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Der Freund der Toten
Der Freund der Toten: Roman | Jess Kidd
126 posts | 91 read | 1 reading | 197 to read
Fr kurze Zeit zum Einfhrungspreis! Ein kleines Dorf, sein dunkles Geheimnis und eine gefhrliche Begegnung mit der Vergangenheit Der charmante Gelegenheitsdieb und Hippie Mahony glaubte immer, seine Mutter habe ihn aus Desinteresse 1950 in einem Waisenhaus in Dublin abgegeben. Sechsundzwanzig Jahre spter erhlt er einen Brief, der ein ganz anderes, ein brutales Licht auf die Geschichte seiner Mutter wirft. Mahony reist daraufhin in seinen Geburtsort, um herauszufinden, was damals wirklich geschah. Sein geradezu unheimlich vertrautes Gesicht beunruhigt die Bewohner von Anfang an. Mahony schrt Aufregung bei den Frauen, Neugierde bei den Mnnern und Misstrauen bei den Frommen. Bei der Aufklrung des mysterisen Verschwindens seiner Mutter hilft ihm die alte Mrs Cauley, eine ehemalige Schauspielerin. Furchtlos, wie sie ist, macht die Alte nichts lieber, als in den Heimlichkeiten und Wunden anderer herumzustochern. Sie ist fest davon berzeugt, dass Mahonys Mutter ermordet wurde. Das ungleiche Paar heckt einen raffinierten Plan aus, um die Dorfbewohner zum Reden zu bringen. Auch wenn einige alles daran setzen, dass Mahony die Wahrheit nicht herausfindet, trifft er in dem Ort auf die eine oder andere exzentrische Person, die ihm hilft. Dass es sich dabei manchmal auch um einen Toten handelt, scheint Mahony nicht weiter zu stren ... Ein umwerfendes literarisches Debt voll beiendem Humor DAILY EXPRESS
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Himself: A Novel | Jess Kidd
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In 1976 Dublin Mahoney receives a note from the convent where he had grown up saying that the mystery of his birth was to be found in a small Mayo village. His return to villages raises ghosts both metaphorically but also in a supernatural aspect to this novel. I really enjoyed this book, which skilfully combined mystery, great characters, and the feeling of a haunted life and history.

Himself: A Novel | Jess Kidd
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Stunning. And now i need to go find more from this author 😍. A man returns to the town where he was born in Ireland after receiving a mysterious note stating that the town may have contributed to his mother's disappearance when he was an infant.Paranormal murder mystery with Irish folklore woven in. Beautiful writing. 5 ☘️ ☘️ ☘️ ☘️ ☘️

CaitlinR I enjoyed her Things In Jars. Birdie Devine was a fascinating character. 1y
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Himself: A Novel | Jess Kidd
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Man, if I were keeping track, June's read pile would blow the rest out of the water. This house move/reno is allowing me so much time for audiobooks.
Loved the narration, the characters & the magical nature of this story (can I call this magical realism?). A little confused at times by the amount of characters but I blame that on listening to it in 2 sittings so not giving myself time to "process" them. Kidd's on the list to read more of.

Soubhiville What a great photo! Audiobooks are the way to go with packing/ cleaning/ unpacking etc. Glad you‘re at least enjoying some books while going through the hard work of a move! 2y
Andrea4 @Soubhiville thanks! He is super photogenic this one but terrible for sitting still 🤣 and yes, they are definitely making the drudgery of cleaning up this very dirty house!!! 2y
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Himself: A Novel | Jess Kidd
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Wow. Sometimes you put a book down and think “that was a great story”. Himself is indeed a great story, but my biggest takeaway is “What an incredibly talented writer!” Jess Kidd puts together prose magically. Every word, every turn of phrase, every page is wonderful. I‘ll be reading her backlist and everything she publishes from here on out. Highly recommend Himself. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

CaitlinR LOVED this book. I also enjoyed her Things In Jars. 2y
MamaGina @CaitlinR I‘ve read that one too, loved the 👻 2y
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Himself: A Novel | Jess Kidd
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Finished Americanah earlier today, so decided to head from Nigeria to Ireland for my next read. HIMSELF has been on my kindle for a long time and I loved THINGS IN JARS so I have high hopes for this title…the description certainly ticks lots of my reading boxes!

