshi bags just do the best book bags ever!! How cool are these!!! 😎 🔪 🩸 😱

TrishB Very cool 👍🏻 3y
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Let the Right One In | John Ajvide Lindqvist
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takes a bite of gender. doesn‘t chew. the objectification of children being made literal -- including turning one into a vampire so he or she doesn‘t age -- is sick rhetoric. but cutting off her penis and then he lives as a girl while the narrator switches to the use of masculine pronouns is more “what?” than “oh fuck.” the novel talks a lot about eli not being a girl, without contributing much to the topic.

3.5 stars

Let the Right One In | John Ajvide Lindqvist
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I was expecting to be terrified and was left underwhelmed.

Let the Right One In | John Ajvide Lindqvist
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I‘m in the mood for chilling.

JenReadsAlot Enjoy! 4y
Cathythoughts Enjoy X 4y
Shemac77 Or thank you.....spelling isn‘t my forte today apparently.... 4y
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Let the Right One In | John Ajvide Lindqvist
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Surprising book. Lots of difficult subjects, including bullying, drug/alcohol abuse, complicated family relationships... and more. I would stay away if the dark side of humanity can be a trigger for you. Also includes vampires! I did enjoy it a lot, personally, but it isn‘t a light reading in any way.

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Let the Right One In | John Ajvide Lindqvist
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This was quite a read. Fairly long, felt longer. It was interesting how all the characters got together in the end. I do have some questions about the vampire rules, but otherwise it was a good story. Now I need to go watch the movie.

Let the Right One In | John Ajvide Lindqvist
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You know, I really could‘ve done without all the pedophilia. This was a book we had to read for class, and I‘m kinda glad I missed the class discussions for the latter half. I‘m not really sure how I feel about the book? None of the characters were very likable, and the only ones I kind of liked either died or had an ambiguous ending. 2? stars?? +55 points

#merryreaders #wintergames #24b4monday #readathon

LoveToReadLiveToRead This book gets loads of praise but I didn‘t love it either. 4y
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Let the Right One In | John Ajvide Lindqvist
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A friend came over to drop off a Christmas present and stayed a bit longer than anticipated, so I didn‘t get to read much before work.

#24b4monday #readathon #wintergames #merryreaders

Let the Right One In | John Ajvide Lindqvist

I did see the movie of this one a few years back, and the book makes explicit some themes that got touched on in the film but weren‘t fleshed out. A big CW: Pedophelia has big plot implications; it‘s not glorified but it‘s a recurring point. I knew it was going to be dark, but it‘s much darker than I expected. It was engaging enough that it felt like a break from the world, which is exactly what I wanted this past week.

Let the Right One In | John Ajvide Lindqvist
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I thought this was a pretty exceptional horror read.The story moved slowly but the atmosphere and the characters with their varying moral and or social problems made this so realistic and creepy. I'd definitely reccomend this to anyone looking for an unsettling vampire story, would also suggest reading on cold winters night if possible 😬

Soubhiville Oh my gosh your kitty! So Fluffy! I want to snuggle! (I live my hairless cats but sometimes I miss the floof!) 4y
HeathHof @Soubhiville He's a total cuddle bug. I think life would be a little easier if our cats were hairless! Definitely less vacuuming and lint rolling would be needed😹 4y
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So finster die Nacht: Thriller | John Ajvide Lindqvist
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For 3,5 hours I was unsure. As I told you, I spoiled myself and from there on I constantly feared to fear upcoming events because during that season of year I am mostly listening to audiobooks in the dark. (I‘m a chicken.) To the last 2,5 hours I listened while cooking and eating, and, wow, was I impressed. Yes, it‘s very brutal and dark but I ended up loving the variety and diversity of characters and the art of plot building.

So finster die Nacht: Thriller | John Ajvide Lindqvist
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#30DaysOfGratitude by @jb72

Prompt: Tell 3 amazing things about yourself.

• I am good with words and language
• I take into account the needs of those around me (and am excellent in not prevailing).
• I am good at being lazy and making it comfy and relaxing.

