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The Last Bookaneer
The Last Bookaneer | Matthew Pearl
'An ingenious thriller' (Sunday Times) from the author of The Dante Club A reclusive writer...A stolen manuscript...An adventure at the ends of the earth On the island of Samoa, a dying Robert Louis Stevenson labours over a new novel. It is rumoured that this may be the author of Treasure Islands greatest masterpiece. On the other side of the world this news fires the imaginations of the bookaneers, literary pirates who steal the latest manuscripts by famous writers. Two adversaries set out for the South Pacific: Pen Davenport, a tortured criminal genius haunted by his past and Belial, his nemesis. Both dream of fortune and immortality with what may be their last and most incredible heist. The Last Bookaneer thrillingly depicts the lost world of these doomed outlaws, a tropical island with a violent destiny, a brewing colonial war and a reclusive genius directing events from high in his mountain compound.
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The Last Bookaneer | Matthew Pearl
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Got a new typewriter! 💙💙 This one belonged to my grandmother. #family

The Last Bookaneer | Matthew Pearl
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Just so-so. Interesting premise, but the ending wasn‘t a surprise to me. Felt a little flat.

The Last Bookaneer | Matthew Pearl
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Here‘s what I think will be up this week in reading for me. Only two of these are #MountTBR books, but the others are ARCs and a library book, which are all time sensitive.

Crazeedi Nice collection! 6y
Eggs They look/sound great! 6y
Awk_Word_Smith I love Matthew Pearl. “The Last Bookaneer” was — as always — well-written and well-researched. 6y
Christine11 Hope you enjoy them! I‘ve got The Night Tiger from Netgalley and I‘m really looking forward to reading it! 😊 6y
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The Last Bookaneer | Matthew Pearl
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The Last Bookaneer | Matthew Pearl
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The Last Bookaneer | Matthew Pearl
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As @Cinfhen mentioned yesterday, I wasn‘t always WanderingBookaneer. I think I was JaimitaPR before that. One day I was at the airport and saw tagged book. I loved the word Bookaneer and combined it with my love for exploring and thus my new handle was born. #LitsyHandle

Cinfhen Yes!!! That sounds right!!! It was also during #ReadingOlympics and you were busy aiming for gold 😘🥇#GoodOleDays when you could scroll through your entire feed in under 6 minutes 😂😂😂 6y
Kappadeemom Yes! I could scroll through one time at the end of the day and catch up with everyone! 6y
SleepyDragon All this time I thought it was a Sesame Street reference. (2007 episode titled "Elmo and the Bookeneers" with Tina Fey) 6y
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The Last Bookaneer | Matthew Pearl
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Fortunately, there was a bookshop. #passportlitsy #Samoa

The Last Bookaneer | Matthew Pearl
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In the last week I have purchased all of these books 😳
The bottom right were purchased at the thrift store all of those for $14. The rest were purchased at different times from different Dollar Trees.
I need to get back on my buying hiatus. And sorry to my swap person. I promise I‘ll stop.

Caroline2 I‘ve gone bonkers this wk too! 🤷‍♀️ I‘m back on the book buying ban wagon now tho after my splurge! 😳 (edited) 6y
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The Last Bookaneer | Matthew Pearl
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Best bookmark ever? 😂

MayJasper That's so funny 6y
SleepyDragon Expensive bookmarks ... 6y
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Last Bookaneer | Matthew Pearl
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I keep seeing customers purchase this book so I figured I would! I can‘t wait to read it!

The Last Bookaneer | Matthew Pearl
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The Last Bookaneer | Matthew Pearl
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julesG @WanderingBookaneer - a book about you? 6y
WanderingBookaneer This is where I got the idea. ☺️ 6y
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The Last Bookaneer | Matthew Pearl
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Next up on my road to retirement commute. #audiobooks #wherehaveyoubeenallmylife #commutingintothesunset

Redy2trvl Can‘t wait to hear how this is!!! 6y
Vbrrgirl @Redy2trvl you would love this book - fun story and many literary references. 6y
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The Last Bookaneer | Matthew Pearl
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Son‘s high school had a Book Night tonight at Barnes and Noble, where a small percentage of sales would go to his HS English department. So we went, with the understanding that we would not spend much (lots of summer expenses coming up). He saw his friends there, and hubby and I browsed. This is our haul— Book on the left is son‘s choice (his sort of thing!), and tagged book is for me. It looks intriguing!