Andrew65 I need to read Americanah. (edited) 2y
Kimzey Himself has been on my TBR list also. Look forward to hearing how you like it. 2y
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Himself: A Novel | Jess Kidd

This was a wonderful listen: all Irish take full of the fey; deeply drawn characters and setting; characters to get behind, in front of, and away from!

Himself: A Novel | Jess Kidd
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Ohhh 😯 thank you so much for sending this to me @kathedron It‘s described as dark, atmospheric Irish fiction about strange kindnesses, casual violence and buried secrets! This sound right up my street!! 😀 ☕️ 📖 I can‘t wait to read it. 👍

quietlycuriouskate You're very welcome, Caroline! Hope you enjoy it as much as I did. 🙂 2y
Caroline2 @kathedron It sounds really good. 👍 2y
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Himself: A Novel | Jess Kidd
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The cover grabbed me, then the blurb set the hook deeper. #tbrpile #resistancewasfutile

Himself: A Novel | Jess Kidd
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There‘s a growing sense of violence as this great story unfolds. Unfelt by some of the residents of Mulderrig, Co. Mayo, unacknowledged by others, and actively fed by a few. Mahoney has arrived from Dublin to seek the truth about his mother. His quest upsets the fragile sanity that folk have crafted around a terrible act. Mrs. Cayley, whose past as an actress allows her to see truth is a ally, as are others. And ghosts!

A wonderful read.

CaitlinR Photo of Jess Kid by Travis McBride 3y
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Himself: A Novel | Jess Kidd
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Swinging back to Himself after how much I adored Things in Jars, because, while one of my besties loved this one when we both worked at the bookstore, she did not tell me that it was the particular brand of literary weird I love. Jess Kidd has been one of my favorite discoveries of 2020.

Himself: A Novel | Jess Kidd
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Himself is the first novel of Jess Kidd. It‘s a murder mystery set in a tiny town in Ireland. It‘s not a typical murder mystery at all, it‘s much more magical with ghosts and unexplained events. Her newer book Things in Jars is along similar lines of magical mystery. I can‘t wait to see what else she writes

IndyHannaJones This sounds amazing 4y
mcctrish @IndyHannaJones my friend commented that the author writes like it‘s normal to see dead people, so we wonder what Ireland is really like 😆 4y
IndyHannaJones @mcctrish this makes me want to go there even more 4y
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Himself: A Novel | Jess Kidd
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Skyrimir I LOVE Schitt‘s Creek. I‘m eagerly awaiting the arrival of the last season on Netflix! 4y
mcctrish @Skyrimir it‘s so good 🌈 we all quote it in my house, I hope you don‘t have to wait too long 4y
Jaimelire ❤️ Schitt‘s Creek. So sad it ended😭 4y
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mcctrish @Jaimelire I know 😢 4y
Powered_By_Plants Animal crossing 🥰 looks like the perfect morning! 4y
mcctrish @Powered_By_Plants it‘s a lovely escape 4y
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Himself: A Novel | Jess Kidd
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#MarchMadness #StPatricksDay

It‘s still St. Patrick‘s Day here. ☘️🍀☘️I thought of this Irish-set book for today‘s prompt. I enjoyed it & have the author‘s new book in my library #TBR stack. Our library‘s closed today, at least until the end of the month. If I look on the bright side, it gives me more time to finish my checkouts.

slategreyskies Our library‘s closed until the end of the month too. I don‘t remember that ever happening before. 4y
AmyG Beautiful cover. 4y
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Himself: A Novel | Jess Kidd
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I read a #1wordtitle in January so totally tagging along #readwithMrBook even if it wasn‘t intentional at the time. 😁📚

Himself: A Novel | Jess Kidd
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Atmospheric and lyrical but I couldn‘t get into this. I have been striking out with my audio picks lately. Too much going on here and I had a hard time following on audio.

