I'm really enjoying this trilogy. This is the second in the Dark Gifts fantasy trilogy. A compelling story that has great imagery.
Can't wait to read the third installment.
I'm really enjoying this trilogy. This is the second in the Dark Gifts fantasy trilogy. A compelling story that has great imagery.
Can't wait to read the third installment.
We're planning a few changes at home soon as part of that, new bookshelves. I've spent the last few weekends sanding, staining and varnishing whilst #audiobooking. Only part way through the first coat of varnish. Finger crossed they look good and I meet my deadline.
Starting the second book in this trilogy.
9/10 book 2 of 3, story definitely pulled me in and I couldn't put it down. Series will be read again for aure
These books are sooooo goooood! I‘m finding it increasingly hard to get out of my car when I get to work or get home. It‘s like “just 5 more minutes” is the new “just one more chapter.”
Super good! Sometimes after the first book the others in a series just don't live up. Not so with this one. World building in spot on and the characters are fabulous. Lots of drama to keep you turning the pages. ♥️
My July 4th reading material. Loved the first one.
“As we sit in this beautiful place, enjoying the privileges of our position, we shouldn‘t forget to have love in our hearts also for the less fortunate. In fact, we forget at our peril our shared humanity.” p. 192.
I just found out that the second book in this series is out already. That is an unexpected delight. Also my father-in-law read it already and didn‘t even tell me. For shame.
Good thing I have a buildup of Libro.fm credits!
Sunday at MCM Comic Con I met Vic James 😍 Love her Dark Gifts trilogy.
Holy shit! Is book 3 out yet?? I thought this would be a case of ‘second book syndrome‘ but it absolutely wasn‘t. I actually loved this one more than the first one. It surprised me and I was reading with my mouth gaping open coz I couldn‘t believe what was going on. Cannot wait for Bright Ruin to release. #YA #Fantasy #DarkGiftsTrilogy
When I just thought this series couldn‘t get any darker or more fucked up THAT happened. 😱 I actually cannot stop reading. #YA #DarkGiftsTrilogy
I loved this sequel to Gilded Cage by Vic James! This is dystopian fantasy at some of its best. The characters are all genuinely flawed and likable, whether they are “good” or “bad” characters. And this sequel was even more gritty and surprising than the first book! This is not a happy revolution where everybody survives, just keep in mind!
This book has fascinating, intriguing, enigmatic characters that I can never quite pin down and a crazy plot. I love that I have intense feelings about all of the characters and it has kept me guessing. Part the reason I think I enjoy dystopian novels so much these days is because I feel like we are living in one and they are just some tiny acknowledgement of that. The mandatory "slavedays" remind me of our school to prison pipeline.
Finally finished Tarnished City by Vic James. While I spent most of the last few weeks icing my injured knee, I still took forever to read this book! I loved the first book in this series Gilded Cage, but this one had a whole lot more going on.....and I think in my pain pilled haze I had a hard time following it😂😂😂 But finally in recovery and got it done. 💃Will most definitely the next book though.📚
Rosalee Wreckingball Diva has commandeered my new library book just when it was really getting good. I am excited about this one. I thought Gilded Cage was excellent.
#dogsoflitsy #pitbullsoflitsy #RosaleeWreckingballDiva
This book is second in the trilogy and definitely worthy of it. It not only held up to the first (Gilded Cages) but was the better of the two. There was little breathing room between events that happen which can cause one to feel like the story moves too fast. However, I found that it‘s pace was meant in keeping for the story, not the reader, so it did not bother me. I can‘t wait for the third and final book to come out!
Sequel to Gilded Cage. Loved the further development of the world and characters. Set in a world where normal humans have to spend 10 consecutive years of their lives serving as slaves to the humans with powers. Some interesting parallels to today‘s society in certain parts. @BookFreakOut we must chat about this one next time I see you!
#LitsyAtoZ #LetterJ
Oh damn. This gets SO crazy! It's starting to feel like GOT and don't start liking a character because soon they'll die. Jeez 😑
The Gilded Cage by Vic James was my favorite book of 2017. The sequel, Tarnished City does not disappoint. My full review is on my blog, www.wavingmyfreakflag.com. I am thrilled that Vic James quoted my review.
He said “I‘ll help you read it, mom. Or get in the way of you seeing pages. I haven‘t decided yet.” #CatsOfLitsy
My read for the weekend. I loved the first in this trilogy (see comment below for the book) and so I can‘t wait to dive into this one! Magic compels. We bleed. How do you choose when you can‘t save everyone? #CurrentlyReading
#libraryhaul & holds came in.. I'm SO excited to get to Tarnished City! I loved Gilded Cage and put the sequel on hold immediately after. The bottom three are ones the kiddo picked out for herself. She's more of a nonfiction kind of kid!
So I‘ve been down with the flu for a whole week and only start to feel like a human being again. I couldn‘t even concentrate enough to read 😱 this is the book that got me out of the slump. It‘s the second in a series about an alternative world in which Skilled people rule over the unSkilled, and the possibility of a revolution starts to take root. New allies emerge and old ones become traitors 👌🏻 can‘t wait for the conclusion
#BookStack - My current stack of books from the library. I‘m hoping to read most of them this month, but we will see!
Each book in this series gets better and better! Action and adventure on every page! Many unexpected twists and turns. I highly recommend this book / series.
It‘s now snowing at my house and the mailman just delivered this delightful gift. I won a Goodreads giveaway about a week ago and wasn‘t expecting to see this for another month at least. I think these are signs from the universe that I‘m supposed to skip the Christmas party, stay home and read!
Did not disappoint! Absolutely loved the second book of this series - story really progressed and had some quite interesting surprises! Can't wait til January when the final book is out! (Sorry for the poor picture quality - taking a picture on the bus is actually quite hard)
I hadn't read the first book in this series, but a well constructed plot and fantastic descriptions of this terrifying world, ruled by magically skilled Equals, where the commoners perform a decade of slavery to their Lords, made it easy to get immersed in the characters.
I loved the unpredictability of the Equals, seeing how their allegiances were perceived and where they actually lay.
Will keep my eyes peeled for the other installments.
Time to start my next bus book! Loved the first book of this series so looking forward to reading this!
OMG 😲 how good was this book - finished it in 2 days and this one just came out punching - I spent most of this book like this 😲😱 - review on blog 06.09.17 - link in bio
Received an #ARC from #NetGalley for a honest review- 34% in already and loving it so far
I think I might be in the minority on liking the first one so much, but I'm seriously dying to read this sequel! It's coming out in September, but oh my gosh I can't wait! #readathon2017 @Liberty