Hollie Your son must be my kind of kid! 😍 6y
Lynnsoprano I haven‘t read that Matthew Pearl, but I did enjoy The Dante Club. That looks interesting. 6y
ValerieAndBooks @Lynnsoprano I have heard of his other titles but haven‘t picked them up yet. I had to look up whether “bookaneers “ were real and apparently they were really Book pirates back in the day (still are but not as much) https://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/7275972 6y
ValerieAndBooks @Hollie he is such a genuine history/politics/government/economics buff!! Way more than the average 17 year old 😊 6y
Suet624 That makes me happy that your son wanted to purchase that. 6y
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The Last Bookaneer | Matthew Pearl
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#booksaboutbooks #readingresolutions @Jess7 I started this book but forgot about it.. 😬😬 it‘s still on my #tbr

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The Last Bookaneer | Matthew Pearl
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#seatosea @FantasyChick @Andrea4 @Jaberwocky I've narrowed it down to four. Two are pictured (the Murakami is 600p) and two are at home and so merely tagged below. What do you think?

Andrea4 Wow- the blurb for the Murakami one took a twist! Out of these, I'd say the lowest ranked is the Night Wanderer but it's not a flat out no. 😊 The Last Bookaner sounds awesome! 7y
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FantasyChick I don't even know what to say about the Murakami book, lol. It seems to cover sooo much!! Although I hear amazing things about the author!!! I'm torn between Forty Rooms and The Last Bookaneer!!! 7y
Jabberwocky I'm sorry so be trouble again but I've already read the Murakami. 😅 I think 40 rooms sounds really intriguing but the other two are also good! 7y
cathysaid Murakami! Murakami! Oh wait...I'm not in this group 😁 7y
BookishTrish @cathysaid Have you read it? I bought a used copy and now I'm looking for an excuse to start it. 7y
cathysaid @BookishTrish Yes! If you haven't read Murakami, I would definitely start with this one or Norwegian Wood. My favorite is 1Q84 but I'm glad I didn't start there. My first Murakami was The Wind-up Bird Chronicle. Strange yet lyrical, intriguing and masterful. Love it! 7y
BookishTrish @Jaberwocky What did you think of it? 7y
Jabberwocky @BookishTrish in all honesty- no. I loved 1Q84 and rushed out to pick this one up next and I just never seemed to get into it. 7y
BookishTrish @Jaberwocky @andrea4 @FantasyChick How about I read the first few pages of The Last Bookaneer and Forty Rooms and see which one seems more markupable? #itsaword 7y
Jabberwocky @BookishTrish sounds good! 7y
Andrea4 Sounds about right. 7y
FantasyChick Sounds good to me! 7y
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Last Bookaneer | Matthew Pearl
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The only #orangecovers I could glean for @bookriot day 2

The Last Bookaneer | Matthew Pearl
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so miserably, i fell asleep 25 mins into the #24in48 😒 Not sure if it was the book or me or both! So im thinking im going to switch books!

The Last Bookaneer | Matthew Pearl
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Starting this one today.. bought it just bc it had the word bookaneer on the #cover and I laughed.. #breakfast #coffee #sherlock Wish I had an #oceanview for this once.. sadly I'm in the the armpit of #texas

The Last Bookaneer | Matthew Pearl
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Accidental library sale haul. Excluding the Noah foot that insisted on being in my photo. 😬 Top two I can #blameitonlitsy after seeing posts by @batsy and @saresmoore.