TerriGreen Hmm, wondering if I should remove it from my TBR. 4y
Tracyantoon @TerriGreen I don‘t think you would like this one. Fantastical elements (he sees dead people) and also a gratuitous dog death near the end that was IMO totally unnecessary. Lots of ghosts and other characters to keep track of and 2 timelines. 4y
TerriGreen Oh my, I will remove. Thanks! 4y
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Himself: A Novel | Jess Kidd
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I honestly wasn‘t sure what to expect when I started this. It‘s been on my TBR for 3 years. It was an interesting, haunting mystery surrounding a small town in Ireland. IMO there was unnecessary dog death. Yes, you saw how evil the bad guy was but the author put you in the mind of the dog while it was being beaten and killed and that ruined my enjoyment of the book. It was 300 pages in so I was already invested and couldn‘t bail at that point.

RaimeyGallant I read a book like that last year except rabbits. 😢 4y
Laughterhp @RaimeyGallant Ugh 😔😔 that‘s the worst. It was just so unexpected 😣 4y
TiredLibrarian I was just about to add this to my TBR list, but I don't want to read about animals dying. Ugh. 4y
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Himself: A Novel | Jess Kidd
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1. Tagged and Poirot Investigates on audio
2. The Essex Serpent by Sarah Perry
3. I have an aloe Vera (which I don‘t know how it‘s still alive, a jade plant, asparagus fern, and an ivy plant, a Christmas pine plant (that I don‘t know how long it‘ll live)


Himself: A Novel | Jess Kidd
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What a great day. It was 64°F today so all I wanted to do is be outside. We went on a 3 1/2 mile walk/hike.

And now we are having a campfire outside in January! I know it‘s not a good thing (unseasonably warm), but it‘s nice to spend time outside and in nature.

I wasn‘t sure what to expect from this book, I‘ve had it on my TBR for 3 years. I‘m really enjoying the mystical story.

Himself: A Novel | Jess Kidd
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Here‘s my #bookhaul from my B&N gift card I got for Christmas!

I‘m so excited to read all of these books! A couple of them have been on my TBR forever and a few of them I‘ve just discovered!

Mitch Great choices 🙌🏼👍🏼🙌🏼 4y
Suet624 Enjoy! 4y
Graciouswarriorprincess Fun! Happy reading! 4y
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Himself: A Novel | Jess Kidd
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Continuing my TBR project:
This is one the oldest selection on my TBR list - Originally added March 12, 2017.

This is an odd little magic realism book that may take me a few reads to fully comprehend. I liked it but often times I felt like I was in a fever dream.

Crazeedi Great ides 4y
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Himself: A Novel | Jess Kidd
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#7days7covers #covercrush Day 4

@samanthagutt Do you want to join in? Post a favorite cover every day for 7 days. No explanation required. Then invite another Litten to do the same.

CoffeeCatsBooks Love this! 😻 5y
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Himself: A Novel | Jess Kidd
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I literally bought this because I love the cover. Does anyone else do this?

Himself: A Novel | Jess Kidd
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I am so in love with this book! 🐝🍃 Not only is the cover art beautiful, but the story is captivating. Jess Kidd writes her characters - both human and ghost - into the same world, sharing an adjacent existence. Her prose is poetically crafted and a delight to read! 📗

#jesskidd #himself #ireland #book #ghost #irish #fiction #inlove #readmore #beautiful #coverart

DebinHawaii I really enjoyed this one too! Welcome to Litsy!! 🎉📚🎉Hope you enjoy it here! 5y
RhianJMartin @DebinHawaii So glad to hear that - yes, it's a lovely book! And thank you, very happy to be here. 😊📙 5y
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Himself: A Novel | Jess Kidd

A book I got from my library following a recommendation. Interesting and strange in equal measures, I found this book to be compulsive reading and devoured with a couple of days; I loved it and I‘m now off to read Jess Kidd‘s other 2 books.

