This book definitely lived up to its name. Like others have said, I saw what was coming a mile away. I like Noemi and would love to know what happens after the end. All in all, a dark read with a good take on an old plot.
This book definitely lived up to its name. Like others have said, I saw what was coming a mile away. I like Noemi and would love to know what happens after the end. All in all, a dark read with a good take on an old plot.
Despite the anxiety that began to course through my veins due to reliving the beginning of the pandemic all over again, this was another great entry to the Ruth Galloway novels. I really did start feeling panicky like when it began and that just testifies to the strength of Elly Griffith‘s world-building capabilities. I was very happy to be back with Ruth. I Always love it when Cathbad has a bigger role. I can‘t wait to see what happens next.
It pains me to say it, but I was not overly impressed or invested in the story. So many things left unexplained or just dropped. I love love love Jamie and Claire but this one disappointed.
So I‘m so excited and there isn‘t a better community to share this with...I have finally gotten a job at my local library after wanting to work in a library for many many years!!
I am beyond excited to get a final installment in this series. I was just devastated when I learned the author passed away. I am so glad that her daughter is carrying on her work. I can‘t wait to get my hands on this one!
A bit harder to get into than her other books. Still a decent story with a slight twist at the end.
Was not super thrilled about the ending and could see it coming a mile off. I did read it in two days though so it held my interest.
This was probably my fourth or fifth reading of this book. I found it a little harder going this time around. I‘m not sure why. Perhaps the circumstances we all find ourselves in is not conducive to my reading concentration abilities. I will have to be more careful about what I read so I don‘t accidentally mess up my perceptions of a book I would usually love. Otherwise, still a great story with interesting characters and world building.
Love this new addition to this series! It seemed almost faster paced than her London stories even though it takes place in a country village. I read it in a day. Now to wait for the next one!
What a great idea! I usually have a book with me when I‘m waiting but there have been times when I thought it wouldn‘t be that long and was unprepared. Hopefully, this gets into doctors offices, hospitals, and other places like the DMV!!!
This is such a cute book. Written almost like a comic book but still with a cute little story. My kindergartener was able to read almost the whole book on her own with only a little help from me and sounding out words. She loved it and it teaches about friendship!
Just a cool shot at a local coffee shop with a yummy coffee flight. This book was laying on the table begging for a picture!
It‘s a great day when you come home to a book you‘ve been anxiously awaiting. All the way from The UK to VA! Can you tell I‘m excited to start this one???
It was good but I honestly didn‘t like any of the characters except for Hugo and maybe Melissa. They all kind of disgusted me, especially Toby and Susannah. Toby was so oblivious to everyone and Susannah (although I get her reasoning) because she put her relatives in danger by casting suspicion on all of them. Still a great read and Tana French has shown once again that she is an excellent writer with a wonderful grasp of human nature.
I‘ve been in a bit of a reading slump, only able to settle down to comfort reads. This was a good one to break the slump. It‘s sad but sweet. I only wish each characters story was explored a bit more. I would have liked to follow along a little further. Maybe there will be a sequel?
I really love this series and this was a good addition. Only problem I have is that there is so many and I‘ve been reading the series for about 8 years now (can‘t quite remember) and I forget a lot that happened in the earlier books. I‘m going to have to start all over again soon!
What a beautiful book. It was an impulse pickup at the library (because of the title) and I can‘t say how good this book is. A lovely must read.
A nice little in between. It was good to revisit their world and catch up with most of the characters. I‘m wondering if it‘s part of a set up for a redemption arc for Tamlin? Seems almost like it was meant to evoke sympathy for him?
Other reviewers have already stated this but I will repeat. It was very hard not to compare this book to You and Hidden Bodies and the story felt somewhat incomplete. Despite all this, I did like the book but wished for more detail about Jon‘s past and future. Not a bad read.
Like her other books, I really liked it even if I did see the ending coming from a mile away. The gothic atmosphere and the ghoulish housekeeper really helped the story along. I kept getting an impression of gray through the whole book. Gray weather, gray house, gray people. I actually really liked that Mitzi was super supportive despite the circumstances. She was a ray of sunshine in an otherwise drab world. Pretty good read.
Love this follow up. Once again, you have to take the story in the context in which it was set but I love how independent Vicky is and how she cooperates when needed. The scheme the villains are operating is quite genius when you think about it. Makes me wonder how many fakes are actually out there.
