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Joined November 2016

Aus/NZ ---> Germany. Romance & non-fiction lover & blogger @ Romancing the Social Sciences: http://bit.ly/2gGH8Eg
Fateless | Imre Kertesz
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Once again, I've had a panic about finishing my #LitsyAtoZ! Realistically, I'm not sure that I'll get X, Y & J done in time, but here's my #LetterF, with both English and German editions pictured. I've been studying it this semester for a Holocaust Literature class. As is perhaps expected, it is a difficult read, but in this case it's because the young narrator's naivety and cognitive dissonance are so confronting for the modern reader.

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I started this on the plane to Germany back in February, but the Heyeresque language was too much for my sleep deprived brain. I put it aside until a few weeks ago, but in retrospect I wish I'd picked it up again much sooner! It was a engaging read that straddled historical romance and fantasy so well, and is such an excellent example of the boundless possibilities of decolonised literature.
#LitsyAtoZ #LetterS

Kissing Tolstoy | Penny Reid
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Do you ever just love a book, even though you can't objectively figure out why? That was me with Kissing Tolstoy. The last 1/3 was maybe a bit rushed, but the quirky characters, Russian lit references, aloof hero and the way Reid handled the student/professor aspect all just weirdly worked for me. Looking forward to the next one in this series! #contemporaryromance #LitsyAtoZ #LetterK

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This romantic comedy had a cool heroine and nuanced representations of female friendships, but I found the ex-cheater hero a bit hard to handle. Maybe it wouldn't have pissed me off so much a few years ago, but the last 18 months has left me with little sympathy for the poor-little-rich-boy shtick. Also not a fan of the subplot that plays into the treacherous bisexual trope. But overall a ok read. #LitsyAtoZ #LetterR #contemporaryromance

Chachic I think this was available as a freebie before and I have a copy of it in my Kindle. 7y
danistclair @Chachic it's worth a read, but I wouldn't move it to the top of your TBR or anything 7y
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We have a public holiday today in Germany today, to celebrate 500 years - to the day - since Luther started the Reformation by (apocryphally) nailing his 95 Theses to the door of a church in Wittenberg. To celebrate, here is my little special-edition Playmobil Marty posing with some paraphenalia from Luther-related exhibitions I've been to this year. #germanlyf #reformationstag

All the President's Men | Carl Bernstein
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A book exchange has just popped up inside an old telephone box in my town, and I'm loving it! I dropped these two off today, so I won't feel guilty if I take one without putting something back next time. #germanlyf

Special Interests | Emma Barry
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Thanks for tagging me in #10authorrecommendations @DebbieGrillo! This was harder than I thought: once I got past my absolute stand-outs, I realised there were a lot of authors whose books I love with a similar intensity, and choosing between them was tough! I limited my selection to romance authors just to make my life easier, and put them in alphabetical order rather than worrying about a definitive ranking.

DebbieGrillo If I was going to read one book by one of these authors, which one should it be? 7y
Chachic Donna Thorland, Sherry Thomas and Rose Lerner are the only ones I haven't read from your list! I have books from the latter two in my Kindle though. 7y
danistclair @DebbieGrillo ahhh, that's such a tricky question, because it depends what you like & are looking for! Maybe the Forbidden Rose by Joanna Bourne? If I could only read one fiction book for the rest of my life, it would probably be The Morning Gift by Eva Ibbotson but I feel like that's because it was so formative for me, and that - objectively - it's probably not as great as I think! 7y
danistclair @Chachic You clearly have good taste! 😜 Thorland is a bit like Bourne, in that she writes romance that feels very like historical fiction. You should definitely get on to the Sherry Thomas and Rose Lerner books you already own when you get a chance! 7y
robinb ❤️ Bourne and Milan! 😊 7y
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A Queen from the North | Erin McRae and Racheline Maltese
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This #contemporaryromance, set in an AU England still divided into the Yorkist/Lancastrian camps of the War of the Roses, was a fun and engaging read, even if I had trouble buying some historical elements of the worldbuilding. The heroine, Lady Amelia, is given the chance to help her people - the underdeveloped Yorkist North - by marrying the heir to the throne, the intriguing Prince Arthur. #LetterQ #LitsyAtoZ #romantsy

