Dear sweet #litsy how I've missed you. Glad to have hit that mom rhythm where reading has become a priority again. Loving this one! (And this view!)
Early morning.
Strong coffee.
Just me and my book.
I know I‘m super late posting this and have been MIA from most social media lately because we welcomed a new little one into our life about 6 weeks ago! But I‘m back and have been missing all my #Litsy time!
These teas have been so nice for the early mornings and perfect fall days❤️ thank you!! @BookishTrish @TheKidUpstairs @drokka
Thank you so much for this postal club this summer! It has been one of my faves!
When a customer brings your a Montreal bagel FROM Montreal you don‘t make any arguments. I also walked down to get an Americano to sit in bed with my book and enjoy my brekky with. Happy Wednesday!
I have five pages left. Five. Please stop. Biggest pet peeve. 🙄 #readingproblems #imsoclose #steepedinstories
#bookmail !! About to dive into our LAST book in this swap! Where did the #steepedinstories time go?! 😥
I‘m intrigued by these tropical tea blends to accompany the latest read too!
Thanks so much for a fun swap ladies!
@drokka @TheKidUpstairs @BookishTrish
I know I‘ve enjoyed everything so far!
After years of sitting on my bookshelf I finally dove into this guy. The young man portrayed in the movie is far from the young man described in this book. So many mixed feelings and emotions with this one.
#caffeinatedandconfused #slowmornings
Yay! #steepedinstories book mail! I‘m so excited for @TheKidUpstairs book pick and all the teas to sip along with it. I LOVE honeybush and rooibos plus this bourbon street vanilla rooibos looks (and smells) divine. Thank you so much for the picks @drokka .
Ps as per your note I love all teas - the ones I listed were the immediate that came to mind and your picks have been so lovely this far. TY☕️📚
On the rare occasion that my husband and I both have a morning off..we‘ve been in bed late and now he‘s making breakfast. I‘m also being pulled into my #steepedinstories book pretty aggressively... 💜📚
Diving into my #steepedinstories book at the park down the street on this warm, if cloudy,
day. @BookishTrish @drokka @TheKidUpstairs
Well look what piece of #steepedinstories showed up today! Time to dive in! Huge thank you to @drokka for sorting out this CP issue and now we can get on with our #postalbookclub! @TheKidUpstairs @BookishTrish
Thank you @drokka !! Part 1 has arrived and I just got your email that the book is en route! Eek! I‘m off to make a cuppa and finish the last few pages of my current read!! #steepedinstories @BookishTrish @TheKidUpstairs
Sweet @drokka ! The pre-book package has arrived and thank you so much! These teas smell so amazing, especially on this frigid April day we‘re having!
Thank you again for sending another package and hopefully the original is found soon as well! #steepedinstories
@TheKidUpstairs @BookishTrish
Excited to dive into this book! Alongside with my grandma‘s mug to round out the true history of love. ❤️❤️
It‘s been a long week so if you need me I‘ll be right here for the foreseeable future. #humpday #readinginbed #thatsunthough
This morning I got up, booked an Airbnb, had breakfast while breaking into this newbie and then decided I wanted to curl back into bed to read some more.
The sun is trying and I‘m here for moral support ☀️🌻. #thursdaythoughts #newbooktime
My sister-in-law just sent me this picture of my dream bookshelf... #shelfie #bookdreams #inspiration
This book has really pulled me in in a way that I wasn‘t sure it would.
I‘ve mentioned that I‘m trying to branch out from my usual genres and this book is definitely accomplishing that.
I‘m almost finished and since I have this morning off I‘m going to be right here in bed with my book, my coffee and myself. #happysaturday #booksinbed
I‘m forever in love with this mug from my #muglove swap from @merelybookish 😍 Thank you so much again!
@merelybookish you have outdone yourself! This is the most beautiful mug I could have received so thank you and your Canadian touches were so thoughtful! A million thank yous - I can‘t wait to dive in! #muglove
Another huge thank you to @TheKidUpstairs for hosting this swap and a congratulations on your first! I hope there are more to come🤩
Cold, snowy, early morning. Yup I think I‘ll stay inside today. #dystopianblues #snowday
I can‘t wait until tomorrow! This arrived from @merelybookish the other day but it‘s an awfully big box for a mug... I‘m increasingly intrigued. 🤔📚☕️ #muglove
A HUGE thank you to @LA_Mead for my #dystopianblues package! I can‘t wait to dive into all of this. I‘m especially loving the bookmarks made from book pages. Did you make these? They are beautiful. 😍
This was such a fun swap especially for this time of year so a big thank you to @Mommamanzi for organizing it! Happy reading all!
