Day 14 #WithDualTimeline #AboutABook
Did I need to have this copy in addition to the novel? Yes. I wanted the art to take me there again. I so wish that Hulu had not cancelled a renewal!
Brutal and uncompromising in the best ways. However, as an adaptation of Octavia Butler‘s novel, it feels compressed and heavily edited. The artwork is more ‘fine art‘ than ‘comic‘ which feels appropriate, but the execution is uneven with some beautiful panels, while others look haphazard and messy. The story is amazing, and I highly recommend anyone interested read the novel instead.
This was SUCH a good graphic novel adaptation, they really kept the heart of the story.
It is 1:30 AM on April 1, 2021, and March was my best month ever. 🥳🥳 46 books and 10 short stories! Over 14,000 pages! I know we‘ve all had very different reactions to the past year, and mine has been to escape into books. I‘ve shared my 5 most memorable books from March. I can‘t recommend The Storygraph highly enough for organizing everything.
I hope as 2021 passes our world becomes more normal. 🥂 y‘all!
This one‘s going to stick with me. All the ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️s to this adaptation!! Sometimes I don‘t like graphic adaptations because they mess with my imagination of the story, but this was so well done that the images of Dana, Kevin, Alice, Rufus, etc. are seared in my brain. At times, the story took my breath away.
#pop21 #afrofuturistbook #hoopla
I need more! I enjoyed the graphic as a sampler of the novel and I'm looking forward to the experience of reading the full story. There are so many gaps that need to be filled.
Day 6: #3Books #WithOneWordTitles
Kindred is such a phenomenal novel, I highly recommend it often and regularly, and I will admit I was leery about a graphic novel adaption, how could it possible capture all the emotions I felt reading the novel...but darn they did a great job, I‘ll be recommending this version too.
It was great to revisit this novel in a new format with #AuthorAMonth
I have enjoyed exploring Hoopla and finding graphic novels I have always wanted to read. Our town library is pretty small so my new library card from the neighboring city has opened a world of digital possibilities!
This was decent. I think this adaptation does a fairly good job of getting to the heart of the book, although I prefer the book.
4 ⭐
It took a bit to get into kindred. The more you read the more of the story envelopes you and makes you want to continue. The artwork is amazing and this book gives you a feeling of real history. The story is so complete I don‘t feel the need to read the novel but I think eventually I probably will. I understand why this is one so many awards why it‘s been on so many best of the best lists. A great read that I will recommend to others.
Four hours and 3.5 graphic novels. The two pictured and two galley.
Time to get up, get showered and great the day. Probably going to switch to an audiobook and get some diamond painting done.
Okay the entire time I was reading this book I was like “wait aren‘t they turning this into a movie soon?” And I looked but found nothing. Scrolling through FB and see an ad for this and realize that this is what I was thinking of - looks like a somewhat similar story. Anyone else agree or have I officially lost it?🤣
I‘ve been really into graphic novels lately. I‘m not totally sure why - maybe because they‘re generally quick reads for me? This is the second one I‘ve finished in the past three days, and I‘ve got three more borrowed or on hold from my library that I‘m sure I‘ll finish just as quickly. I‘d never read any of Octavia Butler‘s books, but this one was interesting, if not slightly confusing due to the back and forth. I definitely recommend it.
I‘m still not a graphic novel fan but the power and enormity of this particular work moved me to tears. I read this novel in school many, many, MANY moons ago and remember regarding it as I did any required reading - “It‘s fine but don‘t tell me what to read.” (Gosh, I was such an asshole.) Now I‘m curious to re-read the original as I like to think I‘m less of an asshole. 4⭐️ #pocparanormal #booked2019
the book was is very good so far my favorite part of the book is when she first time travel in the book.i think the book is a great book even though i dont like reading i think the author of this book did a great job of getting me to want to read more of the book.
Stealing a prompt from @hes7 to hold myself accountable... here are #tenonmytbr that I plan to finish by the end of the year. 😁📚❤️
(Yes, I know there are technically 11 books in that stack. I don‘t really like even numbers)
I read Kindred ages ago in the regular book format. I saw this graphic copy at the library last week and picked it up. Has very vivid pictures and was interesting to read in this context.
#graphicnovels for #MayMadness
I read the book last December but I don't know which is more correct to say, that the book didn't get under my skin or that I couldn't under *its* skin! It was a fast read, but I never felt connected to the story on any more than a superficial level.
I decided to "re-read" it on GN form: The adaptation is excellent, with bold use of line and an interesting color palette. The story line remains virtually intact...