MarriedtoMrT Lovely picture! Love your use of the frame with the ebook. 7y
danistclair @MarriedtoMrT thank you 😊 I was cleaning my apartment, found the frame and thought 'I know what I can use that for'! 7y
Chachic Love this shot! 7y
danistclair @Chachic thanks 😁 7y
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Once Upon a Rose | Laura Florand
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Why did it take me so long to read this, and even longer to post about it? Now I'm trying to ration out the rest of the series for when I need sure-thing comfort reads 😂 #LitsyAtoZ #LetterO #romantsy

Chachic Matt the Growly Bear!💕 I have so much love for this series. You should read the rest of the books ASAP. 7y
danistclair @Chachic Yes, Matt 😍! I don't know, I got this one on sale - I think you might have told me about it, actually (if so, thanks for that!) - but the others are like $5 each so maybe like...one a month, unless I want to blow my whole book budget in a few days? 😂 7y
Chachic @danistclair Oh yeah, I think the prices went up? I kind of remember them being 3.99 each but I'm not sure. One book a month sounds good, or maybe wait for another Kindle deal.😊 7y
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danistclair @Chachic Yes, Kindle deals are life! 7y
Chachic @danistclair Definitely yes! Unless you have access to a good public library that may have the books you want? 7y
danistclair @Chachic unfortunately public libraries in Germany aren't free 😢 It was one of the hardest cultural adjustments to make! 7y
Chachic @danistclair It was the same in Singapore, it's not free for foreigners. But couldn't you still access digital libraries from Australia? 7y
danistclair @Chachic In Germany - or at least in my town - it's not free for anyone! But I hadn't thought about my aus library's digital collection. Thanks for that, I will look into it 😊 7y
Chachic @danistclair Hope your Aussie library has a good digital selection! @inkcrush keeps raving about hers.😉 7y
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Bewitched | Sandra Schwab
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I've been massively AWOL on here, but I've just had a panic about finishing #LitsyAtoZ so hopefully that will get me back in the habit! 😂 I'm currently reading an ARC of Yuletide Truce, which - happily -can also function as my #LetterY. It's a cute little m/m Christmas novella set in the publishing world of Victorian London. None of the series are on Litsy, so I've requested for it to be added and tagged another of Schwab's titles in the interim

Chachic Love the background! 7y
danistclair @Chachic thanks! Lighting wasn't great but German advent cards are always so pretty! 7y
Chachic @danistclair Litsy has features now that allows you to adjust brightness and contrast.👌 7y
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danistclair @Chachic I actually did that, but it's tricky because if I made the background brighter, then the kindle screen and too corner were too bright! Such a first world problem 😂 7y
danistclair @Chachic but thank you though! 7y
Chachic @danistclair Oh that's why I lower the brightness of the Kindle screen when taking pics, so I can adjust the overall brightness and contrast. 7y
danistclair @Chachic that's clever - I'll have to remember that one! Thanks 😊 7y
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Hot Island Nights | Sarah Mayberry
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So glorious to relax and catch up on reading now that semester is finally over! For some reason Litsy doesn't seem have Her Best Worst Mistake in its database - which is, frankly, a crime - so I've tagged the accompanying novella instead. #romantsy #contemporaryromance #summerreads

Chachic Reading at the beach is the best! And your current read is a good one.👍 7y
danistclair @Chachic Yes, I really enjoyed it! I don't know why I've never read any Sarah Mayberry before, since everyone's been telling me to for years! 😂 7y
Chachic I think Her Best Worst Mistake was my intro to her work, as rec'd by @Angieville 😊 7y
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MarriedtoMrT Yes! That book! I still re-read it. I have a lot of Mayberry's others as well but Her Best Worst Mistake is still by far my favorite. @Chachic @danistclair (edited) 7y
danistclair @Chachic @MarriedtoMrT I got recced to start with it as well, and clearly that was a good choice! 7y
Angieville @Chachic Yes! It was my first Mayberry as well. I also really love 7y
Chachic @Angieville Oh yay, another rec! Thank you, will add it to my wishlist.😊 7y
danistclair @Angieville Yes, thanks for that! I went off to buy it right away, but seems like it doesn't have a kindle version 🙁 7y
Angieville @danistclair Hm, that's strange. Mine is the kindle version, and I just checked and it shows it as still being available. 7y
danistclair @Angieville ah, found it! It was on like the 200th page of results, as a separate item from the paperback. Thanks for encouraging me to keep looking! 7y
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Die Wahlverwandtschaften | Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
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Last seminar of the semester with my 'Deutsche Literaturgeschichte II: Von der Aufklärung zur Goethe-Zeit' class. Most of the class are retirees who now take university classes for fun, and they've all become like my little German family. At this point, I think they're as invested in bettering my German and writing my thesis as I am! Today one of the ladies gave me this and another book as a present, and I nearly cried! #germanlyf