Today I‘m grateful for
1 – having learned about the zero-waste-shop in the neighbourhood
2 – the possibility to snooze this morning
3 – a quickly answered email

jb72 Excellent! Wow a zero waste shop would be awesome! Plastic Free is a good start with eliminating plastic from our lives. Thank you! 4y
JacqMac I think the ability to be lazy sometimes is very important. It‘s self care. 4y
Buechersuechtling @JacqMac ❤️ For about 3 to 4 hours I sat comfy on my sofa reading newsletter articles and watching episode after episode of what I would call a “guilty-pleasure-documentation” on Netflix. And even though I know, the brain sometimes needs those times off, I afterwards often feel like not having done what I actually wanted to. I never thought of labelling this other than with “procrastination”. Thank you for rearranging my perspective. 🙇🏽‍♀️ 4y
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Let the Right One In | John Ajvide Lindqvist
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This is an intriguing and complex story, albeit incredibly slow moving. It did take me a while to feel fully immersed in this. While its potential was clear from the start, there was so much going on and it jumped around quite a bit. I did find the author brought all of those pieces together nicely as time went on. Once I better connected with it all, I found myself really enjoying the book and the pacing did speed up as the intensity increased.

So finster die Nacht: Thriller | John Ajvide Lindqvist
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But you know, it‘s still the case, that I am quite a chicken and not really into horror or even into it‘s little sister, the scariness …

So it might not be wise to listen to this in the evening of the dark season, where at 17:30 I already need to turn on the lights if I want to see the fingers of my hand in front of my face.

Let‘s see how brave the best goal turns out to be. 😳 4 hours, 35 minutes to go …

So finster die Nacht: Thriller | John Ajvide Lindqvist
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You might remember, about 4 weeks ago I started this audiobook for the first time and told you that, while translating its blurb for you, I accidentally spoilt myself.

Then the landing period expired and I turned my back on it because I lost interest. I mean, I “knew” what was going to happen. But yesterday I gave it another try because I remember I haven‘t been in far. And you know what❓My “spoiling me” is revealed around minute 70, anyway. 😇

Let the Right One In | John Ajvide Lindqvist
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It looks like I‘m in love with my books.

Unspeakable Things ~ 4 stars

Horrid ~ 4 stars

My Lovely Wife ~ 4.5 stars

Every Heart a Doorway ~ 2 stars

Within the Walls ~ 3.5 stars

Don‘t Look For Me ~ 3.5 stars

The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue ~ 4 stars

Theodore: The Neighbour‘s Cat ~ 3 stars

Skunk and Badger ~ 3.5 stars

Hex ~ 3 stars

The Stepford Wives ~ 4 stars

Sometimes I Lie ~ 3 stars

Let the Right One In ~ 4.5 stars

Let the Right One In | John Ajvide Lindqvist
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Spending tonight in with the tagged book, a couple drinks and a pork tenderloin in the oven! Doesn't get much better then this! Wishing you all a very safe and Happy Halloween 🖤🎃👻🧹🧙‍♀️🖤

KathyWheeler I loved this book. The two movies of it are good too. 4y
HeathHof @KathyWheeler This book was SO good!! I'm going to try and watch the movie this am before my family wakes up!😬 4y
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Let the Right One In | John Ajvide Lindqvist

“That the man was still alive was nothing short of a miracle. Not a miracle of the kind that the Vatican would want to wave their incense at, but a miracle nonetheless.” 😂

~From Let the Right One In/John Ajvide Lindqvist

Let the Right One In | John Ajvide Lindqvist
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And we are "rounding third and heading home"...
Word game. 210 points
Book team theme (1) 15
Book any subject (1) 5
#Screamathon (13 hours) 130 points
Movie/tv ( 14 ) 70 points
Posts (7) 7 points
Total for week. 437 point
Total for month 801 points
#TeamHarkness #Scarathlon2020
@StayCurious @4thhouseontheleft (total 31 hours read for month so far).

