A very detailed book which describes the lead up and aftermath of Dunkirk using accounts of those present. Long but worth investing the time! Full review here: https://thecuriousmagpie2018.wordpress.com/2020/11/25/audiobook-dunkirk-by-hugh-...
A very detailed book which describes the lead up and aftermath of Dunkirk using accounts of those present. Long but worth investing the time! Full review here: https://thecuriousmagpie2018.wordpress.com/2020/11/25/audiobook-dunkirk-by-hugh-...
A massive and intricate book detailing the years just prior to WW2 from Britain‘s perspective using both letters/diaries of those of importance as well as the ‘average‘ person. Full review here: https://thecuriousmagpie2018.wordpress.com/2021/02/03/audiobook-review-britains-...
I loved reading this book once I got into it understood what was happening. Gorgeous and imaginative. Read full review here: https://thecuriousmagpie2018.wordpress.com/2020/03/04/book-review-wakenhyrst-by-...
Hugely enjoyable and addictive audiobook, although highlighted how little I know about the human body. Full review here: https://thecuriousmagpie2018.wordpress.com/2020/04/28/audiobook-what-seems-to-be...
An ok book which I felt took too long to actually get going. Full review here: https://thecuriousmagpie2018.wordpress.com/2020/03/06/book-review-the-holiday-by...
A running book which is about more than just running. I found Rachel‘s ongoing learning about herself and the importance running has within her life and n her mental health both powerful and interesting. Full review here: https://thecuriousmagpie2018.wordpress.com/2020/02/04/running-for-my-life-by-rac...
An honest and reflective account of her adoption journey, a must read for anyone with fertility problems or considering adoption. Full review here: https://thecuriousmagpie2018.wordpress.com/2020/03/12/book-review-meant-to-be-by...
Compulsive reading which I overall enjoyed although I found the end reveal a bit predictable. Full review here: https://thecuriousmagpie2018.wordpress.com/2020/03/14/book-review-the-chalk-man-...
One for anyone interested in the history around the tragedy of the Titanic. A slightly unique book which focuses more on the aftermath of those who were left without their primary provider. Full review here: https://thecuriousmagpie2018.wordpress.com/2020/02/18/titanic-and-the-city-of-wi...
An enjoyable listen, one which I devoured within a couple of days. Full review available here: https://thecuriousmagpie2018.wordpress.com/2020/04/17/audiobook-review-three-act...
A fun and strangely informative book, I now feel a bit more confident in my abilities if I should encounter the Undead. I listened to the audiobook version often while running and found I was posting faster times- result! Full review can be found here: https://thecuriousmagpie2018.wordpress.com/2019/12/21/audiobook-review-the-zombi...
Not a groundbreaking read but one which I found to be fun and entertaining. Full review here: https://thecuriousmagpie2018.wordpress.com/2019/12/19/review-hollywoods-dark-his...
An interesting read about the family and ancestors of poet Lord Byron, scandals galore! Full review here: https://thecuriousmagpie2018.wordpress.com/2019/12/17/review-the-fall-of-the-hou...
Short drama of the Christmas truce during the beginning stages of ww1. Fantastic production and worth a listen. Full review here: https://thecuriousmagpie2018.wordpress.com/2019/12/12/reviewan-original-audible-...
My first time reading this book, although I have watched it on the TV. I completely loved the plot and storyline especially the unreliable author. Full review here: https://thecuriousmagpie2018.wordpress.com/2019/12/05/audiobook-review-the-murde...
A powerful, sad and often difficult read. An oral history account from those who lived and are continuing to live through this disaster. Full review here: https://thecuriousmagpie2018.wordpress.com/2019/12/03/review-chernobyl-prayer-by...
The first Agatha Christie novel to feature Hercule Poirot. Fun and energetic with Poirot running rings around everyone! Full review here: https://thecuriousmagpie2018.wordpress.com/2019/11/26/audiobook-review-the-myste...
A fun and interesting book which considers the different parts which made up rhetoric. Full review here: https://thecuriousmagpie2018.wordpress.com/2019/11/22/audiobook-review-the-eleme...
A short story told entirely through letters by the wounded parties. A short and fantastic story. Full review here: https://thecuriousmagpie2018.wordpress.com/2019/11/19/review-evidence-of-the-aff...
A short book describing Adam Kay‘s various years working on the frontline in the NHS both funny and sad in equal measures. If you have read his first book you will love this one! Full review here: https://thecuriousmagpie2018.wordpress.com/2019/11/16/twas-the-nightshift-before...
Enjoyable and a quick read, although maybe not up to the standard of the late great Agatha Christie. Full review here: https://thecuriousmagpie2018.wordpress.com/2019/11/12/review-the-closed-casket-b...
A short but fantastic read, I would recommend reading/ listening to the updated version which includes some bonus extras such as 2014 Quidditch World Cup. Full review here: https://thecuriousmagpie2018.wordpress.com/2019/11/09/audiobook-review-quidditch...
Poirot is called in to investigate after a young girl is drowned after making a statement that she had seen a murder. Fun read but not one of Christie‘s best books. Full review here: https://thecuriousmagpie2018.wordpress.com/2019/11/07/review-halloween-party-by-...
A fictional account of the brutal murders of Lizzie Borden‘s father and stepmother which uses first person narrative of four characters. Menacing and claustrophobic; I found this to be an interesting book. Full review here: https://thecuriousmagpie2018.wordpress.com/2019/11/05/review-see-what-i-have-don...
An interesting concept around time travel and changing a pivotal moment in history. I struggled with most of this book until near the end when things became a bit more interesting. Full review here: https://thecuriousmagpie2018.wordpress.com/2019/10/12/review-time-and-time-again...
