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The People in the Trees
The People in the Trees: A Novel | Hanya Yanagihara
Readers of exciting, challenging and visionary literary fictionincluding admirers of Norman Rush's Mating, Ann Patchett's State of Wonder, Barbara Kingsolver's The Poisonwood Bible, and Peter Matthiessen's At Play in the Fields of the Lordwill be drawn to this astonishingly gripping and accomplished first novel. A decade in the writing, this is an anthropological adventure story that combines the visceral allure of a thriller with a profound and tragic vision of what happens when cultures collide. It is a book that instantly catapults Hanya Yanagihara into the company of young novelists who really, really matter.In 1950, a young doctor called Norton Perina signs on with the anthropologist Paul Tallent for an expedition to the remote Micronesian island of Ivu'ivu in search of a rumored lost tribe. They succeed, finding not only that tribe but also a group of forest dwellers they dub "The Dreamers," who turn out to be fantastically long-lived but progressively more senile. Perina suspects the source of their longevity is a hard-to-find turtle; unable to resist the possibility of eternal life, he kills one and smuggles some meat back to the States. He scientifically proves his thesis, earning worldwide fame and the Nobel Prize, but he soon discovers that its miraculous property comes at a terrible price. As things quickly spiral out of his control, his own demons take hold, with devastating personal consequences.
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Unpleasant. That's all I'll say.
I liked the anthropology involved and the science around the island but not the relationships formed.

Clever memoir style with incredible detail and footnote! Very impressive but just not what I'd wanted to read about.

charl08 I still have the ick about this book years after I read it. 2mo
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#Readingoceania2024. #Micronesian This novel is one disturbing read that not only challenges the myth of tropical paradises but shows a glaring light on western scientific greed. There are two narrators, the main character and his editor who writes in the footnotes. Both are unreliable and morally suspect. Although a slow read, and chilling, it is worth the effort.

BarbaraBB I am going to read this one too for that prompt! 5mo
Librarybelle Great review! 5mo
Aimeesue Nice review! 5mo
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5/5 ⭐
Affascinante e raccapricciante al tempo stesso. Leggerlo e stato come osservare la mente di un mostro che si crede un eroe.

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Norton Perina, a medical researcher who won the Nobel prize for medicine for work which offers the chance of physical immortality, is writing his memoirs in prison where he is serving a sentence for sexual assault.

Perina is an unpleasant character, full of whining self-justification. The book is very slow with occasional bursts of movement to shift the plot forward. It does give the reader much to ponder but it was a struggle to get through.

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A crew goes to a small island in Micronesia in search of a small tribe of natives with extremely long lives. Beautifully written with a stunning ending, and I mean stunning.

TrishB Must get to this one! 2y
AmyG I have always meant to read this one. 2y
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This was an interesting story of a professor going on a research journey to visit a tribe. It was a little distracting with the footnotes. I really love the descriptions of the tribe and actions and sounds. I felt like I was there.

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What a weird, dark, unsettling, sinister novel but I liked it. this is Yanagihara‘s debut but you can already see the style, complexity and themes of her 2 later books.

There is an intricate structure; this time, the book is like a scientific article, with footnotes by someone else and there are the themes of power, sex and control.

I‘m going to say something scandalous… I think I liked this more than To Paradise! 😱

Very strong TW though ⬇️

squirrelbrain Trigger warnings for rape, sexual abuse and also animal cruelty. 2y
Cathythoughts Great review! I‘ve only read A Little Life Life … but the words you use ‘weird , dark , unsettling , and sinister ‘ do describe the vibes. 2y
Hooked_on_books I‘ve only read her latest, but I‘m interested in reading more from her and you have me intrigued! Plus, your tulips are gorgeous! 😍 2y
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BarbaraBB That you liked it more than To Paradise is quite a recommendation to me! I wasn‘t that impressed by it! So I will read this one soon! 2y
squirrelbrain @Cathythoughts - A Little Life is certainly all of those things. 😢 2y
squirrelbrain @Hooked_on_books - A Little Life is one of my favourite books of all time, so that has to be number 1 of the author‘s, then this one, then the latest. (The tulips were from a friend - they are lovely aren‘t they?!) 2y
squirrelbrain @BarbaraBB - I think you will like it but take heed of my warnings, as it won‘t be for everyone… 2y
Megabooks The real-life scientist this is based on sounds like a sinister guy, so it doesn‘t surprise me the book is dark. I‘m interested in this one but also have really low tolerance for a specific trigger I believe is in the book (based on the real person‘s story). But still, I am tempted… 2y
squirrelbrain Is it animal cruelty? @Megabooks If so, there‘s one really bad part that you could probably skip, but then there‘s more ‘minor‘ instances throughout. 😞 2y
Megabooks It is child sex abuse, which I‘m sure figures heavily in the story. 😢 2y
squirrelbrain Yes, it‘s implied throughout and then there are some quite explicit sections too - you‘ll have to give this one a miss @Megabooks 2y
Megabooks Thanks Helen 👍🏻 2y
Oryx I'm about a third of the way through this one. I almost bailed at the lab animal bit near the start - but I'm enjoying it a bit more now we're on the island. 2y
squirrelbrain Yes, that animal cruelty bit was grim wasn‘t it? @Oryx Not trying to put you off, but there‘s some more, far worse, stuff to come though. 😬 2y
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Could have moved along a little quicker in spots

