Got it in under the wire! June‘s #BookSpin #BookSpinBingo list, featuring quite a few familiar titles. Maybe with finishing school next week and kiddo doing some summer dance I‘ll actually have reading time again?
Got it in under the wire! June‘s #BookSpin #BookSpinBingo list, featuring quite a few familiar titles. Maybe with finishing school next week and kiddo doing some summer dance I‘ll actually have reading time again?
October 17 for The Daily Photo Challenge - Prompt: cozy
🔴 6 pts
#scarathlon22 #teammonstermash #scarathlon #cozy #dailyphotochallenge #newpost #viral #spookyseason #instabooks #halloweenreads #halloweenvibes #halloween #bookporn #cozymystery #trending #horror
It‘s taken me a month of nothingness to decompress from the school year. Finally started reading again this week. I finished Emma, A Tale of Two Cities, the above novel which is delightful and today I finished The Bishop‘s Man by Linden McIntyre which is a difficult story but well told. #pemberlittens #WhattheDickens
Having the mystery in this cozy be a cold case was really clever. Sometimes it‘s hard to buy into the idea that a small town amateur detective keeps getting involved with murder mysteries so that worked really well. I enjoy Lindsay and her library friends.
I finished my spread — for 2018! 😅
God, I‘m such a go-getter. “Somebody stop me!”
My reading tastes have changed by doing challenges because it really has broken me out of my bubble and I found new things I like. I learned that I really like family dramas, historical fiction, and graphic novels . I also have recently gotten into audiobooks
I would say anyone who has had a tough life but is still kicking ass inspires me.
More time for reading. More time with my fiancé. Teaching me how to be ok with no plans. #wondrouswednesday
Stephen king will usually win! I‘m not really a morning or a night person. And I actually don‘t really like salt very much. I prefer spicy snacks and also sweets. #catchingup
Not quite 24 hours but read three books, went to the Litsy Book Club meeting and started a sourdough bread starter. #stayhome24in48
Read WAYYY past my bedtime, and realizing I am going to be feeling it tomorrow at 7 am but MAN it was worth it. Read both on kindle and majority on Audiobook. LOVED IT!! #BetterLateThanNever applies to this situation in more ways than one, am I right?! ☕️😂📚💙
When I finally looked at the numbers the week wasn‘t as bad as it had seemed. Definitely will do better this week! #bfcr2 #fitwizards #bookfitnesschallenge
@wanderinglynn @Clwojick @Mynameisacolour @RainyDayReading @thereadingunicorn @jen_the_scribe
Report on April Reading: Quantity is up, but I mostly read crime novels and nonfiction. Standouts which I can highly recommend are North of Dawn by Nuruddin Farrah and Bad Blood by John Carreyrou.
Finally finished this one. Another hit for the Library Lovers series. With working two jobs and maintaining a household, I don‘t have much time to read but I try to carve out time for my cozy crimes. I really enjoy the small town atmosphere and the craftnoon ladies. I wish I had something like that in BFE Missouri!
1. Glad I was late on this so I can say The Meg- giant shark AND Jason Statham, ‘nuff said lol
2. Paul and I eat out a lot so I guess that 😂
3. 7
4. Offhand I can‘t remember one
5. @Bostonmomx2
1. I suppose one of the Christopher Reeve Superman movies
2. French fries
3. Always 80s especially the hair bands
4. Nothing... I just finished a book and have to figure out what to start next
5. @Bostonmomx2
Late #HumpDayPost but I couldn't pass up a music themed one. Thanks @MinDea
1. Social Distortion and Frank Turner have been my favorites for the past few years.
2. I did well last year, so I set a goal of 150 books this year. Not going as well this year.
3. Zero 😟
4. Not bad, just the usual small town meth stuff.
5. I have a fear of heights that has kept me from flying anywhere. Never been on a plane.
1. I say both 😂😂
2. 3
3. Not many... GR, Litsy, Amazon
4. We went out to eat for a friend‘s birthday
5. Thanks for the tag @Bostonmomx2
I forgot to take pictures, but @99problemsbutabookaint1 you have a #feedareader box coming your way. Also @Insearchofbooks and @StephanieGeiser your recipes and an “I‘m sorry I‘m late” gift are headed your way too!