scripturient That's lovely! Which uni are you attending? 7y
scripturient If you're still in Germany in late September: we're having a Litsy meet-up in Cologne on 30/9. You're more than welcome to join us!! 7y
danistclair @scripturient thank you, that's super nice! I study in Göttingen and will be here until February, but I think I will be travelling elsewhere in Europe at the end of September, because it is my last chance before semester starts again. But if that's not the case, I would definitely love to join you! 7y
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Five months and two trips to Berlin later, I'm finally reading this comtemporary exploration of the city in the 1920s #LitsyAtoZ #LetterW #nonfiction #germanlyf

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There's a certain type of romance that I think of as being 'quiet'. They're not necessarily low-angst or low-conflict, but the characters ineract in ways that demonstrate their love. They support one another and are mindful of the other's wellbeing, and something about that reaffirms my flagging faith in humanity. This was a much-needed and perfectly-formed quiet romance (and is also just generally excellent) #romantsy #LitsyAtoZ #LetterL

maich Nice picture👍 I like your glasses❤💝 7y
danistclair @maich Thank you. They are actually kids' ones because I have such a tiny head! 😂 7y
ScientistSam Great review! 7y
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Chachic I also think of some romances as the quiet type! 7y
danistclair @Chachic oh good, so it's not just me! 😂 7y
Chachic Yeah like when two people gradually fall in love as they get to know each other, nothing flashy in it. That's a quiet kind of romance. 7y
danistclair @Chachic exactly! 7y
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When I moved here almost 3 months ago, I brought two books with me (Sorcerer to the Crown and Walking in Berlin). Now I'm in double digits and I have no clue how I'm going to get them all back to Australia when the time comes! Also, is anyone else driven absolutely round the bend by the way that English-language spines read top-to-bottom, but other languages like German read bottom-to top? I can't deal, I have to keep them separate 😂 #germanlyf

alanacristin Yes! I have to separate my French and Japanese books for the same reason! 😦😦😦 7y
danistclair @alanacristin Good to hear that it's not just me! 7y
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Neue deutsche Mdchen | Jana Hensel, Elisabeth Raether
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Today's bookmail 😍 #germanlyf

Devil in Spring | Lisa Kleypas
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If anyone is wondering how uni in Germany is going, I've discovered a new level of stress, which can only be countered by bilingual binge-reading of Lisa Kleypas. 😂 I'm using Devil in Spring as my #LetterD for #LitsyAtoZ though, so at least it's contributing to something! #romantsy #historicalromance #germanlyf

EloisaJames Hang in there! 😘 7y
danistclair @EloisaJames thank you! I think I can see some light at the end of the tunnel today 😂 7y
EloisaJames @danistclair romances got me through grad school. You can do it! 7y
danistclair @EloisaJames Thanks. I think a lot of us owe our sanity to romance novels! 7y
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Goodbye Paradise | Sarina Bowen
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When Josh is evicted from the polygamist cult they grew up in, Caleb chooses to leave as well. Together, the two must navigate the secular world, and Caleb must convince Josh that his attraction is reciprocated, and that a relationship between them isn't sinful or shameful. This was a enjoyable and emotive romance, but problems with the pacing and conflict mean I don't think it's one of Bowen's best. #LitsyAtoZ #LetterG #romantsy

Chachic I have this in my Kindle! 7y
danistclair @Chachic for some reason, I had it in my head that you'd already read it 😂 7y
Chachic Nope, not yet! Maybe I took a pic? 🤣 Not sure. 7y
danistclair @Chachic Well, I enjoyed it! And thinking about it, I think maybe it was Good Boy, that Bowen and Kennedy wrote together? All these books with 'Good' in the title, how can I be expected to keep up?! 😂 7y
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Salt. | Nayyirah Waheed
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This was a stark and beautiful collection of poems, and these few lines touch on many of the themes running through the work. In a world that centres whiteness and maleness, Waheed meditates on what it means to be an African American woman, on self-care, personal growth, resistance and decolonisation. The Kindle edition is currently free on US Amazon and I wholeheartedly recommend it.