An honest and sometimes painfully open book about mental health. A book everyone should read to allow further insight into OCD anxiety and depression. Full review https://thecuriousmagpie2018.wordpress.com/2019/10/29/review-mad-girl-by-bryony-...
A book which discusses in detail the lives of the five victims of Jack the Ripper, a Victorian serial killer. Thoughts about these women are challenged and questions raised about society‘s views on women which continue today. Full review here: https://thecuriousmagpie2018.wordpress.com/2019/10/30/audiobook-review-the-five-...
Set around the trenches and warfare during World War One. Devastatingly poignant intense utterly fantastic. Full review here: https://thecuriousmagpie2018.wordpress.com/2019/10/01/audiobook-review-birdsong-...
A classic Agatha Christie book with multiple murders and dwindling suspects. A master class in how to continually build and hold tension throughout a story to the end. Full review here: https://thecuriousmagpie2018.wordpress.com/2019/10/26/audiobook-review-and-then-...
A powerful and emotional read about Lemn Sissay‘s journey through the British care system. A must read for anyone interested in working or already working with children especially children in care. Full review here: https://thecuriousmagpie2018.wordpress.com/2019/10/24/review-my-name-is-why-by-l...
A super chilled relaxing book about one woman‘s search through the mud and muck on the banks of the Thames for any item of interest. I completely loved this book, read my full review here : https://thecuriousmagpie2018.wordpress.com/2019/10/22/audiobook-mudlarking-by-la...
A book set within WW1 about a conscientious objector recruited to investigate a murder in the trenches. Overall good book however I found it to be predictable and a bit one dimensional. Full review here: https://thecuriousmagpie2018.wordpress.com/2019/10/03/review-the-first-casualty-...
I had been initially unsure about this book however as I slowly plodded the path with Raynor and Moth I grew to love this book with its beautiful light lyrical prose. Full review here: https://thecuriousmagpie2018.wordpress.com/2019/10/15/audiobook-review-the-salt-...
A book about death should be depressing and morbid, I did not feel this while listening to this book. Fascinating and intricate and told with such passion by the the author. Full review: https://thecuriousmagpie2018.wordpress.com/2019/10/08/review-all-that-remains-by...
A strange book in which nothing appears to happen except for her attempts to find the ‘correct‘ dose of prescription pills to make her happy and different. An interesting book which remained with me for a couple of days after. Full review: https://thecuriousmagpie2018.wordpress.com/2019/08/20/review-my-year-of-rest-and...
A quirky interesting book with supernatural elements and strong characters. I found this to be an interesting and fun read, although maybe not as strong as her other two books; Things in Jars and Himself. My full review can be found on https://thecuriousmagpie2018.wordpress.com/2019/07/16/review-the-hoarder-by-jess...
I‘m a bit of a sucker for history books of World War One and this book did not disappoint. The book starts with the events which lead to war and the first few battles. Intricate and well researched! https://thecuriousmagpie2018.wordpress.com/2018/07/21/my-review-of-the-guns-of-a...
Dark and menacing atmosphere through the book, easy to see why it was made into an iconic film! Read my full review here: https://thecuriousmagpie2018.wordpress.com/2019/08/24/review-what-ever-happened-...
Bleak and sharp short stories considering the darkness often found within humans. Fascinating and yet also horrifying in equal measures. Read my full review at: https://thecuriousmagpie2018.wordpress.com/2019/08/22/review-civilwarland-in-bad...
An enjoyable if predictable book of three women spanning from just before World War One until armistice, read more on my blog:
I‘m slowly revisiting all of Agatha Christie‘s books, fun times! Read my review of this over on https://thecuriousmagpie2018.wordpress.com/2019/09/05/audiobook-review-evil-unde...
An interesting and slightly unique format of considering this fictional woman‘s life through I respective husbands, particularly as these men are a sideline in her life. I really enjoyed reading this and can see it developed into a mini series for tv.
A collection of short stories and flash fiction detailing the fires which destroyed parts of Australia in 2009. Each story delivers a different viewpoint of the tragedy on the people and environment. Light, lyrical often poetic language used. I found this book to be both gorgeous and sad in equal measures.
Powerful and evocative writing about two different historical periods in South Africa, both which I feel slightly ashamed to say I have limited knowledge about. This book has led to the need to understand and know more. Just for igniting this desire I love this book. A devastatingly gorgeous book.
Sex, drugs and rock ‘n‘ roll in a fictional 70s band. I listened to the audiobook version which features different voices for each character and was completely blown away by both the book and performance. If I hadn‘t know better I would believe this was a real band detailing their rise and fall. I loved, loved, loved!
A strong dynamic and vivid story with equally strong and dynamic characters; particularly the women. A stronger undercurrent of darkness in this story than her other 2 books which fit the period. A book I loved reading.
Dark, sharp and quirky. A sister who kills many of her boyfriends and another sister who cleans up after her. It appears if you are beautiful you can get away with anything including murder! Compulsive and enjoyable reading.
A dark story detailing the life of 3 sisters who lived with their parents away from other people, particularly men and have no experience to draw upon when 2 men and 1 boy arrive one day. I found this to be an uncomfortable read involving abuse of children and women, a story which kept popping into my head for a few days after I finished.
Lovely lyrical language with deep undertones. This is a book I should‘ve liked and yet I never connected with it and instead reading felt a bit of a chore 🤷♀️
A book I got from my library following a recommendation. Interesting and strange in equal measures, I found this book to be compulsive reading and devoured with a couple of days; I loved it and I‘m now off to read Jess Kidd‘s other 2 books.