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Oh my god!! Like WTF??!! This book was EPIC!

This book has to be one of the most inventive books I‘ve ever read. Even if you think you know what‘s happened, you‘ll always find yourself surprised by the way the story has been written, by the way people are represented and by the way truth and lie intertwine in a hypnotic dance.

Absolute loved this book. Very well written and narration was fabulous too. I highly recommend this work to everyone!

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mad about it tbh

CuriousG This book wrecked me 3y
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Starting this eBook - I used to be a better multiple book reader but lately, I am one-book-at-a-time. This one scares me. Hoping I can fall into it and it won‘t let me go. For the last of 8 I need to read for the goodreads TOB group Favorites. #ToBFavorites
#DogsofLitsy #EstherAssisting #whpg #Griff4Short (I must have caught her in a blink!)

cariashley I‘ve had a copy of this book for years, really need to pick it up soon. 4y
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This is both beautifully written and equally unsettling. Roughly based on a similar case irl this book will stay wih you. Themes of power and abuse - the whole book has you quietly anticipating something you know is coming but hope it doesn't.. Yanagihara immerses you into a vivid new world in large chunks of the book and shows you how important perspective is in any recounting.

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My brain is fried from everything involved with packing/moving/setting up the new house, so settling in for a reread of this masterpiece since I can't handle new info right now.

Happy holiday reading everyone!

AmyG Oh, I‘m living the same life. Ha! We moved 12/13 and I‘ve hardly read a page. Hope your move went well. (edited) 5y
CuriousG @AmyG Hope you are starting to settle in your new place - it definitely takes time to get used to new surroundings. We just moved on Dec 23rd, but things have gone well so I can't complain. But taking a few minutes away from unpacking boxes to calm myself with reading 5y
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Whoa, this book is so dark and devastating and covers very tough subject matter. It made me sad on so many levels, how humans treat each other and our world so badly. The main character is so unlikable but the book is so compelling and beautifully written. Yanagihara is a brilliant story teller, she has a gift.
#LitsyAtoZ letter Y

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Here's my #DecemberTBR
4 of the books are to finish my #LitsyAtoZ challenge for 2019
I start holidays on the 14th so I think it's achievable 🤞
Thanks for the inspiration @Carolynm


OriginalCyn620 👍🏻📚😊 5y
Bookwormjillk I plan on reading X this month too 5y
Rissreads @Bookwormjillk It will be interesting to compare what we think. 5y
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Jee_HookedOnBookz The Immortalists 👍🏼👍🏼 5y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I‘ll be looking for your review on 5y
JennyM That‘s a fantastic pile!!! 5y
CarolynM Looks like some great variety there. Enjoy🙂 5y
Rissreads @CarolynM No romance though! 🤣 5y
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Sunday morning reading in bed and we‘ve got a theme 💁🏼‍♀️

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Hello, Friday....
Hope everyone is having a good one!

