Time to finish this series... I'm not ready emotionally for this! Do you have emotional attachments to series?
Time to finish this series... I'm not ready emotionally for this! Do you have emotional attachments to series?
A good quick read that taught me a couple new things about suffragettes during Women's history month!
I like that this book doesn't put on #rosecoloredglasses about Elizabeth Cady Stanton. There is no justifying racism. Hope everybody is staying healthy and quarantined! #womenshistorymonth
This book is filled with lines like this-I am excited for the second in the trilogy to come later this fall. There were some twists I didn‘t see coming- Can‘t wait to see more of Ramson Quicktounge. Also, I know there was controversy around this story prepublication, but from my admittedly privileged position as a white woman, I thought Zhao fixed how the racism was delt with nicely.
Look at all my lovely goodies from @MatchlessMarie from the #allhallowsreadswap! My favorite is the book sleeve! Did I tell you I LOVE THE VILLIANS!?!? So sweet! Sorry for the delay in posting! (Got the gift reciept! Thank you!!)
Wohoo! My #allhallowsreadswap had arrived! Thanks @MatchlessMarie! Can‘t wait to open the goodies!!
My #allhallowsreadswap just went into the mail! Thanks for organizing @MaleficentBookDragon
I really enjoyed this story. There were a couple of twists I didn‘t see coming and I will definitely read the sequel!
Loved this stand alone second book by Annie Sullivan! Kateri is full of rage and it was fun watching her learn how to harness that throughout her story!
Started this book today and am already this far in. Anybody else read this one??
This second installment of Cordova‘s Brooklyn Brujas series is just as action packed as the first, pacing was excellent with a completely original magic system and characters! If you like YA with strong female characters I would recommend this series!
There‘s still a whole plot line to be wrapped up , but the action is INTENSE!
Stayed up reading this one late last night. I‘m finally back into the story. The first one in the series, Feed, had me on book hangover for the last quarter of 2018! Still have a ways to go but the characters are still awesome!
When you are 8 books away from your goal for the year, you just keep adding books you have started!
Thank you @OriginalCyn620 for my #jolabokaflodswap goodies! I can‘t wait to do some reading! Merry Christmas Eve everyone!! Thanks to @MaleficentBookDragon for hosting!
I‘m only a chapter in and Zusak does it again! It‘s only made better by the fact that I didn‘t set an alarm this morning, and am still in my pjs! #christmasevereading
Off it goes! :) WHOOOOOOO will this cute owl spread some cheer to? #jolabokaflodswap @MaleficentBookDragon Thanks for hosting what I hope will be a fun tradition! #litsymail
@OriginalCyn620 My #jolabokflodswap has arrived! Thank you! Can‘t wait for Christmas EVE! @MaleficentBookDragon thanks for hosting! My package is going out tmrw!
That #FTW moment when your injury (it was an accident at work-I‘m fine!) matches the back cover of #KilltheBeast. This #fairytaleretelling of #beautyandthebeast is unlike anything I have ever read before. There is a slight Christian overtone met with some surprising twists and turns! I hope you will pick up a copy if you enjoy #fairytales #strongfemale characters and supporting #smallbusiness!
@MaleficentBookDragon is hosting #JólabókaflódSwap and I am excited. Signups end tomorrow so get on there quick!!
This is in the running to be my favorite book of the year. So so good. Not my usual here but I love it!!
Why didn‘t somebody warn me???? I thought I was compromised 150 pages ago....I hadn‘t even begun to be compromised and I‘m not pleased 😭😭😭
I‘m at a point where I am emotionally compromised. From a writer‘s point of view( no spoilers) what happens at the end of Chap 17 is brilliant b/c I never saw it coming. From an audience point of view I am fricken compromised.
I‘m at a point where I am emotionally compromised. From a writer‘s point of view( no spoilers) what happens at the end of Chap 17 is brilliant b/c I never saw it coming. From an audience point of view I am fricken compromised
Im starting this one today and am looking forward to it!
This is one of the most poignant things I have ever read. Can‘t wait to see her speak tmrw!
I love when the title is found in the pages of the story. I‘m going to see Liz Murray speak next week and I am trying to read her book before then-also this will help my book count for September if I can make it!
Look at all these goodies from @kspenmoll ! Thank you!!!! What a great #FFFS #fallingforfallswap! Thanks @Avanders for organizing! @Avanders
Made it safe and sound! Thanks @kspenmoll Can‘t wait to open it! #fffs #FallingForFallSwap @Avanders 🥀🍂🍁🌗🌻🐺
I wonder if this book will last me most of my three day vacation!?
Hi. Jo has said many times that #Dementors are the manifestation of her #depression. But look at how amazing that last line is...”You have nothing to be ashamed of.” Remember that if you are suffering. #hp #harrypotter
I love this book-not just because the author is a friend! Pick it up today if you want swashbuckling pirates, love stories, and hecka strong female characters!!
Standing in line at #b&n to buy #atouchofgold today! #yabooks #fairytale #kingmidas #myfriendtheauthor #greekmythology
Such inspiration
Go to Flyoverstoryzone.com to read my interview with #AnnieSullivan ...#atouchofgold comes out in just a few short weeks and I‘m very excited about it!! And she‘s a great friend so...obviously it‘s fun #fairytaleretelling #mythology #allthatglitters #goldengirls
@Sfbeavers I finally finished the book and it‘s so good! Thanks again!! Here is a pic of my writers notebook where I have kept a list of all the pages I put a 🌟on!
When you find clearance bookmarks at target that match the spinoff series you are reading you pair them together right? Just me? Look how cute they are + the kick ass shoes on the cover that I would absolutely wear #wizardofoz #spinoff #twistedfairytales #banished #betsyschow