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Confessions of St. Augustine (Revised)
Confessions of St. Augustine (Revised) | St Augustine
More than an autobiography, The Confessions of St. Augustine is one of the most influential religious books in the Christian tradition. A great work of Western literature, it recalls crucial events and episodes in the author's life, in particular, life with his devoutly Christian mother and his origins in rural Algeria in the mid-fourth century A.D.; the rise to a lavish life at the imperial court in Milan; his struggle with sexual desires; eventual renunciation of secular ambitions and marriage; and recovery of his Catholic faith.This intensely personal narrative -- among the first in which self-analysis was used to describe spiritual and emotional experiences -- provides a detailed, classic recounting of one man's internal struggles and religious conversion. The book will be useful to anyone interested in the impact made by one of the foremost leaders in the development of Christian thought.
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Why is that I always seem to read my #doublespin first each month?
This just wasn‘t for me. Maybe I had a bad translation, but I had a hard time tracking the thought process through the book as a whole and at the sentence-level. There is some good stuff in here, but I ended up doing a lot of skimming.

TheAromaofBooks I haven't been able to wrestle my way all the way through this one, so good progress!! 4y
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Confessions | Saint Augustine of Hippo
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I love buying used books and imagining where the book has been before it got to me. In this case, I don‘t have to imagine!

Hooked_on_books And you get a cool library card with it! Bonus! 5y
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Re-reading this in its entirety for the first time in 20 years...I can see why 18 yo Julia was so into it 😁

cmastfalk It‘s been at least that long since I‘ve read it too. 5y
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Confessions | Saint Augustine
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(Day 26 - #Flash)

*You gotta love a mystic. 😇

Confessions | Saint Augustine
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This one was a very joyful experience. Here is the link to my gr review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/2870434406?book_show_action=false&from_rev...

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#quotsymar19 @TK-421

There are thousands of quotes about books. So many we see almost daily. This is one I always love seeing.

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Finally getting in some more fun reading 📖 😍😊

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It's raining and all I want to do is read

Confessions | Saint Augustine (Bishop of Hippo.), Albert C. Outler, Mark Vessey

St Augustine has a way of confronting paradox that is very intriguing. Book 1 contains questions I have asked of myself and of God, without receiving any heretofore discernible answer. Some of the chapters are more interesting than others, some are extremely dull. The theft of rotten peaches is quite the underwhelming sin. His conversion experience was very moving. 4/5

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Confessions | Saint Augustine (Bishop of Hippo.), Albert C. Outler, Mark Vessey

Deep calls to deep in the roar of your torrents, and all your waves and breakers sweep over me. —Ps 42:8

CrowCAH Welcome to the Litsy family!!! 📚 6y
As_An_Adamant Thank you! Feels like home already. 👊 6y
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Confessions | Saint Augustine (Bishop of Hippo.), Albert C. Outler, Mark Vessey

But even so, we still live by faith and not by sight, for we are saved by hope; but hope that is seen is not hope. —Book 13.13.14

Confessions | Saint Augustine
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Confessions | Saint Augustine
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Too true. Anyone else want to confess?

