Spike and Dracula team up in Berlin to kick major nazi ass 👊🏽💥to save Darla and one of Draculas brides from the Fuehrer. This was a lot of fun, ended on a cliffhanger tho, need to find issue 4 now
Spike and Dracula team up in Berlin to kick major nazi ass 👊🏽💥to save Darla and one of Draculas brides from the Fuehrer. This was a lot of fun, ended on a cliffhanger tho, need to find issue 4 now
#mrandmrsdarcymystery #janeausten #spinoff
At first I was not as engaged as I remembered being with the first in the series,Pride and Prescience.The middle with the transformed Mr. Dashwood,& his appalling shenanigans,(at times ridiculous)went on too long. I did enjoy the supernatural pieces, & the theme of reason v intuition. I wish we had an in between pick & a so-so. This feels somewhere in between.
Anyone like Disney's film Brave? This book is due for release early May. Definitely one I'm interested in as me and kids love Brave. @TheWolfbehindTheEyes @Cupcake12 @Birdsong28 @BethM @CymbaX13 #disney #princess #heroin #scotland #brave #newbook #spinoff
He‘s the archetypal ill-tempered teacher: acerbic, yet horribly, deliciously funny. Snape is always the story. - From the Introduction. In this examination of J.K. Rowling's most enigmatic character, Lorrie Kim shows us how to sort through the illusions and lies to the man who dared to spy on Voldemort and without whom, Harry's story would have turned out very differently. In his final moments, he asks Harry (and the reader) to "Look at me"
Seriously??? Why am I not surprised ?
Good thing I waited to buy tickets. There are still a few authors and actors that I wouldn't mind seeing but for the cost of travelling for the weekend....I want Spike.
@andrea4 it looks like no signed pictures, hugs or "luv"'s for either of us ?
Around the time of the Season 8 comics, I got into the Buffy comics. For some reason I hadn‘t read this one. It‘s nothing special but it is a better novelization within the Buffyverse. Overall it fits in the canon of the 2 series but I would really recommend it to Spike fans or die-hard Buffy fans. I gave it a 3.5 star rating at Goodreads
I don't really review all the manga I read from the library, but I will say this: I am very glad this Tragic Teen grows up to be an idiot adult who moves to an island where he is surrounded by unconditional love. I cried for joy reading this gag manga, as is My Wont.
When you find clearance bookmarks at target that match the spinoff series you are reading you pair them together right? Just me? Look how cute they are + the kick ass shoes on the cover that I would absolutely wear #wizardofoz #spinoff #twistedfairytales #banished #betsyschow