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Against the Tide | Elizabeth Camden
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This had a good premise and sense of place (1890s Boston), and was interesting in that it dealt with the opium trade and addiction. However, the male characters - hero included - treat the heroine terribly and never show much remorse, and, while I expected a religious aspect since it's an inspirational romance, but the hypocritical way the hero mansplained faith etc. to the heroine didn't sit well with me. #historicalromance

The Undateable | Sarah Title
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I'm having to send my laptop away to get fixed, which is a bummer, but hopefully that means I'll have more time for reading. I started The Undateable last night, and so far it's been witty and modern-feeling with a super-relatable heroine, so I'm expecting big things! #romantsy #LitsyAtoZ #LetterU

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An Extraordinary Union just went on my mental list of required reading for non-romance readers before they can denigrate and stereotype the genre. With a freewoman heroine who goes undercover as a slave in the South to spy for the Union during the Civil War, it's a story of staggering nuance with so much to say about relationships, race, gender, history and society. #LitsyAtoZ #LetterE #romantsy #historicalromance

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The downside of being so exhaustingly busy at the moment is that I've only read about 3 books so far this month. But, on the upside, I've rediscovered my love of (affordable) magazines. Plus, check out this awesome sticker from F-Mag that I've stuck on my Kindle cover! #germanlyf

Peter Darling | Austin Chant
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When I was a kid, I watched Disney's Peter Pan so many times that the video tape broke and unspooled in my VHS player, breaking it as well (those were the days, eh?). All these years later, I still have a soft spot for the story, and I'm excited to read this adaption that I've heard such good things about!

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No Strings Attached | Mina V. Esguerra
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Friday night vibes: Gummi bear alcoholic drinks and @minavesguerra's No Strings Attached #romantsy #romanceclass #germanlyf

Chachic Hope you enjoy reading this! 7y
danistclair @Chachic thanks, I am enjoying it - just wish I had more time to sit down and actually read it! 7y
Chachic Always the problem! 7y
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Cabin Fever | Alisha Rai
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Totally in the mood for some Alisha Rai, and the gorgeous new cover doesn't hurt either 😍 #romantsy #LitsyAtoZ #LetterC

Chachic I haven't read any of her books, which one is your favorite? 7y
danistclair @Chachic I like Hot as Hades best, I think. 7y
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Untitled | Unknown
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My social media are filled with my friends at Sydney's Mardi Gras Parade, and I'm feeling a bit sad I can't be there too. But I'm wearing my rainbow accessories out and about today, and reading this collection of queer Carnivale romance novellas instead! ❤💛💚💙💜 (Title not on Litsy, so I've put in a placeholder)

UPDATE: I'm now unapologetically watching the Parade live feed on my phone 😂

BookThingo It was raining too much and I didn't get to see it this year. But all the photos look fab. 7y
danistclair @BookThingo Oh, that makes me feel better! As much as I love it, I'm a fair weather Mardi Gras reveler, and the SBS coverage is always awesome to watch anyway. 7y
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Folly | Laurie R. King
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I'd personally like to thank historical romance authors for making sure I knew a folly when I saw one. And to the many people who have told me that I'm wasting my time reading that uneducational trash: up yours, who's laughing now? Surprise! It's me, the same person who has spent the last 10 years laughing at the idea that only self-improving literature has value.

Chachic Wow, that's gorgeous! 7y
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University of Gttingen | Universitt Gttingen
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Here you go @Chachic - some postcards of the medieval buildings in my new German home! These pictures are from before/during WWII, so some buildings were destroyed, have been demolished, revamped or burnt down since then, but much of it looks surprisingly the same. Also for @HannahM995

Chachic Those look lovely! You should definitely take pics of them and make the rest of us jealous. 7y
danistclair @Chachic Haha, I'll work on it! Might have to read some medieval romances to really match the aesthetic 😁 7y
HannahM995 So beautiful! I expect at least one postcard this year mate xx 7y
danistclair @HannahM995 Already bought you one! 7y
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Hard Knocks | Ruby Lang
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Looking forward to starting this today. I've been meaning to read it for ages, but seeing it on @bookriot's list of 100 must-read sports romances pushed it up my TBR. (Also, does anyone else get self-conscious about their hands in photos? I swear mine get 300% uglier the moment I turn a camera on them, and they weren't very attractive to begin with 😂) #LitsyAtoZ #LetterH #romantsy

