On to Book 3
I liked this one, but definitely not as much as the previous books! The different artists threw me for a loop, though I really liked some of their styles. And since it mostly focused on backstory, it felt a lot slower. I was really interested in the backstory, though! And I need to know what Ananke‘s deal is! Unfortunately I‘ve come to the end of the volumes I was gifted, so I‘ll have to check the library for the rest.
Bit of a weird part of the series, with McKelvie absent. Each story focused on a different member of the Pantheon, and offered some interesting titbits without quite going anywhere.
This graphic novel series definitely won't be for everyone. But the more of it I read, the more I love it. Gods are reincarnated in young people, and live out the rest of their lives as celebrities. but then the gods only live up to 2 years after this happens. This volume starts to unravel some of the mystery as to why this happens and who might be responsible for the deaths.
Ha, I knew there was something weird going on! I have to say though I didn't like the art style of thr Sakhmet part much.
GN Challenge: 7/366
Well that was terrible. Nothing was redeeming about this book. At all. The story made no sense and the artwork changed every issue. Would not recommend.
#graphicnovels #graphicnovel #comics #libraryread
I‘ve gone through some graphic novels lately so I thought I‘d lump my review all into one. The Wicked & The Divine vol 3 was my favorite out of these while Afar was my least favorite. Afar was still good, but it‘s a stand-alone and I felt like it crammed a lot of things into this single volume that could have been fleshed out better had there been more volumes. Lady Killer is murderously marvelous,Paper Girls is just as confusing as always 👇🏻
Honestly liked this more than volume 2, which seems to be an unpopular opinion. The stories really helped the overarching plot make more sense to me, and I liked the different artists‘ takes on the characters and world. [image: The Wicked + the Divine volume 3 lays against a gray background.]
Guess who just discovered she could check out The Wicked + The Divine through Hoopla and can now finish the series?
I thought this volume was very confusing especially part 14. Nevertheless, I will keep going on with the series for now.
I‘m giving up after reading this volume. I‘ve tried my best but I hated the change of art and the writing in this one. I gave it three shots, so it‘s time to move onto something more engaging for me. There‘s not enough time in this life to spend it reading books I don‘t like!
I'm dedicating this post to the goddess Tara.
This whole volume is drawn by guest artists. The first time I read it, that really ruined it for me. W+D is so connected to the art style that I just couldn't make it work.
On rereading, this volume is very powerful. Each issue focuses on a single God, giving some of their backstory or behind the scenes knowledge, while still driving the main plot forward. They are all shocking in some way. (Cont)
Reread volume 3 twice because the story & visuals from the previous volumes weren‘t in alignment. 🤔🤔🤔
Interesting story. A bit taken back by the drastic change in artistic style for Volume 3...is it just me?! ☹️
So, got some answers about Luci and now I don't know what's going on 😱 but seriously, I only really like McKelvie's art so it was a bummer his wasn't more prominent in this volume. Well, Brandon Graham's bit about Sakhmet was cute. Really can't wait to see under Woden's mask, the piece of crap. Variant cover art by Grimes 💚
A must-read for anyone who loves graphic novels!! Still wondering what the end of Vol. 2 means. Plus, what is Ananke‘s agenda? Five stars ✨ out of five for each of the first three volumes. Looking forward to reading Volumes 4 & 5, which I also have checked out of the library. Unfortunately, Vol. 6 won‘t be released until January 18, 2018. Hope my library gets it sooner rather than later or I may be “forced” to buy the entire series. Hahahaha.
It's been a while since I read vol. 2, but I really enjoyed jumping back in to this world. I felt like so much was revealed in this volume, and the cliff hanger in the end has me very ready for vol. 4.
This was just a mess. All over the place and nothing really happening.
#didntlikeitstillfinished for #marchintoreading. I tried until volume 3 before deciding that this series isn't for me. There‘s too much violence, too many questions, and not enough answers. I wouldn‘t have minded the violence if I loved the story, but sadly, that wasn‘t the case here. I just wasn't invested enough in the characters or the plot.
#graphicnovel @RealLifeReading
Getting a little convoluted :/
I did not like the constant change in artwork. And only a couple of the stories felt like they really added to the story arc.
So as I said in a review before I tend not to rate volumes except as my head puts them in as a whole arc instead. This is my least favourite volume so far, many different artists are used in this volume. I did though really like a new character in here called Tara. I thought what was being said with her was interesting. Still a pick as still want to know what's happening
Really enjoyed this series about gods who come back and live among humans but die within two years. Intriguing and ready to see where it goes.
The Wicked + the Divine author pages are always this good. If you've been skipping them, you've made a mistake.
Just starting Vol 3, Commercial Suicide. I enjoy this comic but it always gives me a bit of whiplash as there are so many characters to keep straight. (None of these characters are straight, actually. It's what makes them wonderful.)
#comics #graphicnovels
Okay/good again, and I'm liking the art more than the story again too. Glad I'm getting these through my library. Curious to see what happens in the next volume, but I'm not gonna go crazy waiting for it.
I'm sorry. I think this is where we part ways. I thought the second volume was boring, but this one was horrible. Maybe I'm the problem, maybe I wasn't in the right mood or something, but I'm just no longer interested in reading this. Two stars.
#septphotochallenge August Favorite The reason I have loved this series so much is the art, so having guest artists in all but one of the five issues collected in Volume 3 brought the plot problems into focus for me. Nevertheless, I'll definitely keep reading.
2.5 ⭐️. Mehhhh. Someone tell me that volume 4 improves? Because this was just kind of a hot mess. After the stunning conclusion of Volume 2, I'm pretty disappointed in how slow and stagnant this volume feels. The art was not my fave (seriously, issue #17, whut?!) I guess because I'm so interested in the larger story arc, this mid-season fallback into backstory just felt so...tired and boring. Get back to the meat!
Here are my current reads - yikes, realizing it's kind of a lot! My Life on the Road on audio by Gloria Steinam. Wic+Div Vol. 3 for comics. Brand New Ancients by Kate Tempest for the poetry category of a reading challenge. Shrill by Lindy West because I'm trying my hardest to read this book forevvvver. And The Obelisk Gate for my fiction read (so so good!) #currentreads #currentlyreading #augustofpages #bookphotochallenge
I love this series! I'm so intrigued and love the mystery and all the twists and turns it takes.
Such a great series with some of my favorite artists taking turns this volume.
Maybe it's because it's been a while since I read volume two, maybe it's the wildly different art of each issue in this volume... But I was definitely not as engaged this time around. Will still continue the series, though.
Before I could tear them limb from limb, I used to be nervous around boys. Around men. I heard "Hey beautiful! Hey goddess!" turn into "I'm gonna rape you, bitch" enough times to know that the former is just the latter with a bow on it.
Getting round to reading these beauties. Just finished WicDiv #3. Not as good as the previous 2 (especially the artwork) but it was great to get a little backstory on some of the characters.
Slightly disappointing how the great cliffhanger of the previous volume was not even touched upon
What is HAPPENING in this series? The art is stunning, but *face melts off* SO MUCH IS GOING DOWN.
I'm having a little difficulty keeping up with plot and the whole pantheon of characters at this point. Could be my own fault there though. I'm still in because the premise is so great and I like to think myself an amateur mythologist. (If you know of a professional position let me know.)
He's getting tired of competing with books.