Eeeek! Look what just arrived! Thank you @LA_Mead I can‘t wait to see what‘s inside! #dystopianblues
Can‘t stop won‘t stop. It‘s going to feel like -38 all day today. Yes, -38. Can‘t we all just stay inside today? #wintermornings
A HUGE thank you to @Liberlove ! I‘m so excited to dive in and loving all the cacti! Happy Christmas! #secretsantagoespostal
Ooooo since were on a roll anyways.
1. Whole bean.
2. Dark please!
3. Not particularly.
4. No thank you!
I like my coffee Black and straight up! ☕️☕️
#muglove @TheKidUpstairs
Yasssss @jenniferw88
☕️Happy either way!
☕️Depends on the time! I love a good Oolong/green tea but a sucker for English breakfast. 😍
☕️ Earl grey, Oolong, chai. Organic is important when possible.
☕️Nope! Nothing too fruity I supposed Or with dairy!
#muglove @TheKidUpstairs
My #secretsantagoespostal arrived! I can‘t wait to open it! Thank you @Liberlove - December 21st can‘t come soon enough! ☃️🎄🎅🏻#wintersolsticebookexchange @Avanders @MrBook @BookBabe
I‘m so excited for this swap that @TheKidUpstairs is hosting! #muglove
Follow the link to sign up!
Finally sending these little guys out too for the #bookmarkswap !
It‘s mail day for #secretsantagoespostal! @BookBabe @MrBook @Avanders
The fun never stops. Thankfully I got some leisurely reading done this morning and I‘m loving my current read! #studylife #teatime
School reading and smoked earl grey tea. It‘s a cloudy day and nearing the end of my nine days off so I think I‘d better try to get a little more reading done before it‘s back to the grind. #cozydayinside #earlgreyobsessed
Tea. Bed. Book. Repeat. #rainymornings #happytobehome
❄️ I love a good used book and broken spines are fine as long as it‘s not falling apart.
🎄 LOVE surprises. It‘s how we discover new loves and favourites.
🤶🏻 Gathering with family, fluffy white snow, cozy evenings and holiday traditions.
🎅 Its a fun way to spear the holiday cheer and fun to put together a package for someone you don‘t know!
☃️ All of the above! Animal-friendly!
#ssgpswapquestions #secretsantagoespostal
#bookmarkswap is happening!
1) April / Aries 🦌
2) I never mind thoughtful add-ins but don‘t expect it. ✌🏻
3) Gryffindor, Gilmore Girls.👩❤️👩
4) I rode a greyhound bus from Toronto, ON to Nanaimo, BC 🚌
5) Instagram - eatwithjoyandsustain 🍌
6) Not anything I can think of! 📖
Happy swapping!!
📖 Both!
☕️Ooooo in bed. With a hot beverage.
🍎Right now, cider please! Once the snow flies I‘ll take both anytime!
🧚🏻♀️Fiction. I‘m currently in school for Holistic Nutrition and read enough nonfiction for the time being.
So stoked for the #Bookmarkswap with @CherylG ! A little getting-to-know each other. My email is handsinearth@outlook.com !
Starting this beaut today. I woke to a rainy, drizzly day so now it's tea-and-book-in-bed time. #sundayreads
Both!🎁l Oooooo..depends on the book! 📖 l Tea ☕️l Candles 100% 🔥l Neutral 🌻 l Warm blankets 👍No thank you. 🤔 #giftideasthisorthat @Tiffy_Reads So fun!!
So excited for the #secretsantagoespostal #wintersolsticebookexchange !! Thanks so much to @Avanders @BookBabe and @MrBook - I can't wait to start! Sign up now fellow Littens on any of their pages! #holidayhappiness
I walked down the aisle and picked a book at random and this is what I grabbed. Trying to broaden my genres because I so often get stuck in a rut of the same book style.
Anyone read this one? I'm excited to start it!
So much of my brain capacity and reading time gets used up for school textbooks. Luckily my next course won't be as technical (let's hope - yes I'm talking to you #Pathology). Time to jump in! #holisticnutrition #studytime
1. Fall is my favourite and with that comes all the hardy vegetables I can get my hands on!
2. Whatever I pick up from my pile next! All depends on my mood when it comes.
3. Dark chocolate 100%!
4. Only allergy is shellfish
5. Closet yellow thing? The back of my current book - The Outlander. ☺️ @MinDea
I often find myself frustrated with my reading speed - I've never been a quick reader but I can recall parts of books I've read long ago. I try to be thankful for this part of reading and try to enjoy every moment of it.
After a long day at a beer conference yesterday, this morning is made for reading in bed + copious amounts of Oolong. ☕️📖