Chachic Oooh this one looks interesting! And I love your background, looks like you're in a lovely place in Germany. I also agree that my hands and fingers look weird whenever I try to take a book pic, so I try not to include them as much as possible. 7y
danistclair @Chachic Phew, I'm glad the hand thing isn't just me! And I am in a lovely place! I anticipate many more scenic shots, particularly with the medieval and old stone buildings in the background 😊 7y
Chachic Is there an old town where you are? I love historic old towns. We don't have enough of them in Southeast Asia. 7y
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danistclair @Chachic Yes, the town is very old. There are buildings with painted and chiselled dates like '1415' and '1500' that are still being used as houses, shops and pubs. Coming from Australia, which wasn't even 'discovered' until 1788, it's insane! Today, I saw one that was on a very significant lean, but it was clearly still inhabited! Then there are buildings from 1700, 1800 and 1900s as well so all very interesting. 7y
Chachic So much history! I would love to go exploring in a place like that. Pretty sure you'll have an awesome time there. 7y
danistclair @Chachic So. Much. History. Everywhere you go there's a plaque saying 'this important historical person lived here', 'this used to be this' etc. I'm already having a ball so it's hard to imagine I won't have an awesome time! 7y
kspenmoll Thx for sharing your new adventures! 7y
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What did you do on your first day living in Germany, Dani?

Well, my friend asked "are you interested in second-hand bookshops?" and I said "what kind of fucking question is that?" and made him take me on a bookshop tour of my new home town, where I saw these cool covers for the German editions of Fifty Shades (amongst other things).

Chachic Always good to know the local bookshops! 7y
danistclair @Chachic My thoughts exactly! And there are some real gems here 😍 7y
Chachic Next up should be cafes where you can hang out to read.😁 7y
danistclair @Chachic happy to report today I found some old-fashioned tea rooms with the biggest range of cakes you've ever seen! 7y
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Pretty Face | Lucy Parker
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So, I told myself I wasn't going to read this until I was on the plane tomorrow. Guess how that's going?! 😂 #romantsy #LitsyAtoZ #LetterP

Chachic I wouldn't have been able to wait either! 7y
danistclair @Chachic the struggle was real. I held out for maybe a full four hours, which I thought was pretty impressive 😂 7y
Chachic Haha that is quite impressive! 7y
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First Lady | Susan Elizabeth Phillips
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I've boxed up all my non-fiction books because I move overseas tomorrow (!!), so this was the only #presidentialread I could find. The heroine is the president's widow, and has been asked to continue her duties as First Lady. Also pictured are some pieces of Obama memorabilia I've been given. #feistyfeb #presidentialreads #romantsy

HippieChickHomeschool Where are you moving too? Sounds like an adventure! 7y
CoverToCoverGirl Good luck, see all you can see and be safe! 😃 7y
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danistclair @CoverToCoverGirl thank you, I will 😄 7y
Chachic Oooh you're traveling already! Hope you have a comfortable flight and I look forward to seeing your updates while you're in Deutschland. 7y
danistclair @Chachic Thank you! 😊 I don't fly til tomorrow, so I'm just in that annoying anticipatory stage where everything's ready but you still have to wait until it's time to go 😣 7y
HippieChickHomeschool Happy travels! 7y
EloisaJames I hope the move goes well!! 7y
danistclair @EloisaJames thank you 😊 7y
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Austenland: A Novel | Shannon Hale
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Not very original, but this is the only physical book I have with me for today's #feistyfeb prompt, since a lot of my books have been boxed up now. I do love a good Jane Austen #homage! #romantsy

candyflossramparts I need to read this one! 7y
danistclair @candyflossramparts It's a cute read 7y
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Bodies | Susie Orbach
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I use non-fiction as a #palatecleanser, so here's a picture of my non-fiction #TBR. I culled it viciously in the hope I'd be able to get these ones read before I moved overseas, but I think it's time to admit that that's not going to happen in the next 5 days! 😂 #feistyfeb #nonfiction

