The Romance Book Club I host at my local bookstore just read Funny Story and we LOVED it! It was hands-down the club favorite and also brought in the largest crowd for our meeting! We all stan Miles 💛
The Romance Book Club I host at my local bookstore just read Funny Story and we LOVED it! It was hands-down the club favorite and also brought in the largest crowd for our meeting! We all stan Miles 💛
Just finished reading Ghost Station by SA Barnes and it was AWESOME. Twisty story, scary space station, mind-bending situations…I had a great time. The atmosphere was impeccable - I never knew when something might be coming around a corner. Highly recommend for sci-fi horror fans!
#books #bookrec #scifihorror #ghoststation #reads
I can‘t say it‘s my favorite romcom I‘ve ever read, but there was a lot here I enjoyed. I wouldn‘t recommend it to everyone across the board, but if you liked Blake‘s other books, I think this one will feel satisfying to you. I really liked Stevie‘s arc and found her to be an interesting character.
After my Year of Sanderson (or maybe I should call it my Cosmyear) in 2023, it was lovely to start off my 2024 reads with a new one. Had a great time jumping back into an action-packed Cosmere book. BrandSand just really knows his stuff.
Absolutely adored this book. It gave me Starless Sea and Addie LaRue vibes and I cannot recommend it enough to anyone who likes the kind of books about how stories being magic into the world.
Current read! I also picked up a hard copy from the library because I‘m enjoying it so much. It‘s giving me Starless Sea and Addie LaRue vibes and I am VERY into it. Also just LOOK at this cover!
#BookHaul today from Cavalier House Books! I nabbed these lovelies in addition to my new Death Stranding book, and I‘m excited to dive in! on Nostalgia is for book club this Thursday, so I‘ll be reading that one pretty quickly!
I am SO. FREAKING. EXCITED. to read this Death Stranding novelization! I absolutely adore the game, and I‘m so ready to read more into this world!
I LOVED this book! It was the perfect romcom story, just what I needed in 2020! I actually stayed up most of the night to finish it. The characters are adorable and quirky and fun and I just had such a great time reading this one! Highly recommend!
Current read - not into the sexy bits (sorry, romance authors & readers, I just find that a bit ridiculous to read, personally) BUT I‘m enjoying the developing relationship between the characters, which is something romance tends to do remarkably well. It‘s a fun, nice read for a dark time, and I‘m really enjoying that.
I love this series, and this one was no different! It‘s great to see some long term character development coming through. Always funny and a joy to read, and I can‘t wait for the next one!
It was lovely. I don‘t even know what else to say, but it was achingly lovely.
My friend Trinity sent me an Addie LaRue Owlcrate and I LOVE IT!!! This was absolutely fantastic to open, and I adore all the things inside. I also got her lovely letter, homemade bookmark, and tea that she sent me on the same day! What a lovely set of gifts to receive! And I‘m absolutely loving reading Addie LaRue!
Picked up some new books at Cavalier House Books today and got to actually chat with @everlocalwest for a bit, which was SO FREAKING NICE. I‘ve just finished Fangirl, and I‘m so excited to read the others (plus Spoiler Alert, which I‘m still waiting on). This is one happy book haul for one happy reader!
Couple of my favorite Levi moments represented flawlessly in manga form. Those facial expressions 💛
Just read the Fangirl manga in one sitting because this is seriously one of my favorite stories of all time. There‘s so much here I truly love. It would never replace the novel, of course, but I LOVE having the pictures to go with the story. Beautifully illustrated, so much to love. Can‘t wait for the other issues!
“We do bones, motherfucker.”
I freaking loved this book. I think I read half of it just today, and I wish it wasn‘t 2:30 AM so I could jump into the second one. The swearing and memes in here are like poetry, and the world is fantastical and sometimes beyond comprehension. It‘s like And Them There Were None meets Among Us with magic and necromancy thrown in. It‘s awesome.
So my mom ( @Slajaunie ) sent Alice a Literati Book Box, and Alice got to pick her two favorite books to keep after we read them all, plus she got some personalized book plates, an art print, and a really cool light/marker for writing and viewing secret messages. Of course my kid picked the bug book, but at least it‘s animated and cute. She LOVED getting her book box and was so excited about her new books! Thank you, Mother!
I bought six new pairs of socks from Out of Print, and this is one of my favorite pairs. Alice and I have been reading a ton of Elephant and Piggy lately; I‘ve even perfected my voices for each of them. The books are cute and funny and we have tons of fun reading them each night. I also bought Pigeon socks because really, Mo Willems is just freaking awesome, y‘all.
I finally sat down and read my ebook of The Dawn Chorus recently. I had to look up and read synopses of the first three Bone Season books because I couldn‘t remember a lot of the series - all this exercise did was make me really really really want to dive into the entire series again. The novella was a lovely reminder of why this is one of my favorite series of all time, and I can‘t wait to dive back in and reread to prep for The Mask Falling!
I spent part of my weekend catching up on birthday cards for my loved ones and writing a letter to a dear friend (it‘s the decorated one on top - I‘m channeling her delightfully decorative spirit). I‘ll be sending all these out tomorrow, and I can‘t wait for everyone to get them! Sending letters and cards is one of my favorite things; there‘s nothing like getting a hand-written card in the mail 💛
I‘m trying SO HARD not to read this one yet because I‘m waiting for my friend Trinity to get her copy. Thus far I‘ve only cheated and read the first three chapters, but already I can tell I‘m going to love it. It helps that VE Schwab is one of my favorite authors, and this is her magnum opus, it seems. It‘s lovely from cover to cover, and I cannot WAIT to dive in!
