Gray FatMan III *regal accent* is in love with his new Manchester United jersey from his uncle #CatsOfListy
Gray FatMan III *regal accent* is in love with his new Manchester United jersey from his uncle #CatsOfListy
Another controversial read. I‘m finding it hard to get through this one. Not because of the obvious reasons but because of the style of writing. I can‘t properly engage and I really want to know what happens but not through spoilers. I don‘t want to put it in the DNF pile, button it‘s getting there
My beautiful little girl died this evening. Nothing was wrong with her; she was a young 3 years old; she just dropped and the vet pronounced her DOA. This year keeps hitting me blow after blow. Rest In Peace PeanutButter ❤️❤️ you are loved #CatsOfListy #Sad
My darling FatMan has taken to my brother like a fish to warer😂😍 He has never been that comfortable with anyone before #CatsOfListy #PetsOfListy
Love love LOVED this book. Read it twice already and I feel like going another turn. I fell n love with the characters and I never anted the book to end. Controversial to a certain degree but still an awesome read...
He‘s gloomy today 😞😞 Won‘t even hang with me...
Guess which little nuisance turns 5 todaaaaay?!??!? My dear Gray aka FatMan aka MrFlooffy #CatsOfListy
I‘ve been looking for this nincompoop for the majority of the afternoon, he could hear me but just chose to carry on his sleep by the window #CatMom #CatsofListy
My next book picked out of my new Book Jar. Idea courtesy of @laurenlovesliterature
I actually prefer reading my books to having actual human encounters 😅😂 #BokksOverHumans #CatsOfListy #IFoundThisFunny #PleaseDontJudgeMe
The fur ball over there thought it would be a good idea to bite me the other day (not an “I love you” bite)😖😖 He‘s been temporarily banned from cuddling while I read 🙄🙄🙄 He doesn‘t really seem to mind, though 😂😂😂
Is there a Lost book club? I find it hard starting new books. Would like somewhere to get recommendations or a set list? #BookClub #Listy #Lists #Recommendations
Yes, yes, YYYYYYEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSS! This is an amazing mystery-police-procedural-and-hostage-case page turner 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩 so exciting, so... so aaaaaaaaahhhhh I cant explain!!! *waves arms* read it, just read it😍😍😍 I have a new favourite book!!!
I was sad to see that they only had the Russian version. Speaking it is easy. Reading, is another story 😫😤😫😤 #GoT #GameofThrones
1) I‘ve read 32
2)100 was my goal this year, but Uni has been taking up most of my time (Summer - hurry uuuuup)
3)My favourite was Pet Sematary by Stephen King
4)My anticipated book releaaaase... I don‘t have one?
Personally, I think it should have been a shorter book; maybe half as long. I usually enjoy Coble‘s books but I‘ll give this one a “hard pass”.
I like to say that “being melancholic is my default setting,,“ but I‘ve begun to realise that I prefer always being sad. No expectations or fantasies are unmet or destroyed. This is not a profound realisation or anything grandiose, it‘s just something I have come to accept and I‘m fine with that.
1. Youngest
2. Wish I had 5 less siblings, making me an only child
3. 5 siblings (that I want to get rid of) 😂😂😂😂 I joke, I joke. I love at least 2 of them 😅😅😅
4. The Potters. (He was an only child; gettit??? *nudge* *nudge* *wink* *wink*)
5. I‘ll try!
I find it hard starting a new book after reading any great series. My is still be stuck in “their world”... I‘m open to any genre except romance 🤦🏾♀️🤦🏾♀️🤦🏾♀️
Don‘t you fry no mooooooore #supernatural #waywardson #punny
1)People who don‘t understand simple concepts.
2)CAKE ALL THE WAY. (Though, I feel like I‘m betraying my fictional husband Dean Winchester... Eh, he‘ll live 🤪🤪)
3) Tiger (what was I thinking?🤦🏾♀️🤦🏾♀️🤦🏾♀️. Juvenile tendencies 🙄🙄🙄)
4) Romance (WHY is this even a genre? Unobtainable, unrealistic ideas of love. Need I say more?)
5) Sending love to all the pessimists, Negative Nellies and Debby Downers... You guys don‘t get enough love!
1) Stephen King (He would most probably hunt me and write a bestselling thriller about it. I wouldn‘t mind because I‘d be more useful in that scenario in comparison to right now)
2)James Bay ❤️❤️❤️ (No questions asked)
3) W H I S K E Y (Ain‘t nothing better than a bottle of Jack! Weeeelllll, maybe an infinite amount of bottles of Jack would be better than A singular bottle of Jack🤔🤔🤔🤔) @GarthRanzz
This one has a bit of a slow start 😩😒 but hopefully it‘ll pick up. I hate leaving a book half read but then again I also strongly dislike boring books... Fingers crossed 🤞🏾🤞🏾🤞🏾
“I have absolutely no pleasure in the stimulants in which I sometimes so madly indulge. It has not been in the pursuit of pleasure that I have periled life and reputation and reason. It has been the desperate attempt to escape from torturing memories, from a sense of insupportable loneliness and a dread of some strange impending doom.” -Edgar Allan Poe
My moods have shifted... More melancholy, cynicism and numbness more often than not. Horror is the only genre that makes me feel anything when my demons come to nest...
One of my favorite quotes.
Hellooo... I‘m new here and already thoroughly enjoying myself 🤩🤩🤩🤩
We are torn between nostalgia for the familiar and an urge for the foreign and strange. As often as not, we are homesick most for the places we have never known...
There are countless words in the English language but I couldn‘t string together enough words to describe how much I enjoyed this book!!! I‘m usually hesitant to start reading from new authors, (I get used to my favorite authors‘ style of writing) but this book had me looking for Donna Milner‘s titles...
I enjoyed this one... I had started and restarted it but always forgot about it. When I eventually ran out of things to read in my collection, I came back to it. I wish I had never put off reading it. Of course it had its ebbs and flows, but it is a permanent fixture on my shelf.