Chachic I've tried reading non-fiction titles but I really couldn't get into them, I don't know why.😂 7y
danistclair @Chachic I don't think they're for everyone, and lots of people only have a very small non-fiction niche. I guess I'm lucky in that I can read most NF, except for very science-y stuff. 7y
geodynamical_nonfiction You know why they call it non-fiction? Because you can't always call it truth! 7y
danistclair @geodynamical haha so true! I think there should be a non-fiction sub-genre called 'rampant speculation'! 7y
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Hamlet (Revised) | William Shakespeare
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Loving everyone's #bookmark #riotgrams! I use anything as a bookmark, although plane and event tickets are quite popular because I don't want to hurt my 'real' bookmarks! The ticket on the far left is for the Kremlin, and I've been using it as a bookmark since my 2014 trip to Russia. My favourite, though, is the "well behaved women rarely make history" one my dad bought me at a suffrage museum in the US. #riotgram

Chachic I use receipts, tickets and even boarding passes as bookmarks haha. 7y
danistclair @Chachic yes to all of these! Even muesli bar wrappers! 7y
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Tempting Hymn | Jennifer Hallock
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Reading my most recent ARC on the way to dinner with a friend. All three of her books are history-heavy historical romances set in the Phillipines during the American colonial era. I've really enjoyed the first two so looking forward to this one! #romantsy #historicalromance

Chachic I have this in my Kindle too! 7y
danistclair @Chachic Yay, ARC twinsies!! Have you read it yet? 7y
Chachic Not yet haha I need to read her books soon! She has an upcoming talk in Manila and I wish I could attend. 7y
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BookThingo OMG. 7y
danistclair @Chachic Yes, all the stuff that's happening at Ayala museum this month looks so good! I really hope you enjoy the books 7y
EloisaJames I misread that as Tempting Hymen! 7y
danistclair @EloisaJames haha, unfortunately not, but you could be a trendsetter and make hymen titles the next big thing in romance novel naming? 7y
EloisaJames @danistclair lol! I can imagine my editor's face when I announced my next book. I'm writing about the Wildes, so that would be Wilde Hymen! 7y
danistclair @EloisaJames Yesss! What a name! 7y
Chachic It's finally on Litsy, yay! And @jenniferhallock is also here now. 7y
danistclair @Chachic wooooo, thanks for that! Jen and I already connected yesterday but I didn't know about the title! 7y
Chachic @danistclair I changed my post too, to reflect the correct title. 7y
danistclair @Chachic I've done that too now! TBH, it's been so long I'd pretty much forgotten it was under another title! 7y
Chachic I noticed because sometimes when I'm reading a book, I click on the title to see the other posts about it. 7y
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Love In The Afternoon | Lisa Kleypas
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So even though there are 36 titles on my Kindle containing the word 'love', I can only find four actual books with #loveinthetitle. Some romance reader I am! 😂 #feistyfeb #lovetitles #romantsy

Chachic Such a cute pic! 7y
danistclair @Chachic thanks 😄 7y
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One of my favourite #diverselovestories from last year. Sofia Khan is Not Obliged tells the hilarious dating mishaps of a British hijabi, who ends up finding love in the most unexpected of places. #romantsy #feistyfeb #diverselovestory

kspenmoll Nice pix! 7y
geodynamical_nonfiction Liking your style! 😎 7y
danistclair @kspenmoll thanks 😊 7y
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danistclair @geodynamical thank you! Ironically, I think I only worked out my style because I'm moving overseas in a week, so I'm packing up all my books and possessions 😣 7y
candyflossramparts Just picked this up on sale for Kindle - it looks great! 7y
danistclair @candyflossramparts it is lovely, but it took me a little while to get into. Hope you enjoy! 7y
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The Perfect Stranger | Anne Gracie
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Until today, I never realised how ubiquitous flowers - particularly roses - are on the covers of romance novels 😂 #flowersoncover #feistyfeb

Chachic Lovely shot! 👌 7y
danistclair @Chachic thanks 😊 7y
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It's over 40°C (104°F) here today. AGAIN. Leaves are shrivelling and dying, I'm shrivelling and dying, but I still managed to get a photo of my current read on the way home from the train station #LitsyAtoZ #LetterB