Okay so Fangirl is one of my favorite books of all time; I read it every year when the first chill of fall hits (and usually disappears immediately after). This year, I invited a bunch of friends to read it with me. We‘ve been chatting about it and sharing our thoughts and favorite parts, and it‘s been just a wonderful experience, especially since I can‘t see them all. And I‘m reminded once again why and how much I absolutely adore this book. 💛
I read this one for book club at Cavalier House Books. I wasn‘t sure how or if I‘d like it, but it turned out to be exactly what I needed. The entire book feels just like some old southern lady telling you a story about back in the day, and that‘s basically what most of the book is. It felt like hope and life all wrapped up together, and I really quite loved it. I can‘t wait for book club!
I‘ve also been rereading Harry Potter again for a new discussion/review podcast I‘ve started with a friend, and it‘s been a lot of fun jumping back into that world for the millionth time and discussing the details with someone who loves it like I do. The podcast is called Sunshine & Cynics for anyone who wants to check it out!
I forgot to post the books I‘ve been reading! I finally finished the new Stiefvater and it was SO FREAKING GOOD and I can‘t wait for the next one. I might even reread the Raven Boys series because I just loved reading about those characters again. In the end, Ronan might actually be my favorite. I adore him. So good.
I forgot to review this one! It was okay. I had a really hard time connecting with the main character, and since she was a LIBRARIAN that‘s saying something. I found almost all of the secondary characters more compelling. The book has an interesting afterlife construction, and there were some good pieces that made the world feel interesting. I don‘t know if I‘ll pick up the second one when it eventually comes out though.
This one was alright. Nothing special. I had some major problems with the setup of the two main characters (“Hey I know this guy TORTURED YOU but he‘s good now, so we‘re gonna send him on a mission with you!”) and it wasn‘t the most compelling narrative. The last third really picked up and was interesting. I liked learning the background of Galaxy‘s Edge, so I don‘t regret reading it. I think it‘ll enhance my trip when I visit later this year.
I also picked up this one from the library because I wasn‘t enjoying the audio (I don‘t like the person reading it). I love VE Schwab, so I‘m excited to read this one!
Got my new book club book, and I‘m excited to start reading!
I‘m reading my annotated copies that I specifically bought for my last major series reread in 2014 that I did with @everlocalwest and I‘m adding to it. This time I drew the Dursley‘s. Not my best work, but it‘ll do. I really feel some intense things for the Dursley‘s this time along with every other adult in Harry‘s young life who failed to notice how abused and mistreated he was. They‘re absolutely horrible, and this hits harder as an adult.
I‘m (finally!!!) going to LeakyCon this summer, so it‘s time for another re-read! My friend Katelyn and I will be podcasting about the books throughout as well, so if anyone would like to read along, feel free! We‘re planning to release our first episode on the first half of Sorcerer‘s Stone next Thursday, the 27th. I‘ll share here when we do.
I don‘t have a picture of it, but I forgot to review Nimona! I loved it! Definitely an excellent start to my pledge to read more graphic novels this year!
I read this entire book in one sitting. That‘s how much I loved it. The entire series is phenomenal and I love it and if you like funny teens and awesome mysteries you should totally read it. What a satisfying conclusion. #TrulyDevious
Got some exciting new books at the library! I want to read more graphic novels this year, and I‘m also planning to visit Galaxy‘s Edge this summer, so time to read up!
As always, rereading this book was a magical experience. Engaging with it through annotation made the experience even more special. It remains one of my favorite books of all time.
Just started this one for book club next month!
This book was so goooood! I love it. I will proceed to read it once a year like I do Fangirl. Rainbow Rowell just gets me, y‘all.
I can‘t stop buying books. Send help.
I just took a “What Kind of Reader Are You?” quiz from the Random Penguin and apparently I‘m the book club boss. Which is funny because I‘ve been to all of one book club meeting. I definitely talk too much, though.
Also I‘m finally making some headway through my Name of the Wind reread! I‘m loving reading the physical book the second time through.
I‘m fine. My heart is broken, but I‘m fine.
This book was lovely. I‘m not super into the Trojan War as a setting or topic, but this was beautifully told, a personal story of Patroclus and Achilles woven into a legend. I‘m super excited to talk about it at Book Club tomorrow!
I just made a list of all the books I‘ve taken screenshots or photos of on my phone to remind me to check them out later. I didn‘t check them out later. But now I can!
I‘m about 2 hours in, and I‘m really enjoying this book so far. I‘m nervous about the ending though, gotta say. I‘m super excited to hopefully make it to CHB book club this month though!!!
I freaking loved this book. Seriously, I read the whole thing in one evening, and that‘s in the year of 2019: The Book Slump. The characters were lovely and fun and I felt like I wanted to be friends with them and live next door. The whole thing is based on the tropes of romcoms and I ADORE romcoms, so big fan. I had a great time with this book and highly recommend it to romcom fans! (Also! Hey! No descriptions of sex scenes! So +1 for that!)
#BookstoreRomanceDay was fantastic! #CavalierHouseBooks had kittens and books and Fabio to celebrate, and I had a lovely time petting kitties and hanging out with my favorite booksellers (including @everlocalwest )! I also snagged a couple of romances today to hopefully help me out of my yearlong book slump!
Apparently I can‘t stop buying shirts from Out of Print. Couldn‘t resist getting a shirt showing my love for my favorite Star Wars film, and I can‘t wait to wear it during our Star Wars marathon for episode 9 this December! I also just ordered two more Harry Potter shirts today because they‘re on sale. Send help.
Couldn‘t wait on this one, so I just snagged the audiobook! Guess I know what I‘ll be doing with my car rides for a while!