Himself: A Novel | Jess Kidd
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Himself: A Novel | Jess Kidd
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Himself: A Novel | Jess Kidd
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Himself: A Novel | Jess Kidd
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1. There's a fairly intense murder scene at the very start (not usually my thing) but the thing I remember is how funny much of the book was. It's brilliant.
2. Bit of a tough week so I'm glad it's Friday!
3. Japanese
4. 12
5. Watch me go!

saresmoore 12 first cousins! I only have ten and thought it was quite a lot! 5y
Moray_Reads @saresmoore I got a new one just before Christmas so the number keeps going up! That's nothing though, my friend has about 35 first cousins... 5y
saresmoore Good grief! 😱 5y
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Himself: A Novel | Jess Kidd
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kspenmoll 🙌🏻🙌🏻 5y
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Himself: A Novel | Jess Kidd
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Himself: A Novel | Jess Kidd
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I absolutely L💛VED this book. Meandering, whimsical, poetic, magical and witty. Oh my goodness to have this writing talent! I mean really THIS IS HOW YOU WRITE! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Himself: A Novel | Jess Kidd
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A strong contender for the strangest book I've read in a while, once past the brutal prologue I enjoyed this very much. Dublin orphan become "Mayo Heathcliff" Mahony returns to the village of his birth to uncover what happened to his hellraiser of a mother. He's aided by Mrs Cauley, retired actress and the brains behind the operation. Oh, and he sees the dead. By turns violent, tender and darkly funny, this crime story is quite the wild ride!

quietlycuriouskate Don't pick it up if you object to the word "arse": arse is amply represented throughout. 5y
TrishB 😂 that made me laugh! 5y
squirrelbrain @TrishB @kathedron nothing wrong with ample arses! 🤣 5y
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Himself: A Novel | Jess Kidd
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Oh this is GLORIOUS! The prose is just beautiful and meandering. A third of the way through and I feel like applauding the author

Himself: A Novel | Jess Kidd
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I gave this a good 100 pages but I couldn‘t finish it. It wasn‘t cohesive for me to continue. I am probably in the minority‘s here 😟

Himself: A Novel | Jess Kidd
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Liked the Irishnish of the language & setting. Although book is in Co Mayo, in my mind I kept picturing Inistioge in Co Kilkenny. Didn't seem like Instioge was hiding any deep dark secrets while I was there, but you never know when you are outsider in a small town. Really wanted to like this one but just couldn't do the violence & descriptions of dead people. Did want to know the ending. ☘☘☘ #skimmedandreadlastfewchapters

Crinoline_Laphroaig Gave it a pick because it just wasn't to mind taste. Not author's fault. 5y
keithmalek I just gave this a stack add. You had me at Ireland. 5y
Crinoline_Laphroaig @keithmalek Dialogue is awesome. 5y
Slajaunie Sounds interesting. 5y
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Himself: A Novel | Jess Kidd
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#BookMail Pt4 I read the authors 2nd novel, The Hoarder, last year & it was one of my #TopTenOf2018 She has a knack for writing the strange & darkly bleak & making it very memorable. This is her debut novel, which also has the touch of strange about it. Mahoney returns to the tiny Irish village he was born in, hoping to find out more about his mother & his birth. But his presence is unwanted, especially when old secrets start surfacing.

TobeyTheScavengerMonk I loved this one so much on audio. 5y
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Himself: A Novel | Jess Kidd
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Littens who have read this, help! I thought this book was fantastic, but I probably shouldn‘t have read so much of it in the middle of the night while nursing, because...what was the killer‘s motive?