CoverToCoverGirl It's -19°C with the wind chill and we're in the grip of a major snowstorm about to dump 40+ centimetres of snow... not sure who I feel sorriest for myself or you!☃☀️? (edited) 7y
danistclair 40 cm of snow 😮 I can't even imagine what that looks like! I think you win - at least I don't have to shovel snow or whatever (I literally have no clue but I gather there's some of that involved) 😂 7y
danistclair @CoverToCoverGirl Bugger forgot to tag you in my message back 👆 7y
CoverToCoverGirl @danistclair Yes regrettably there will be lots of shovelling involved and a scary ride to work today... ? it's now a balmy ? -23°C with the wind chill ☃ 7y
danistclair @CoverToCoverGirl Ugh. It's meant to hit 45°C here today 😰 7y
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I've loved all the #blackhistory posts today; they've made me realise that my non-fiction shelf is shamefully lacking in African American history. I do have this book about the Australian Freedom Ride though, which was inspired by the Freedom Rides in the US during the Civil Rights Movement and which challenged anti-Aboriginal racism, discrimination and segregation in country NSW #riotgram #riotgrams

Full review: http://bit.ly/2kK5Jde

Magic Flutes | Eva Ibbotson
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My #AllTheWorldsAStage shot: plays in the middle, with historical romances featuring the theatrical world on the outside. Of the two on the left, one has a opera singer heroine and the other is set at a Viennese opera house with a stage-hand heroine. On the right, a actor/theatre owner hero and a ballerina heroine. #feistyfeb #romantsy

Chachic Oooh you can add Act Like It by Lucy Parker to this pile. 7y
danistclair @Chachic I wanted to put it in so badly, but I only have it on kindle. It ruined my aesthetic and I couldn't deal haha! Clearly, this is a sign from the universe that I need to buy a physical copy 😂 7y
Chachic Hahaha yes, that's a sign from the universe! This is why I prefer featuring one title at a time for these photo challenges. Easier to take pictures.😉 7y
danistclair @Chachic My perfectionism says that's a wise idea, but the book lover part wants to give all the books their time to shine 7y
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Along Came Love | Tracey Livesay
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I know lots of people loved this one, but I wasn't one of them. I liked the heroine, but was uncomfortable about the way the hero kept trying to manipulate her into changing how she felt about an unwanted pregnancy, and just generally steamrolled her. Plus, he is still with his girlfriend - not the heroine - until 3/4 of the way through the book, which was a bit unsavoury. #LitsyAtoZ #LetterA

Boy Meets Girl | Meg Cabot
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Eva Ibbotson's The Morning Gift and Meg Cabot's Boy Meets Girl are tied when it comes to #mostreread. For some reason, they've become my ultimate comfort reads. I bought this copy of Boy Meets Girl when I was homesick and sick-sick while living in India; I walked into my local bookshop, saw this book I had loved since I was a teenager, and knew everything was going to be ok.
#feistyfeb #romantsy

Chachic Interesting that you lived in India! My favorite Eva Ibbotsons are Countess Below Stairs and The Reluctant Heiress. I loved the fairy tale feel of both. 7y
danistclair @Chachic I worked in India for a year, but I always toss up about saying that I lived thereMy other standout Ibbotson is A Company of Swans. Funny how our faves are pretty much opposites (although I do love all of hers)! I haven't read A Countess Below Stairs for a long time though, might be time for a re-read and reassessment. 7y
Chachic A year is quite a bit of time to spend in a country! Haha so yeah you can say you lived there? I know I've read all of Ibbotson's romances but I don't remember that much about the others. 7y
danistclair @Chachic Haha then with your approval I will 😂 the Morning Gift is the one set in London during WWII if that rings any bells. I think I only remember so much about them all because they were pretty much the first romances I ever read. 7y
Chachic I looked up the synopsis and yeah, I remember it now (though still fuzzy on the details). I would love to find more books similar to her writing. 7y
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When I think #shadows, I think paranormal romance covers. On my PNR shelf, I even found a book with #shadow in the title! #feistyfeb #romantsy @RealLifeReading