Let the Right One In | John Ajvide Lindqvist
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A thanks to Litsy, joined 3 months ago, positive social media, went from reading 2 books a month to 6 to more, joined a fun #Scarathlon2020 and put on #TeamHarkness and have found the experience to be fun thx to teammates and fearless leader @StayCurious . Joined #Screamathon hosted by @4thhouseontheleft , my first readathon. Keep adding to my TBR list, it keeps getting longer, and I realized that's ok...do I ever really want to finish it?

TrishB Nope, never 😁 4y
bthegood @TrishB 👍🎃 4y
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So finster die Nacht: Thriller | John Ajvide Lindqvist
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„In a suburb of Stockholm, the corpse of a boy is found, his body no longer contains a single drop of blood. Everything points to a ritual killer. 12-year-old Oskar is also fascinated by the news: Who could be the murderer? And why are the windows always darkened in the neighboring apartment?“

Stupid thing: I think, I accidentally spoilered the plot to myself while translating the blurb for you. 🙄

Let the Right One In | John Ajvide Lindqvist

I didn‘t love it. Too slow and not scary. Good writing but a mediocre story. Overall sort of disappointing

Let the Right One In | John Ajvide Lindqvist
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Friday night cuddles with Awna

Let the Right One In | John Ajvide Lindqvist
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Finally starting this. I‘ve been excited to start this one for a while. SO in the mood for spooky vampire read.

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Let Me In | John Ajvide Lindqvist
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Morning reads ☕️

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Let the Right One In | John Ajvide Lindqvist

A vampire story that delights and scares. Rightly said by The Times- The new Stephen King.

Let the Right One In | John Ajvide Lindqvist
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I picked this up recently and cannot put it down. Loving it.

Let the Right One In | John Ajvide Lindqvist
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A fabulous creepy-meets-campy gothic tale. The characters are all hideously flawed; a lonely preteen who still wets his pants, a group of drunkards each with their own brand of oddness to boot, an eternally 12-year-old child, and more.

I was on edge the whole story, unsure of what to expect, and on the edge of my seat towards the end as the story began to unfold.

A fantastic thriller. ⭐⭐⭐⭐

#TBRChallenge #AudioBook #ABookThats

KathyWheeler Great book. Good movies too. 4y
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Let the Right One In | John Ajvide Lindqvist
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#BookHunt Round 2 #isolationgames

Something else about it: A beautiful book, but trigger warnings for EVERYTHING!

Sace 🤔 This one will take some thought on my part...but I love having the excuse to rummage around my shelves! 4y
ShyBookOwl @Sace perfect! That's the idea 😊 4y
BookishMe Top of my mind - the recently completed for BOTMBuddyRead but only one character uses 'I' 4y
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BookishMe Will post once I locate another one 😉😉 4y
ShyBookOwl @BookishMe ooh I really want to read that one! Library waiting list is super long lol 4y
BookishMe I was surprised I didn't need to put it on hold with Overdrive... That's my favourite story from her, I dare say. And... With this book Hunt 2, I have added 2 more titles to my list of BlameItOnLitsy 😉😉 4y
ShyBookOwl @BookishMe lucky! Haha I've added 1 so far! 4y
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Let the Right One In | John Ajvide Lindqvist
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Creepy and often gruesome vampire tale that makes Salem's Lot look like Twilight. One or two of the minor characters were maybe surplus to requirements but the central friendship between poor bullied Oscar and vampire next door Eli was surprisingly moving.

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Let the Right One In | John Ajvide Lindqvist
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For some reason I thought this was gonna be a cool & twisty Scandi murder mystery thriller. Was NOT expecting vampires. Caveat: Lestat has ruined me for vampire fiction. Sorry, not sorry. Initially was intrigued by Oskar & Eli's relationship but got distracted by several other less interesting storylines going on at the same time. Overall, I was left dissatisfied - plot was thin & characters unlikable.

Oldschool_millenial I've seen the American remake of the movie, called "Let Me In". I had no idea it was based on a book. Judging by the synopsis, the (American) movie made several tweaks that might have been for the better. 5y
Palimpsest @Oldschool_millenial I haven‘t read this book, but I‘ve seen both the American and Swedish films, and I prefer the Swedish version. Horror is not usually something I read/ watch, but I had discussed this actually in a Science Fiction and Gender class as we watched clips and discussed Eli‘s gender. I‘m wondering now about what I missed from not reading the book? 5y
Kimzey I saw the Swedish film, which I thought was well done. It‘s been a while, but some of the scenes have really stayed with me. (edited) 5y
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Let the Right One In | John Ajvide Lindqvist
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This is my next read ... not entirely sure it's the best choice after finishing Owen Meany but it was on my schedule & the schedule must be obeyed!