JoScho You too 🖤 6y
saresmoore Lovely. 6y
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Redwritinghood 🤗🤗 6y
BarbaraBB Looking forward to your thoughts on this book! 6y
Reggie How is this one so far? I don‘t know if I can do another Hanya. 6y
vivastory What's the drink? I hope you like the book! 6y
readordierachel @BarbaraBB Have you read it? 6y
readordierachel @Reggie It's very early yet. So far, the writing is fantastic (of course) but I don't have a bead on the story. I have a feeling it's gonna be more trauma though... 6y
readordierachel @vivastory Fingere crossed! It was a white sangria. Grown up juice 😆 6y
vivastory I love Sangria 👌 6y
readordierachel @vivastory It's so refreshing! 6y
BarbaraBB No not yet, I have a copy waiting! 6y
Tanisha_A The cover is beautiful! Enjoy! 😍 6y
readordierachel @BarbaraBB We'll see how it goes! 6y
readordierachel @Tanisha_A Thanks! 🤗 6y
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If you pick this up expecting it to be like A Little Life... Well, it's not. Let's say I get why A Little Life is the book that made Yanagihara famous and not this one. The first 30% of the book seemed to drag forever and then I ended up enjoying it. It does have strong messages and the writing is beautiful.

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#Yanagihara is such a brilliant, brilliant writer! Norton, a gifted scientist, discovers a turtle that might hold the secret to eternal life - he wins the Nobel for that, but the consequences for the turtle's habitat in Micronesia are devastating: Companies exploit nature, the indigenous culture dies. Then Norton goes to prison for sexually abusing native children. How could all of that happen? A thought-provoking read, highly recommended.

arubabookwoman Did you know that Norton was based on a real person? (Love the turtle). (edited) 6y
MeikeReads @arubabookwoman Yes, I read that in the Guardian - I have not checked what exactly Yanagihara invented and what she didn't invent though (Selene syndrome doesn't exist, obviously). Did you dive into that puzzle? 6y
MeikeReads Thanks re the turtle!!! :-) Curiously, it's from Luxemburg! :-) 6y
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arubabookwoman @MeikeReads I googled a bit. The real person‘s (forget his name) area of research was prion disease, which is quite interesting, so I wondered why the author invented Selene syndrome. The child abuse was quite real. 6y
MeikeReads @arubabookwoman Oh God, how terrible! 6y
Redheadrambles That is so cute !!! I have been totally fascinated by prions since I did a research paper on them way back in the late 90s when “Mad cow disease” was a thing. Anyway this one is on my 2019 reading plans I think 6y
MeikeReads @Redheadrambles It's such a good book - very dark, but excellent!! Ha, I had to do a presentation on the political repercussions of Mad Cow Disease in the early 2000's! :-) 6y
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This is the story of a medical research doctor attached to an anthropological trip to study the people on a small island in the South Pacific...

On so many levels, the theme seems to be that things may look beautiful on the outside but contain ugliness on the inside.

This was a tough book for me to muscle through and I had to keep reminding myself that it‘s fiction; but it‘s a well-crafted story even though the protagonist is unlikable.

OSChamberlain Probably my favorite book I‘ve read all year. 6y
Dogearedcopy Image: Book staged at the edge of our koi pond: Carnivorous plants to the right, stone turtle below... That‘s about as close to the book‘s exotic setting as I can get! 🐢 6y
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Brilliant. The first 100 pages were a bit of a drag but once we got to Ivu‘ivu it really picked up. Ms. Yanagihara does a wonderful job with Norton as a character and creating the culture of Ivu‘ivu.

This is a story where the protagonist is unlikable. Norton is full of himself and self centered. He‘s done some apprehensible things. But that makes the story so much better.

There is description of killing mice and sexual abuse


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Eager to start this #library #science

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This debut from Yanagihara is about an anthropological expedition led by a scientist, Norton Perina, to a remote Micronesian island in search of a lost tribe. Not only was it a success, a ‘secret of eternal youth‘ was also discovered. But things went downhill when the scientist was imprisoned on the charge of abusing some of the fifty-odd children he has adopted from the Micronesian islands!
#tbr #hopintospring #trees

vkois88 That's awful! 6y
Jabberwocky I loved this book. Creepy as all get out, yes, but so good 6y
BarbaraBB And did you like the book? 6y
Kalalalatja What @BarbaraBB said?? ☝️ 6y
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I'm not one that normally plans out my TBR, but these two are both near the top of my list!