mrsmarch Well of course! As long as people are writing books, I‘ll be adding to my TBR. 6y
Louise Yup. I resemble that statement! 🤓 6y
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bibliobliss Me every day 6y
RavenLovelyReads 🙋🏻‍♀️Guilty! 6y
JanuarieTimewalker13 Yup🌞I‘m heatstroke today, so I‘ll probably add 10 more onto a list that would require 2 more lifetimes at my pace. Lol (edited) 6y
bookaholic1 Diddo 6y
Emm0921 Same!! I can‘t keep up with my own TBR list !! 6y
BittersweetBooks 🙋🏼‍♀️ 6y
bookish.escape 🙋🏻‍♀️ Same!!!! 😂 6y
mariaku21 Right here 🙋 6y
Copwithabook Haha yes! 6y
thegreensofa I have a big list I cannot lie! 🙋🏼‍♀️🤪 6y
KatieCarpenter Yep 👍 6y
Purrfectpages It‘s so sad, but so true.... 6y
Cailey_Mac I keep hoping there‘s a way to become immortal just so I can finish my tbr 😂😅 6y
BeansPage @Cailey_Mac I think your stacks would just get bigger lol 6y
Litsi Book Worm Confession #19. Sometimes I buy books based on the cover. 6y
bookishbitch Totally me. I try to control myself and fail frequently. 6y
jb72 Most definitely...so many books...so little time. 6y
tammysue Meeee 🙋🏼‍♀️😛 6y
DivineDiana I confess! 😬 6y
DivineDiana @Cailey_Mac When you find a way, please let me know! I usually say I wish I could be a vampire for just that reason, but I really don‘t want to drink blood. 😬 I just had an AhHa moment! I can now say I want to be an Immortal! 😉 6y
jillannjohn Me! And they‘re taking over my house. Crazy book lady. 🙋🏻‍♀️ 6y
corycatelyn 🙋‍♀️ 6y
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Confessions | Saint Augustine of Hippo
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Confessions | Saint Augustine of Hippo

Read this as a meditative practice during the liturgical season of lent. Some heady, interesting things as well as beautiful imagery but certainly not an easy or idle read.

Confessions | Saint Augustine
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Me: I need read what I own so that when we move again I have less books to lug around!
Also me: Treat yo‘self.
In my defense, the top book is an Easter gift for my husband 😂

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Today‘s #bookhaul from the big weeding project - Christianity edition (even though I call myself an atheist, though in fact I‘m ambivalent about whether I‘m truly still an atheist or really just agnostic 🤷🏻‍♀️).

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Confessions | Saint Augustine
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When you confess to your sister and bffs that you‘re cheating on the book group book. Not pictured are the ⛓emojis. My friends....🤦‍♀️

CoverToCoverGirl He could be described as demanding to put it delicately... but also tender, hot, loyal, ruthless and unequivocally lethal #NaughtyRomance 7y
CocoReads @CoverToCoverGirl all of those for sure. And intense. Dear Lord is he intense. That level of intensity in real life would be....disturbing. But in the book I‘m all for it. 7y
Kimzey St. Augustine would forgive you! 😂 7y
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#underground #quotsyNov17
“Hell was made for the Inquisitive.”

Confessions | Saint Augustine
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"Hi - LauraBeth? This is you Apple Watch here. I see that you sat your arse down and read at 6 am, 9-11 am and again at 6 pm (I particularly like your commitment with the 9-11 stretch). I know you're bad at math so let me break it down for you - you read for five hours today - and I don't think you're done. Do we need an intervention? Also - please ease up on your use of cat emojis - it's annoying." ??

LauraJ I think ⌚️ needs to update its priority software. 7y
Ashley_Nicoletto When you have to turn your "time to stand" notification off. ? Apple Watch needs a currently reading don't interrupt setting. 7y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Those are the days I hate my Apple Watch. I should track the number of words I read - darn thing would BLOW UP! 🤣🤣 7y
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kspenmoll 🤣🤣🤣 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🤣😂 (edited) 7y
BarbaraBB 😂😂 7y
Redy2trvl This made my day!!!! 7y
SheReadsAndWrites ?? My nephew cracks up that my watch tells me to stand, then when I do so it says "You did it!" He's like "Good job, Aunt Lara-you stood up!" ? 7y
JacqMac 😂🤣 7y
readinginthedark 😂❤️ 7y
ReadingRover 😹😹😹 7y
Ms_T 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻😂 7y
RohitSawant 😂😂 7y
LauraBeth @LauraJ I completely agree! 7y
LauraBeth @Ashley_Nicoletto now THAT would be useful! 7y
LauraBeth @BarbaraTheBibliophage 😹😹We need that feature! 7y
LauraBeth @Redy2trvl 😊😊 7y
LauraBeth @SheReadsAndWrites 😂😂😂 That's hilarious! At least with a Fitbit, you're supposed to walk 250 steps an hour. This is just...stand up for like a MINUTE! 😀 7y
DebinHawaii I would definitely leave it on the dresser or nightstand. 🐱😺😸😹😻😼😽🙀😿😾🦁🐈🐱 🤣 7y
SheReadsAndWrites Exactly! 😂 7y
LauraBeth @DebinHawaii 😹😹😹 7y
LauraBeth @SheReadsAndWrites and it's still there! 7y
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Confessions | Saint Augustine
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Confessions | Saint Augustine

