My #bookstoreromanceday haul. What‘d everyone else grab?
My #bookstoreromanceday haul. What‘d everyone else grab?
Yesterday was #BookstoreRomanceDay and we had a blast at the store with the bookstore bingo, but I also made up these picture puzzles for our Instagram page. I thought I'd post the 7 I made on here for you guys to have fun with- winner gets bragging rights. So guess the romance book title from the picture above. 7/7
Yesterday was #BookstoreRomanceDay and we had a blast at the store with the bookstore bingo, but I also made up these picture puzzles for our Instagram page. I thought I'd post the 7 I made on here for you guys to have fun with- winner gets bragging rights. So guess the romance book title from the picture above. 6/7
Yesterday was #BookstoreRomanceDay and we had a blast at the store with the bookstore bingo, but I also made up these picture puzzles for our Instagram page. I thought I'd post the 7 I made on here for you guys to have fun with- winner gets bragging rights. So guess the romance book title from the picture above. 5/7
Yesterday was #BookstoreRomanceDay and we had a blast at the store with the bookstore bingo, but I also made up these picture puzzles for our Instagram page. I thought I'd post the 7 I made on here for you guys to have fun with- winner gets bragging rights. So guess the romance book title from the picture above. 4/7
Yesterday was #BookstoreRomanceDay and we had a blast at the store with the bookstore bingo, but I also made up these picture puzzles for our Instagram page. I thought I'd post the 7 I made on here for you guys to have fun with- winner gets bragging rights. So guess the romance book title from the picture above. 3/7
Yesterday was #BookstoreRomanceDay and we had a blast at the store with the bookstore bingo, but I also made up these picture puzzles for our Instagram page. I thought I'd post the 7 I made on here for you guys to have fun with- winner gets bragging rights. So guess the romance book title from the picture above. 2/7
Yesterday was #BookstoreRomanceDay and we had a blast at the store with the bookstore bingo, but I also made up these picture puzzles for our Instagram page. I thought I'd post the 7 I made on here for you guys to have fun with- winner gets bragging rights. So guess the romance book title from the picture above. 1/7
#bookstoreromanceday 💞
I was happy to sneak out of a house full of company today and go to my happy place 😊
I bought 'One Christmas Wish,' got 'A Game of Brides' free, and threw in 'Factory Girls' for shits and grins 😄