ReadingEnvy Oh I love the Kelman so much!!! 7y
diovival @ReadingEnvy It has been on my list for a long time. I was so happy to find it! 7y
batsy Yay! 7y
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The Last Bookaneer | Matthew Pearl
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I really enjoyed this on audiobook except the ending was really not at all what I expected. I guess that's s good thing . I love books about books and authors!! The writing is really good, I enjoyed the character development and the narration was great.

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The Last Bookaneer | Matthew Pearl
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I just started this on audio and I'm loving it so far 💥🎊😍I'm just bummed the categories for the #litsyAtoZ challenge are already filled in!

LitHousewife Simon Vance!!!! 8y
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The Last Bookaneer | Matthew Pearl
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Last book haul of 2016. Can I just say how much I love early soft releases? Three of these are not meant to be available until next week/year. #NoShrinkageTBR

melissanorr I have many of these on my TBR - when will there be enough time to read everything? :) 8y
drokka @melissanorr Teeheee I believe it's not about time. It's about the possibility of being able to read them. Also, my 2017 budget will limit my ability to acquire books, so I figure I can read the ones I already possess which likely will include these. 8y
Redy2trvl I just added a couple of these to my stack. Thank you for the inspiration!! Happy #2017! 8y
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The Last Bookaneer | Matthew Pearl
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The Last Bookaneer | Matthew Pearl
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Quesadilla dinner with the wife ( @BookishMarginalia ) and the title that inspired the name change.

MrBook Nice #BookNDinner I see here! 8y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa I was wondering when I saw the name change, I thought has that been changed for awhile and I'm just noticing it now? 👍 8y
LitHousewife I enjoyed that book. I read it in audio. Here's hoping it works well for you, too. 8y
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The Last Bookaneer | Matthew Pearl
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In honor of this newly acquired book, my wife has chosen the cool new Litsy tag @WanderingBookaneer (jaimitapr is now just her Goodreads). 💜💚💜

Zelma That is certainly a strong recommendation for the book! 8y
TheLondonBookworm Haha that's a brilliant name ❤️ it! 8y
Well-ReadNeck 👏🏾❤️🎉 8y
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quirkyreader Cool name change. I always thought the history of the bookaneers very unique. 8y
LitHousewife Love it!!! 8y
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The Last Bookaneer | Matthew Pearl
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MrBook Just bought this one! 😁👍🏻 8y
amy.ptrsn @MrBook Hope you enjoy! Have you read anything else by Matthew Pearl? 8y
MrBook No, I have the Dante Club somewhere though lol. 8y
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The Last Bookaneer | Matthew Pearl
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Good read. Interesting storyline and a wealth of information about Robert Louis Stevenson's last year's.

The Last Bookaneer | Matthew Pearl

How odd it must be to go through life believing that a book is a book.

The Last Bookaneer | Matthew Pearl

"For readers, books are a universal salve. When we are hot, we read to feel cooler; when we are cold, we read to warm up; tired, books wake us; anxious, they calm us."

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The Last Bookaneer | Matthew Pearl
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Great book to read while camping!

The Last Bookaneer | Matthew Pearl
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10 pages in and I'm hooked! Great so far!

OffTheBeatenShelf.com I really liked that one!! 8y
Leelee.reads Fantastic cover art, too! 8y
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The Last Bookaneer | Matthew Pearl
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Nice selection of books at Depot Bookstore & Cafe in Mill Valley. I wish I could run a little bookshop like this. Very interested in buying The Last Bookaneer, wonderful premise about a literary pirate who steals manuscripts in 1890. The typesetting in the paperback edition is very stylish!

The Last Bookaneer | Matthew Pearl
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Another incredible literary adventure in the gray areas of literary history. Matthew Pearl created a niché in historical fiction that few can compete. By revisiting a few minor characters from 'The Last Dickens' and creating an entire literary black market, 'The Last Bookaneer' captivates.

The Last Bookaneer | Matthew Pearl

How odd it must be to go through life believing that a book is a book.