But the arrogance of pride, the pleasures of lust, and the poison of vain curiosity are the impulses of a soul that is dead, not one so dead that it lacks all impulse, but one that is dead because it has forsaken the fountain of life and is swept along by the fleeting things of this world, lending itself to their ways.

Confessions | Saint Augustine
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Confessions | Saint Augustine

The law is intended for edification, and it is an excellent thing, where it is applied legitimately, because its end is charity, based on purity of heart, on a good conscience and a sincere faith. Christ our Master well knows which are the two commandments on which, he said, all the law and the prophets depends.

Confessions | Saint Augustine

My God, my Mercy, I shall not turn aside until you gather all that I am into that holy place of peace, rescuing me from this world where I am dismembered and deformed, and giving me new form and strength for eternity.

Confessions | Saint Augustine

"But a mediator between God and man must have something in common with [both].... But since, by hidden pronouncements of your justice, you have given the devil licence to make a mockery of pride, he poses as mediator. For in one point he is like man: he is sinful. And in the other he pretends to be like God: because he is not clothed with a mortal body... He tries to represent himself as immortal."

GAustin Such an awesome book. The ultimate Memoir. One of my Favorites. 7y
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Confessions | Saint Augustine

Give me the grace to do as you command, and command me to do what you will!

Confessions | Saint Augustine

But the true Light is the Light which Tobias saw when, though his eyes were blind, he taught his son the path he should follow in life, and himself led the way, charity guiding his steps so that he did not stray.

Confessions | Saint Augustine

I have learnt to love you late, Beauty at once so ancient and so new! I have learnt to love you late! You were within me, and I was in the world outside myself. I searched for you outside myself and, disfigured as I was, I feel upon the lovely things of your creation. You were within me, but I was not with you.... You called me; you cried aloud to me; you broke my barrier of deafness... You touched me, and I am inflamed with love of your peace.

Confessions | Saint Augustine

True happiness is to rejoice in the truth, for to rejoice in the truth is to rejoice in you, O God, who are the Truth, to whom I look for salvation. This is the happiness that all desire.... But why does truth engender hatred? Why does your servant meet with hostility when he preaches the truth? It can only be that man's love of truth is such that when he loves something which is not the truth, he pretends that what he loves is the truth.

Confessions | Saint Augustine
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Love the various shades and hues of purple and was surprised to "find" some of these on my shelves. I always seem to remember to do photo challenges at night and apologise again for crappy lighting. It's a humid night and I was running around trying to get the best light and huffing and puffing and sweating, I hope this counts as a workout ? #coversinyrfavecolor #AndItsAugust @RealLifeReading

saresmoore Oh, it absolutely counts as a workout! I love the variety on your shelves. 7y
Kalalalatja Great covers! 7y
LauraBrook So soothing to look at! 💜 7y
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batsy @saresmoore @Kalalalatja Thanks :) @LauraBrook Yes I find purples comforting in a way 💜 7y
ReadingEnvy Is the Philip Pullman book separate from His Dark Materials? 7y
Dragon Purple is pretty 🦄☂️🔮💜 7y
batsy @ReadingEnvy Yes, this is the second book in his Sally Lockhart quartet which is super fun. 7y
batsy @Dragon I agree :) 7y
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Confessions | Saint Augustine

Who am I? What kind of man am I? What evil haven't I done? Or if there is evil I haven't done, what evil is there that I haven't spoken? If there is evil I haven't spoken, what evil is there I haven't willed to do? But you O Lord are good. You are merciful. You saw how deep I was sunk in death, and it was your power that drained dry the well of corruption in the depths of my heart. And all that you asked of me was to deny my will and accept yours.