Another great entry in the Shetland series. Of course, my library doesn‘t have the next book!
I know most people prefer Amelia Peabody to Vicky Bliss so I guess I‘m in the minority. I don‘t mind Amelia, but I read Vicky first so I have quite the soft spot for her despite the reluctant heroine persona. This is probably my 6th reread of the series and the first book is still amusing and fun. Obviously, it‘s a bit dated but I read it for what it is, not in a modern context. Fun, quick read.
Always love books with a fresh start because who doesn‘t need one? It‘s always encouraging to me to read about women who find out they are independent and strong when maybe they thought they weren‘t or didn‘t need to be.
I love the world of Lynley and Havers. This book was a great continuation of the series. A bit slow to get into but the story was engrossing. At times Lynley and Havers feel like old friends and it was nice to visit their world for a time.
I really did like this book. I did get lost a bit during the more technical explanations. The one thing that stuck out in my mind is that Jazz acted more like an adolescent than a grown, intelligent adult. I know other reviewers pointed this out and maybe didn‘t like the book as much because of it. I noticed it, but I didn‘t mind it. Jazz‘s occasional immaturity actually endeared her more to me than if she was an infallible heroine.
A pretty good addition to the Alpha and Omega series. I think I need to do a major reread of these and the Mercy Thompson series though. I‘ve forgotten a good bit.
Another hold came in. Too many at once! 😁 (Premier League on in the background 😊)
This is probably the fourth or fifth time I have read this book (and series). So much happens in this one that it‘s hard to put down. Each time I read it, I find things I missed or have forgotten. I love this series!
Got my hands on this one today. It will be hard for me to get anything done for Easter now!
A pretty cool idea to change up the Fever universe! Really liked this book even though the focus was on Dani rather than Mac. Hope the next one comes out soon!
Like all the Ruth Galloway books, it pulled me right in and kept me there until I finished it. When I did, I found myself being extra grumpy and somewhat anxious. I finally realized that I was irritated that I had finished the book so quickly and the ending made me sad. I love a book that sinks so deep into your head that you‘re not even aware of your reactions to it until you sit down and think about it. Another great novel from Elly Griffiths!
So happy to be back in Ruth‘s world! And with some M&Ms!
Eleanor of Aquitaine is one of my favorite historical women. I‘ve read about her elsewhere and she was an amazing woman (if the stories are true)! This was an interesting take on her early life and marriage to Louis of France. Such an interesting time period!
I forget which Litten recently posted about this book, but whoever it was, Thank you!! I‘m already engrossed in it. And it was only $0.99 on Amazon Kindle!
Pretty interesting. I guessed the first plot twist early on. The second twist kind of threw me and I was wondering how on earth I had missed that one. Look forward to seeing more from this author.
Finally got the book back off hold and managed to finish it. Great story. Beautifully descriptive. Can‘t wait to read the next one!
Ha. It only took me over a year! I don‘t post much I guess. 😃
A quick, slightly stressful read. I knew what was coming and was just wanting to scream at the MC to watch for it! Still, it kept my attention though!
Aarrgh! I was 80% done when the book deleted from my Overdrive! Now I‘m back on the hold list with 2 people ahead of me! So frustrating!
First read of 2018! I did not manage to meet my goal for 2017 but I‘m going to try again this year. 2017 was kind of a bad year, ending with my 11 year old daughter having emergency surgery on Christmas Day due to a ruptured appendix. Hoping 2018 is better. This book certainly drew me in and allowed me to escape for a little while. Glad I finally got to read it.
I liked the book even though it felt really familiar, as if I‘d read a really similar story before. I could tell who the killer was and why they killed way too early and what would happen in the end. However, it was still an interesting book.
I had trouble getting into The Girls in the Garden but I really liked this one. The characters were all interesting and the ending was pretty good. I will have to try The Girls in the Garden again now!
My daughter is sick and has had a fever and headache for the last day. I just asked her if it was hurting bad and she said “ It hurts like I‘m Harry Potter and Voldemort is having a mildly bad day”. 😂
I just had to share this. It was posted on Facebook by Book Riot. Made me laugh!
I liked the first one better but this is still an awesome book. I love the characters and the premise behind the story. Really good series so far!