Thanks for the #swishandwin #giveaway opportunity @swishandflick!

suvata Both are on my TBR 6y
swishandflick I've got both of these on my TBR, great picks! And thanks for entering 😄 (edited) 6y
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I can almost feel the humidity and smell the ocean from these 2 tropical reads as I huddle under the blankets on my couch. Moloka‘i has been in a #TBR stack of mine since 2008. I didn‘t realize the tagged book is set in Micronesia until I started it. Of course that is clearly stated on the back cover, but once I know I want to read something, I just grab & go without looking! Keeps things exciting.

lauralovesbooks1 I just picked up People in the Trees at a used bookstore this week. Looking forward to reading it. 7y
RealLifeReading I really liked The People in the Trees! 7y
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I don‘t know how I feel after reading this. Definitely a difficult book. Unlikeable, unreliable narrator. Trigger warnings for disturbing content. However, it was memorable. Love the cover pictured here, unfortunately it was not the cover I had. This book was very different than A Little Life by the same author.

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Quiet time reading. Compelling but difficult so far and I think it is going to get more so.

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Starting my itinerary for my #LitsyPassport and decided to start with the only one I already owned! Micronesia here I come!

Jabberwocky This book was soooo good! I found the first few chapters to be a bit of a slog but hold strong its so totally worth it!! 7y
Mitch Let us know how it goes - I loved A Little Life but wasn‘t sure about this ... 7y
Mitch Encouraged that you liked it @Jaberwocky I love long books that I can really get my teeth into - but they‘re an investment of time so they need to be good! 😀 7y
TheBookStacker @Jaberwocky I loved A Little Life so I‘m hopeful for this! @Mitch so far so good on it! 7y
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I seriously feel like I may have to work through the stages of grief after reading this book. Wrecked somehow doesn't adequately sum up my feelings. And yet I still love this book. Does that make me a complete masochist? Trigger warnings definitely apply for several things. Blanket statement - just avoid if the worst of human nature is going to trigger in any way. #heavyshit #humanscanbesuchassholes

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Continuing my journey with the Dreamers ... certainly not an easy read, but I'm a sucker for novels that will wreck me and leave me a sniveling fool for days/weeks after I finish them.

Trigger warnings for this one - if you even read the headline of the preface, you'll know what subject matter is bound to come up later on.

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Don't know if Hygge works when you're reading disturbing novels, but reading by candlelight certainly is making me feel it right now #hygge #livecozy

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What to do when temp is to be -30 C overnight? Curl up under a blanket and read about a tropical island/forest. Although my dislike of the narrator is intense, it is somehow still absolutely fascinating to read. And yes, I know it will take a very dark turn, but I'm down for some heavy stuff this week. #bestcoverartever #bringontheuglycrying

Kalalalatja That cover 😍😍 7y
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"Of all the emotions to describe in retrospect, happiness is perhaps the most dull, but awe is the most difficult."

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On a scale of one to total annihilation of the heart, where does this one fall? I'm assuming (as the debut novel from the author of A Little Life) it must fall closer to the latter.

E-book currently on sale for $4.99! #ebookdeals

Redwritinghood I haven‘t read ALL, but I did read this one. I don‘t think it‘s as heartbreaking so much as cringeworthy in a few places. 7y
Jabberwocky I LOVED this. It has some cringey moments and the first few chapters are a little difficult but all in all IT IS AMAZING 9/10 7y
LapReader Where would I find that ebook deal? 7y
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swishandflick @LapReader Through Amazon (Kindle) or B&N (Nook) directly! 7y
swishandflick @Redwritinghood Interesting, thanks for the input! I've read A Little Life and it was the biggest gutpunch, so that's good to know going in 7y
swishandflick @Jaberwocky Thats good to hear! I loved her writing style in A Little Life so I'm looking forward to it (edited) 7y
BooksForEmpathy My favorite book of all time. 7y
Cathythoughts That‘s a very good question 👏👏👏 I read A Little Life & loved it , but I‘m afraid for my heart to read another by this author ........ 7y
JulAnna I am currently reading this, not sure how I feel yet, but definitely drawn in. ❤️that cover, though 😊 7y
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Hanya Yanagihara creates the most complex characters and supports them with the most intricately beautiful sentences. I love her work.

This novel. Whew. What a detailed tale of how disastrous and monstrous human beings can be.

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Half-Way Status Update: I'm 48% of the way through my e-book copy and just getting my sea legs on the prose! There is a tension created by describing the characters, the settings, and ideas with a push-pull duality: Firstly in glowing, nearly idyllic terms; but then secondly with a *dark* limning that gradually increases in its weight to counter the first assessment.

