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#readingoceania2024 #australia Fictionalized account of a real historical figure who was known as a bit of an Australian Robin Hood. Largely written as an explanation of events from Ned Kelly to his daughter it has a rough plot construction. I would have liked to hear more from other characters to have gotten more context but I did learn some Australian history along the way.

Librarybelle This sounds interesting! 6d
BarbaraBB Glad that you liked it. I bailed on it earlier this month! 6d
Currey @BarbaraBB It wasn‘t one of this best, that is for sure! 6d
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This was okay to listen to, but I felt myself being disinterested and zoning out during other parts. I think part of my issue was that it was dated- so much has happened since the Obama administration. #ReadingOceania2024

mcctrish My personal opinion is SW has great ideas but subpar writing skills 6d
Bookwormjillk @mcctrish I think you nailed it 6d
Librarybelle I struggle listening to nonfiction. This one is on my to read list, so good to know about the dated material. 6d
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Devil-Devil | Graeme Kent
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Reading for #ReadingOceania2024 by the fire tonight. It‘s good to get outside a bit.

Texreader This is an excellent book!

Looks so cozy. Too warm here for being outside!
Bookwormjillk @Texreader I really like it so far. Have you read any of the others in the series? 1w
Texreader @Bookwormjillk Not yet but I want to. 1w
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Kiribati | Alice Piciocchi, Andrea Angeli
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#readingoceania2024 #kiribati A really wonderful illustrated chronicle of a trip to Kiribati. The authors and illustrators were curious in all the right ways and you get historical timelines, maps, about 30 little vignettes where you learn everything from what kind of fish to eat to how one shouldn‘t eat breadfruit before playing bingo. The illustrations are really well done and show everything including how to get your woman to come back to 👇

Currey After arguing. Although humorous, the foundational theme of the book is a culture in transition. In particular, climate change could well wipe out this island nation whose highest peak is 10 feet above sea level. 2w
BarbaraBB Great review and what a gorgeous edition 🤩 2w
Librarybelle Hooray! And gorgeous flowers! 2w
sarahbarnes Great review! 2w
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Mister Pip | Lloyd Jones
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This short book packed a punch. About the last white man on an island in Papua New Guinea in the time of a Civil War. He teaches the local students about the power of literature using Great Expectations. A tough but good read. #ReadingOceania2024

Librarybelle Yay for short books! 3w
BarbaraBB I remember enjoying this one too. 3w
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Indigenous Literatures from Micronesia | Evelyn Flores, Emelihter Kihleng

#readingOceania2024 #palau #belau A significant collection of poetry, short stories and excerpts from across Micronesia including Kiribati and Palau. It leans heavily on work from Guam (Guahan). I couldn‘t find a Palau book so I am using this. The editorial was quite good. The quality of the writing is very high and the groupings are well done

Librarybelle Very nice! A good way to learn about the cultures! 1mo
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#ReadingOceania2024 #Fiji I‘ve been reading A.S. Byatt so almost any book would seem slight in comparison but this was a nice mystery with a very unhard boiled protagonist detective. The book is set in an island paradise where British colonials have decided to import indentured servants from India to slave in the sugar plantations rather than disrupt the natives way of life. Racial, gender and class struggles illuminated without a heavy hand.

Librarybelle Sounds interesting! @BarbaraBB —another good sounding book for the #ReadingtheOceania24 challenge! 2mo
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The New Internationalist | New Internationalist Cooperative
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NI #550 has a feature on the album "Pasya", recorded 2021 to raise awareness & funds for the Women's Global Network for Reproductive Rights (WGNRR), a #Philippines based NGO seeking change in the country's ban on abortion unless it is to "save the woman's life", despite the fact that lack of abortion services leads to thousands more deaths of pregnant people.
The album is a mix of female Filipino artists "offering danceable hip-hop, stunning ⬇️

Bookwomble ... near-gospel like anthems and fresh melodies" [NME]. It's a good album, and a worthy cause.
I'm claiming this article as my first entry for the #ReadingOceania2024 challenge, which I've utterly neglected!
NME Article: https://www.nme.com/news/music/pasya-album-destigmatising-abortion-in-the-philip...
Bookwomble Album free streaming and download site: https://pasya.decriminalizeabortion.ph/
WGNRR site to make a donation: https://wgnrr.org/
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Book 2 of the Hana Westerman series finds the remains of a 4 years missing high risk Māori teen discovered on the dunes of Hana‘s hometown Tata Bay. I found this book just as satisfying as book 1 and hope to see more. These books are really steeped in Māori culture and I love that. That don‘t strictly have to be read in order, but I think they‘re better if they are.

And that‘s a wrap on #ReadingOceania2024 #NewZealand

Librarybelle Yay! Congratulations on completing the challenge! And, I will have to check out the series. 4mo
BarbaraBB You are our world champion 🏆 4mo
squirrelbrain Well done for finishing! ❤️ 4mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 4mo
Hooked_on_books @BarbaraBB Oooo, I like the sound of that! 🥳 4mo
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The Drover's Wife | Leah Purcell
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There were a few aspects of the way this was written, terminology used by the characters that seemed odd for the time and the switching between perspectives, that sometimes distracted me from the experience of the story. However, the story itself of a woman raising her children on her own in the Australian bush and meeting an aboriginal man on the run was powerful. I was completely caught up in their stories and how those stories came together.

Daisey *I accessed this audiobook through the #Librofm Educator ALC program.

#audiobook #ReadingOceania2024 #Australia #ReadTheWorld #ReadingTheWorld
Tamra I‘m anxious to read this! Have you seen the film? I haven‘t yet. 4mo
Daisey @Tamra I haven‘t. I just happened to download it from Libro.fm and then realized it would be a great choice for an Australia book. I‘d like to say I‘ll look up the movie now, but I rarely actually get to a movie after reading the book. 4mo
Tamra @Daisey I‘m always looking for a good film or show to watch for the treadmill. 😂 4mo
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