I thought I would sneak another book in before the end of the year, but it was not to be. I wanted to see how close I could get to 300 and am delighted with this!
Happy New Year, everyone!
I thought I would sneak another book in before the end of the year, but it was not to be. I wanted to see how close I could get to 300 and am delighted with this!
Happy New Year, everyone!
A semi synopsis of #2017reads. Even though I didn‘t make my full goal (53/60) I did read new things and of the books I read I met the goal of reading mostly POC and women! My favorite books of the year were the #akatawitch and #akatawarrior (so thanks @Alicia for getting me hooked 😘)
I‘ll probably read some more before the day is over - but all in all it‘s been a pretty decent #yearinbooks 😃
I‘m not yet done reading for this year and am very positive that I will be able to finish my updates goal of 80 books, but so far so good😊
All the #litsyyearbook posts were so fun, I decided to pull out my yearbook to play, too.
Most likely to have more favorite authors than friends #bookishsuperlative
While I'm not technically a librarian, this is eerily accurate. 🔮 #litsyyearbook #classof91 🎓
#LitsyYearbook #BookishSuperlative "Most likely to give a 'Pick' to keep from hurting the book's feelings."
Fun fact: in junior high I earned the superlative "Most likely to become the next Rikki Lake"--I sure did love to talk! The left is me circa 1996 for my sophomore year and the right is twenty years later on my first day of school teaching sophomores. #TeachersofLitsy (How about that Contempo shirt? Could I be more nineties?)
Most likely to base all of the most important decisions in life based on the mood of her current read! #litsyyearbook
High school prom #litsyyearbook yes I went alone!! My date got mono go figure ?.
I'm going to say "most likely to become too emotionally invested in fictional characters" for my superlative ?.
#litsyyearbook #bookishsuperlative
"Most likely to annoy her BF by staying up late reading. Every night."
Photo from senior year in high school, 1993. I'm getting old.
#litsyyearbook #bookishsuperlative
Most likely to be "that one" reading on a phone, in the corner, at a party. Avoiding any social interactions. ?
Photo from my junior prom, since my yearbooks are packed away...somewhere. Circa 2005.
Most likely to put a book on hold with the library because she forgot she already owns it. 😜📚Yes, this happened - this week 😂 #NeverendingTBRonKindle #BookishSuperlatives #litsyyearbook #classof05 #canteven #thatbabypicturethough 👼🏻