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🍁Picture of Fall: The leaves are finally turning!
🍁Next book: ‘The People of the Trees‘ (by Hanya Yanagihara)
🍁Milk, Dark or White chocolate?: Dark!
🍁Allergies: Pollen, Dog & Cat dandruff, caffeine, squid/octopus ink
🍁Closest yellow thing: A Radio Shack multimeter (volt meter)

BooksForEmpathy Yay! Is this for my book pick for #lgpog!? I hope you love it!!!! 7y
Dogearedcopy @BooksForEmpathy I‘m still waiting for it to arrive! The last person said she mailed it, so I‘m expecting it any day now! 🙂 (edited) 7y
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This beautiful fiction novel I bought awhile ago, but still is one of my favourite covers! 😍

Do many of you buy from book depository? I sometimes do, but this morning I bought a book, put in all my details and when I clicked submit just took me back to the homepage but had taken money out of my account, with no email confirmation. I emailed them (so hopefully they get back to me) but has this ever happened to anyone?!
#fiction #bookdepository

Sophoclessweetheart It's never happened to me and I do use book depo semi-often. It's the site I use as a last resort because shipping takes so long and prices are higher than anywhere else here but the only problem I've ever had with them is them never sending the order and my having to email them to get them to send my stuff. 7y
Utopiyll @Noonlightreader Oh really?! For AUS it is so much cheaper (but that might be because I don't know many others)! But hopefully because they were pretty receptive to your situation they'll get back to me quickly and send it on through!! 😥 It'a just a hassle really! Are there any online book stores you reccomend?! 7y
Sophoclessweetheart I've heard from friends whom live there that books in AUS are really expensive. I know that wordery ship to AUS and they are usually cheaper than book depo. I buy my books mainly from The Works and The Book People online which are really cheap compared to everywhere else but I'm not sure if they're UK only stores or not. I also find buying books from the supermarket is great because they off all books for Qc each or two for Qf. 7y
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Utopiyll @Noonlightreader Oh thankyou!! I will definately look at wordery and those other ones you mentioned!! Gosh I have no idea what that is in aussie dollars but seems cheap as! Pretty much anywhere in store in aus you are paying a shit load, (for some reason) maybe it is because we're an island haha 7y
Sophoclessweetheart Qc is about $6 AUS x 7y
Utopiyll @Noonlightreader oh my that is actually ridiculously cheap! I would only get that price at an op shop I reckon 7y
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Gorgeous cover, brand new, $6.99, purchased with a bonus coupon so I paid $0, on my TBR = #bookscore 😃

Cinfhen Well done 💖💖💖 7y
ReadingEnvy This book made me so mad but ultimately I decided this was the strength of the author. 7y
BookHermit @ReadingEnvy Good to know! I'm afraid to read A Little Life so I'm trying this one instead. 7y
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Texreader This is on my tbr but I take negative reviews seriously. Why did you dislike it? 7y
Jbakesmcgee3 @Texreader it is extremely well written but the content and explicit nature of child sexual abuse was too much for me. I'm a teacher so it's really hard for me to read books like this. 7y
Texreader @Jbakesmcgee3 ohmg I had no idea. So glad you told me. I can't deal with that either. My ❤️ breaks in a million pieces. Thank you. 7y
Jbakesmcgee3 @Texreader no problem! I feel the same way, I'm generally a pretty tough reader but this one was too much 7y
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Oh god. Page 167.... just... 👎🏼

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Starting to pick up now that we're on the island

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First reading adventure out of the house after eye surgery! Complete with a #coffee and new #sunglasses I love #summerbreak

Mommamanzi Love the glasses! 7y
Jbakesmcgee3 Thank you!!! 7y
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Next up for my new book club, I loved "A Little Life" but don't have a great feeling about this one so far... trying to keep an open mind! This cover too!!! ?

BookMusings This book is so so good! 7y
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My boyfriend suddenly got me two new books, I am not going to complain. I've had both of these on my TBR for a while now. I love book surprises 💙

BooksForEmpathy The People in the Trees is my favorite book. Enjoy!! It's a tough read, but I just found the story to be unlike anything. Endlessly fascinating. 7y
monkeygirlsmama Aww sounds like a keeper. ❤️👏 7y
RanaElizabeth Ohh, I haven't seen that cover of People, looks amazing. 7y
Kalalalatja How sweet of him! 7y
I-read-and-eat @BooksForEmpathy I loved 'A little life' I hope this one is as good. @RanaElizabeth Ne neither, but I love it! @Kalalalatja @monkeygirlsmama You can't go wrong with bookish gifts 😉 7y
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