This graphic novel was amazing. I've never read any of Octavia Butler's books yet, but after finishing this adaptation I can't wait to read Kindred. This was discomforting and poignant. Truly unique storyline and it brings the effects of slavery to the forefront. The graphics were very well done and I was hooked from beginning to end. I'll probably be thinking about this one for quite some time.
#kindred #thoughtprovoking #blackhistorymonth
I loved this graphic novel adaptation, but it‘s been awhile since I read the original.
Dana is a young black woman in California in the 1970‘s. Inexplicably, she finds herself pulled back in time to the antebellum South to save the life of a young white child. As Dana finds herself pushed and pulled through time, the stakes get higher each journey as the child grows into a white slaveholder.
80 of 100 #crossculturalstories read
Revisited Kindred in the form of this graphic novel edition. It is a classic and devastating as always. A must-read.
Liked but didn‘t love. The story felt very rushed and didn‘t really like the art. I think I‘ll like the book version better.
A graphic novel adaptation of Octavia Butler‘s novel about a young black woman who travels back and forth in time. Every time her ancestor, Rufus Weylin, risks his life, she is pulled back in time to pre-Civil War Maryland. Not only does she save his life, but she also tries to help the slaves on the Weylin plantation and teach Rufus to be a better human.
Loved the graphic novel adaptation , but now I want to read the original even more!
You were sent out on a job or home. "Home meant no money. So put another potato in the oven. Or visit the clinic down the street from the agency to sell blood.
Sent out meant the minimum wage for as many hours as you were needed.
You did whatever you were sent out to do.
It was always mindless work & as far as employers were concerned, done by mindless people. Nonpeople, rented for a few days, a few weeks. It didn't matter"
I'm so glad to discover Hoopla! Enjoying my #coffeecoffeecoffee while reading graphic novels. @hermyknee is having a #giveaway! This mug is the second one I bought at #Malaprops Bookstore in Asheville. My daughter took me there to celebrate a birthday two years ago.
Best first line from my #24in48readathon book stack.
I am getting ready for #24in48 challenge this weekend. Here are my books so far. What are you reading for the challenge?
This is tough to review. I really liked Butler‘s novel, Kindred, and highly recommend. However, it didn‘t quite work for me as a graphic novel. The art wasn‘t overly impressive; some of the body proportions are off and the images don‘t bring much new to the text. Mainly, it lacks the nuance and complexity of the novel. It hits all of the major plot points but loses the emotional resonance that makes this book so impactful. Skip and read the book.
Loved this graphic novel of Kindred! The origional book has been on my TBR and I have not picked it up yet. So A BIG THANKS again to @RanaElizabeth for picking this book for me for the Halloween exchange!
I still prefer the novel, but this graphic novel adaptation of Butler‘s story about a black woman, Dana, repeatedly drawn back through time to save her white plantation owner ancestor is very powerful and beautiful. It honors Butler‘s original work.
I finally finished reading Good Omens last night, which I started back in October😣. I have just had so much going on and many very long days that did not allow much reading time-but that is almost over! My reading game plan for today is to start Kindred on my lunch break today. Have a great day folks! 😊
I've been wanting to reread Kindred, & this worked for a quick refresher. Often graphic novelizations feel flat or unnecessary but this one really does justice to the original. The cruelty is hard to see but was even harder to read. Dana's tangle of emotions comes through well as do the major plot points. This could be an enticement to sink into the novel or a standalone for those so inclined. #mommyreads #graphicnovel #adaptation #timetravel
Reading this amazing graphic novel with Bubbe‘s Baklava tea from David‘s Tea! #teaandbooks
This adaptation could not compare to it's source material but it was nice to get to see some of the characters. I wish more care and time had been taken with the traveling and returning scenes to really demonstrate the action.
Damien Duffy and John Jennings did a fantastic job adapting Octavia Butler's #Kindred to a graphic novel! Have you read either one yet? #octaviabutler #timetravel #slavery #getlit #kvnreads17
Anything from Octavia Butler will always get a thumbs up from me BUT this adaptation didn't quite do it for me. I think there was something lost in translation but I can't put my finger on what it is. On top of that, I didn't really like the illustrations. Still, the source material shines bright. ⭐⭐⭐⭐
#LitsyPartyofOne @Ambrosnazzy
Great imaginative story and once again Butler has an interesting plot coupled with precise observations about the human race. The graphic format only worked so-so for me, the storytelling did feel rushed, but then again, I haven't read the novel format of the book.