Chachic Ooh what's your favorite PNR series? I've tried a few but haven't found one to love 7y
danistclair @Chachic to be honest I read very little PNR these days! But have you tried the Darkest London series by Kristen Callihan? They're historical PNR and I loved them, especially Moonglow 😊 I comfort re-read these Kresley Coles sometimes, but I'm not sure how I'd feel about them if I was reading them for first time - some elements are a bit old-school and her heroes are very alpha! 7y
Chachic @danistclair Yep, I've tried the firsy 2 or 3 of that and thought it was just okay. Haha didn't really feel like continuing with the rest of the series. 7y
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danistclair @Chachic Fair enough! Then I don't have any recs for you but let me know if you find something good 😁 7y
Chachic Will definitely let you know if I come across anything good. I love Ilona Andrews' books, but they're more urban fantasy with romance. 7y
danistclair @Chachic ooh, I've actually never read hers so thanks for that! 7y
Chachic Really?? You should definitely try it! The first book in the Kate Daniels series is Magic Bites, the last one will be released sometime this year. If you want less of a commitment, you can try their Hidden Legacy trilogy. Only the first book is out: 7y
danistclair @Chachic Less commitment is definitely my style lol, that's why I haven't read them because I get intimidated by long series! 7y
Chachic I don't mind long series if there's a definite end to them. I don't like it when series are never ending. I hope you get to read Burn for Me soon! The Kindle edition is jusy 1.99usd😄 7y
danistclair @Chachic it's only showing as 75c USD for me! You've sold me on it 😂 7y
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Does My Head Look Big in This? | Randa Abdel-Fattah
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Did some work in the peace and quiet of my local library today, and was super excited to see these #LoveOzYA posters up in the Youth area! So awesome! 😁 I tagged Randa Abdel-Fattah's 'Does My Head Look Big In This?' because I vividly remember reading it during school lunches when I was 14 or 15 - it was probably the first book I read with a hijabi MC

Chachic So many recs! I would love to read all of the titles in those posters. 7y
danistclair @Chachic me too, but they keep releasing more posters 😂 TBH, the only one I've come close to reading all the books on is the Classics poster, and that's cos they are all ones I read in school, or were around when I was a young adult! 7y
Chachic Must have been fun to read those as a young adult. All we read in school were literary titles. 7y
danistclair @Chachic we had those too, but in retrospect, yeah, I didn't realise how lucky we were to be able to read things that we related to and were interested in (although, at the time, we all made noise about Australian literature being boring, because that's what school students do!) 7y
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This short non-fiction piece follows the actions of an American who helped Jewish people and dissidents escape the Nazis, and I've been thinking about it a lot lately. It highlights that the narratives we have constructed around the Holocaust (such as "we didn't know") aren't always as simple or true as they seem
(Tagged under another title while Litsy adds this one) #nonfiction
Review: http://bit.ly/2jhJf5L
Quote ?

danistclair "The inevitability of murder...is the premise of all narratives of Holocaust rescue...Someone has to die, the thinking goes, and the only remaining dilemma is who will get the last seat on the lifeboat...But these questions fall short by assuming that the perpetrators were irrelevant. As long as we are questioning the choices that are made, shouldn't we be considering the possibility of the Holocaust not happening at all?" Loc. 396 #nonfiction 7y
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Men Explain Things to Me | Rebecca Solnit
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The Women's Marches across the world last weekend inspired me to pull this out of my #nonfiction TBR. My dog is reserving judgement, but I think it's spot-on. However, some parts are hard to read because it's so painfully forthright about what we experience as women #LitsyAtoZ #LetterM

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In At The Deep End | Penelope Janu
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So excited to be starting this newly released #OzRomance! Only a little way in and it's already full of comedy and sexual tension. Also my #LetterI for #LitsyAtoZ #summerreads #romantsy

Chachic Oooh this looks interesting! I've read quite a few #LoveOzYA books but not Oz romance. 7y
danistclair @Chachic #LoveOzYA is so wonderful and they are doing such a good job of promoting it! I'm enjoying this so far, but not really sure where it's going to end up yet. Will post a Litsy review when I'm done, maybe! 7y
Chachic Agree, Oz YA is awesome! I need to catch up on the ones in my TBR pile. Okay, will watch out for your review of this.😊 I just remembered, I think Sarah Mayberry writes Oz romance? 7y
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danistclair @Chachic she does! Although I've never read her. More for the TBR 😂 7y
Chachic Haha I've read some of her books and enjoyed them. I think I started with Her Best Worst Mistake. 7y
danistclair @Chachic Cool, I'll pop that one on the TBR and start from there as well. Thanks! 7y
Chachic Let me know how it goes! 7y
danistclair @Chachic Will do 😊 7y
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