Came home to tea mail, which is almost but not quite as great as book mail! ☕️
Came home to tea mail, which is almost but not quite as great as book mail! ☕️
Just got the most fragrant non-bookish package ever.
I'm in tea heaven.
@Leniverse - ordered some of that fancy pants tea from the UK. It's worth every Euro.
Hot green tea is #inmymug on this cold day🌬. I'm a day late but it was actually nice out yesterday and I went out and did some shopping. I got my new Yeti cup!!!!#newyearreads
Yasssss @jenniferw88
☕️Happy either way!
☕️Depends on the time! I love a good Oolong/green tea but a sucker for English breakfast. 😍
☕️ Earl grey, Oolong, chai. Organic is important when possible.
☕️Nope! Nothing too fruity I supposed Or with dairy!
#muglove @TheKidUpstairs
1 Loose leaf
2 Caffeine
3 Earl Grey ❤
4 artificial flavours like strawberry cheesecake or mint browney
Edit: I just realized that there is a whole event behind this, which I missed 😐
☕️I do both
☕️doesn't matter
☕️I'm into green tea right now, enjoy a matcha latte at my local coffee/tea shop
☕️chocolate flavoured
FYI I don't drink coffee
The wonderful @jenniferw88 put together this survey for all my tea loving #MugLove Littens!
1. Either.
2. For black teas, I like caffeinated. But I also drink naturally caffeine free teas sometimes (Rooibos, Honeybush, herbal teas, mate for a caffeine free stimulant)
3. Earl grey, Irish breakfast, but really I love so many types of tea!
4. Nope! You can't go wrong with tea for me. I love it all!
@Betty Here is my favorite mug ever. It reads "Caution: Hot. And literate." and has a photo of the Harvard Book Store front on it ☕️ Perfection.
What goes into a perfect cup of tea? For everyone it's different. Here we follow a queen on her quest, where she learns more than just how to make tea.