Confessions | Saint Augustine

"Can you not do what these men and these women do? Do you think they find the strength to do it in themselves and not in the Lord their God? It was the Lord their God who gave me [Continence] to them. Why do you try to stand in your own strength and fail? Cast yourself upon God and have no fear. He will not shrink away and let you fall. Cast yourself upon him without fear, for he will welcome you and cure you of your ills."

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Confessions | Saint Augustine

It is always the case that the greater the joy, the greater the pain which proceeds it. Why should this be, O Lord my God, when you are your own eternal joy, you are Joy itself and you are always surrounded by creatures which rejoice in you? Why is it that in this part of your creation which we know there is this ebb & flow of progress & retreat, of hurt & reconciliation? Is this the rhythm of our world?

Confessions | Saint Augustine

And when I asked myself what wickedness was, I saw that it was not a substance but perversion of the will when it turns aside from you, O God, who are the supreme substance, and veers towards things of the lowest order, being 'bowelled alive' and becoming inflated with desire for things outside itself.

Confessions | Saint Augustine

You use us all, whether we know it or not, for a purpose which is known to you, a purpose which is just.

Confessions | Saint Augustine

O God, you who are so high above us and yet so close, hidden and yet always present, you have not parts, some greater and some smaller. You are everywhere, and everywhere you are entire. Nowhere are you limited by space. You have not the shape of a body like ours. Yet you made man in your own likeness, and man is plainly in space from head to foot.

Confessions | Saint Augustine

Love [souls], then, in him & draw as many with you to him as you can. Tell them, 'He is the one we should love. He made the world & he stays close to it.' For when he made the world he did not go away & leave it. By him it was created & in him it exists. Wherever we taste the truth, God is there. He is in our very inmost hearts, but our hearts have strayed from him. Think well on it, unbelieving hearts, & cling to him who made you.

Confessions | Saint Augustine
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"They corrupt and pervert their own nature, which you made and for which you shaped the rules.... This is what happens, O Fountain of Life, when we abandon you, who are the one true Creator of all that ever was or is, and each of us proudly sets his heart on some one part of your creation instead of on the whole."

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Confessions | Saint Augustine
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Ugh fine but I'm still going to keep reading, #WTForecast! I shouldn't complain since it's only in the 80's but I'm just not used to any heat. Korben is taking advantage of the sunshine though ??

Just started Confessions on #serialreader today. We'll see if I can stick with it. It's going to take some getting used to with all the "thee" and "thou".

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Confessions | Saint Augustine of Hippo

"Cruelty is the weapon of the powerful, used to make others fear them."

Confessions | Saint Augustine of Hippo

"You see all these things, Lord, and yet you keep silence, because you are patient and full of compassion and can tell no lie. Will you be silent for ever? This very day you are ready to rescue from this fearsome abyss any soul that searches for you, any man who says from the depths of his heart, I have eyes only for you; I long, Lord, for your presence (Ps. 26:8; 27:8).

Confessions | Saint Augustine of Hippo

"My soul is like a house, small for you to enter, but I pray you to enlarge it. It is in ruins, but I ask you to remake it. It contains much that you will not be pleased to see: this I know and do not hide. But who is to rid it of these things? There is no one but you to whom I can say: if I have sinned unwittingly, do you absolve me. Keep me ever your own servant, far from pride. I trust, and trusting I find words to utter."

Confessions | Saint Augustine of Hippo

"And when you pour yourself out over us, you are not drawn down to us but draw us up to yourself: you are not scattered away, but you gather is together."