Also it's another 500+ page read ... *sigh*

mollyrotondo Really? I didn‘t think it was so long of a read. I‘m surprised. I haven‘t read Owen Meany since high school. Maybe that should be a reread 5y
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Let Me In | John Ajvide Lindqvist
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So much thanks to the super generous @WorldsOkayestStepMom for sending me this book and a cute note after winning her raffle! 💕📚 Book mail is the BEST! 😍#bookmail

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Let Me In | John Ajvide Lindqvist
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This was good, but there were a lot of characters to keep up with and it didn't really start to come together until the end. I'm not interested in rereading this one, so I'm giving it away! Open to US residents only (postage costs). Leave a comment below with your favorite reading snack or drink to enter for a chance to win. See previous post for photo of the book. #giveaway
Also, I managed to get in just over 6 hours for the #24b4monday thing!

Branwen Whoo hoo! I'd love to be entered into this giveaway! My favorite snack while reading is popcorn topped with parmesan cheese and tea to drink! 😁🍿☕ 5y
WorldsOkayestStepMom @Branwen yummy!! I love tea, but have to be in the right mood for popcorn. 5y
WorldsOkayestStepMom @Branwen send me your name and mailing address and I will send the book to you after payday on Friday! Email is barrettemily72 at gmail dot com. 5y
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Branwen @WorldsOkayestStepMom Hooray! Thanks so much! I'm going to email you tight now! 😀🎉📚💕 5y
Branwen @WorldsOkayestStepMom Let me know if you didn't get it! 5y
Branwen @WorldsOkayestStepMom IT CAME TODAY! I'm so excited! Thank you so much! 😀💕📚 5y
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Let Me In | John Ajvide Lindqvist
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Starting the English version of "Let the Right One In" for my 75th book of the year!

Sace 👏👏👏👏 5y
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Let the Right One In | John Ajvide Lindqvist
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#howiwoulddie #soaringscores
One of my fave modern vampire books with one of my fave vampires!

Cinfhen I MUST pick this up for Niki/ it sounds bloody gory....just the way she loves it!!!! 5y
TrishB @Cinfhen if she likes ‘proper‘ vampire novels this is great! I loved it. 5y
CrowCAH I‘m not familiar with from where your Pop figure is from. 5y
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ravenlee It‘s time to watch Lost Boys! 5y
TrishB @CrowCAH the film The Lost Boys- 1980s vampire film with Kiefer Sutherland as they main vampire 💜 5y
TrishB @ravenlee always 💕♥️ 5y
Cathythoughts Book cover looks great & so does the little doll ( not sure what they are called 😁) cute 👍🏻♥️ 5y
Caroline2 That Pop figure is awesomeeeee!!!! “They‘re only noodles Micheal!” Classic! 😆 5y
Rissreads I loved this book! 5y
TrishB @Rissreads me too 👍🏻 5y
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Let the Right One In | John Ajvide Lindqvist
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Tonight's movie Let The Right One In 🧛🏻‍♀️
#Scarathlon #TeamStoker @TheReadingMermaid

Lizpixie Have you seen the original? It‘s much more creepier & gothic🧛🏻‍♀️ 5y
BookwormAHN @Lizpixie I have and it is much creepier 🧛🏻‍♀️ 5y
BeansPage 🧟‍♀️ 5y
Chrissyreadit I may have to look for this movie. 5y
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Let the Right One In | John Ajvide Lindqvist
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I have no idea or excuse as to why it took me so long to read this book as I have seen the movie a dozen times. The depth of emotion and human connection (even when the humans aren‘t quite human anymore) created by the author as well as the atmosphere itself did something to the vampire genre that has never been replicated. Basically I‘m saying the book is dope and you need to read it.