Himself: A Novel | Jess Kidd
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Atmospheric and dark but scattered with humour. It‘s got a murder mystery, the supernatural and small village life going on. Great cast of characters but Mrs. Cauley made the book for me. ⭐️⭐️⭐️ #newyearwhodis

monalyisha Me too! She was the best! 5y
Pricel101 Agreed! @monalyisha she was ZANY & hilarious. So happy you enjoyed the book! 5y
RedLeaves I am loooooving this book so much 5y
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Himself: A Novel | Jess Kidd
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Work, yoga and bath done now time for #bookandbrew 😁

I do love a book that‘s set in a small town/village, especially when they have a good set of characters like this one. It‘s intriguing so far. #newyearwhodis

KatieCarpenter Cute mug!! 5y
monalyisha Have you seen the cover for the physical hardcover? Man, is it GORGEOUS! (I really liked this one.) 5y
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youneverarrived @monalyisha yeah, it‘s a beauty 💚 much better than this one. 5y
Cathythoughts Enjoy 📖♥️ 5y
JennyM I‘ve heard she‘s a great author. Keep us posted and enjoy 5y
youneverarrived @JennyM will do 😘 5y
quietlycuriouskate I recently added this to my Overdrive wishlist: looking forward to seeing your thoughts on it. 5y
youneverarrived @kathedron I will let you know what I think 😘 5y
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Himself: A Novel | Jess Kidd
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This is the second Jess Kidd novel I‘ve finished this year, and it‘s safe to say I am now a certified fan. I love the way she weaves together humour, horror and the supernatural. I adore her characters. Looking forward to her new novel due out next year.

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Große #coverliebe!
Der Klappentext klingt auch vielversprechend:
Ein junger Hippie reist ins irische Mulderrig um das mysteriöse verschwinden seiner jungen Mutter vor mehr als 20 Jahren aufzuklären. Die Dorfbewohner stellen sich quer, doch kommt ihm die scharfzüngige alte Mrs. Cauley zu Hilfe, denn sie glaubt schon lange, dass jeder weiß, was damals wirklich geschah....
Na? Auch neugierig geworden?
#buch #buchliebe #leseliebe #bibliophile

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Himself: A Novel | Jess Kidd
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1. The humour in this one had me laughing out loud which doesn't often happen. Even though it starts with a fairly brutal murder
2. December
3. No. Don't plan to have any!
4. Crisps
#FriyayIntro @jesshowbooks

Himself: A Novel | Jess Kidd
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A ghost story for people who aren‘t fans of ghost stories

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Himself: A Novel | Jess Kidd
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A handsome stranger shows up in a small Irish town, trying to find out what happened to his mother, an unwed and ostracized teenager who suddenly disappeared when he was a baby. I don‘t have much substantive criticism of this book— it just couldn‘t hold my attention. There are some vivid, well-drawn secondary older women characters but I didn‘t find the central male character that interesting. Lots of magical realism, which isn‘t my thing.

alisahar If I remember right, I got this book because I‘m really interested in the treatment of unwed mothers and their children in Ireland but it wasn‘t what I was expecting. (edited) 6y
Vblancsbooks I thought the same and I DNF it. Mahoney was so flat! 5y
alisahar @Vblancsbooks just another boring hot guy 🤷‍♀️ 5y
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Himself: A Novel | Jess Kidd
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This has been my commute reading off and on for ages. But I‘m finally at the point that I‘m super into it and want to read it even when I‘m not in transit. i.e., I‘m totally finishing this tonight, if I don‘t fall asleep early!

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Himself: A Novel | Jess Kidd
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Today‘s zen audiobook listening spot: the Fens in #Boston while I wait for a movie at the MFA French Film Festival. I was supposed to do #24in48 but I only read 4 hours the first day and then forgot to restart my stopwatch at some point in day 2. Enjoying a quiet no-pressure, no-goals reading day instead.

DivineDiana Lovely! Enjoy your day! 😊 6y
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Himself: A Novel | Jess Kidd

Couldn't put this one down. I loved the feisty old ladies and liked Mahoney and the dead that bear witness to all the sins that occur in a small town. I thought the ending didn't quite live up to the rest of the book but the beginning and middle were really good. Fast paced and filled with fun characters.

Himself: A Novel | Jess Kidd
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Taking a break from The Twelve Caesars. It's part ghost story, part murder mystery set in a small, remote Irish town full of secrets. A little more than 100 pages in. Nicely written. Great pageturner so far.

Himself: A Novel | Jess Kidd
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LOVE this original line

Himself: A Novel | Jess Kidd

This book was such a great fast read 📚