@MinDea @TricksyTails @LazyDays
1. We didn‘t escape but we had a blast with my brother in law and my two nieces
2. No #winterhaven #lakeland #orlando #tampa
3. Take out lol
4. Pink
5. 54
1. Catching up with school friends
2. Three sisters
3. No
4. Yes mildly obsessed sine I was a child. Used to ask lots of questions of my grandparents and great aunts.
5. Australian Eastern Standard Time
#friyayintro @jesshowbooks
1. It‘s been the first week of summer vacation! I finally saw the new Avengers movie too.
2. One
3. Sadly, no
4. A little... my bff is a major genealogy buff
5. Eastern
A little late but better late than never, right? 😊 #friyayintro
1. Oldest
2. I always wanted a sister.
3. Just one brother.
4. Probably Jem and Scout Finch.
5. @TheDaysGoBy
This is at the lower end of the pick scale for me, mainly because I felt the resolution was unimaginative. Lindsey is the director of a public library. When the library holds amnesty week, a book is returned that had last been checked out by a teacher 20 years ago on the day she was murdered. Lindsey feels compelled to investigate. I liked the story and characters, but I could practically see the villain twirling a Snidely Whiplash mustache.
1. 😱😕😐😝😬👍🏼🌸🥃📚💩
2. Pretty much everyone in “The Couple Next Door” hahaha
3. Over! That‘s the right way! 😉
4. Nope and don‘t wanna be one
5. Muah 💋 Saturday love 💗
VERY late returns. These were last checked out in August 1990 and the customer only returned them to the library today!
Can I still play even though it‘s Sunday?
1. Dark Chocolate Chip with Dried Cranberries or my mom‘s Applesauce Cookies
2. Traveling!
3. It will be 40 for sure—maybe 41
4. Elf all the way
5. Sleep and reading time
@jesshowbooks #FriYAYintro
#betterlatethannever I'm always late on these day-oriented posts 😳
1. See above... it was from a Christmas show we went to with my parents
2. Hoping 200
3. Bottle cap on my Dasani water
4. Candy lol
5. Winter Haven, FL
I completely forgot to post my November stats.
If I can say so myself, I killed #nonfictionnovember! 🤪
And I have one book left to complete my final reading challenge for 2017! #RHC #readharderchallenge
I'm late but #betterlatethannever
1. 😂🙄😳
2. Jim Butcher, Ilona Andrews, Simon R Green
3. None planned but temporary crown fell out so drugstore visit 😳
4. First
5. Ok
So glad the love triangle is settled! These books are like popcorn, but ugh no time for love triangles in my cozy mysteries.
Meant to do this hours ago...
1. Ontario (Canada, not California)
2. Never successfully, but have made attempts
3. Originally heard about this on Litsy!
4. Finishing 'True Grit'
5. I have so many unread books at home Is sometimes buy a new one to read because choosing stresses me out too much 😅
6. Posting everything here on Litsy @CuriousG
#24in48 #putonthecoffee #latenightahead
It's on the way!
@Tiffy_Reads @HotMessJess
#feistyfeb #sadiescarlett
Sadie had to get in on the action today. Cozy mysteries are my #palatecleanser. I can pick one up and still be able to read after I've read a book that was heartbreaking or intense.
@slategreyskies this is being mailed TOMORROW! Soooooo sorry you didn't have a valentine yesterday. You know what's sad? The post office is *literally* next door. #cupidgoespostal
Finished! Now I just have to wait for the next one to be published. *sigh*
FINALLY posting my prize from @LibrarianRyan 'a last challenge. It was so fun to participate in and I was so excited to win this book. While I haven't started it yet, the cover alone really draws me in 😍 Loving December's challenge so far and if you aren't participating you should be! Can't wait to see the new winners for this month :)
A cozy mystery to curl up with on a grey and dreary Black Friday. Maybe I will make a cup of tea before I start :)
Awesome! I love the characters in this series and I thought the mystery in this one was great! For me this was a book that was all fun and no work. Didn't matter that it had been a year since I read the last one, didn't take any time for me to warm up to the story. It was a perfect read for me.