#guiltypleasures buying second hand books that would look good on the shelf with no intention of reading them
#guiltypleasures buying second hand books that would look good on the shelf with no intention of reading them
#lovetoreread any time, any order, start in the middle of the book, read it, listen to it
@josie @gayan
My #happyreads. Nothing beats Roald Dahl for brightening my mood.
#DNF it had so much potential in the friendship and Duddits storylines, but then the aliens ruined it for me.
@josie @gayan
My #favfemalecharacter is Mother Abagail and her role during the end of the world for a small group of survivors. In the photo, Rubby Dee in the TV show The Stand cc. 1994.
@josie @gayan
#blameitonlitsy In less than a year since I joined this comm, I read amazing novels recommended by my fellow Litsians. Thank you 🍸
#bookyouwanttobein I would follow Dan to the place of the Overlook Hotel to stop Rose the Hat. Illustration by Vincent Chong
@josie @gayan
#scaredyou I watched the TV adaptation as a kid and was terrified. I read the book as a teen and couple of times later as an adult and I still have nightmares.
@josie @gayan
#didntlikeitstillfinished this is a sequel to Haroun and the Sea of Stories, which I love very much. Unfortunatelly, it was lifeless and flat. Ilustration by Ben Tobitt.
#alltimefavorite King at his best, full of intertextual references to his other stories and himself. Young Clint Eastwood would be perfect as Roland Deschain *sigh*
@Josie @Gayan
#recentnonfictionread some light PhD reading
Library find #judgedbyitscover and title :)
The Lady Who Liked Clean Restrooms: The Chronicle Of One Of The Strangest Stories Ever To Be Rumoured About Around New York by J. P. Donleavy
#marchTBR already started Illuminae and love it!
#bestoffebruary The Broken Earth series has consumed me and left me in a slump to wait for the final part.
#workplacesetting the secret life of the Heathrow airport. Stories about flight controlers, the men who take care of smuggled animals, the customs officers, the firefighters who practice their skills by setting the green plane on fire, and other amazing destinies.
#boughtonvacation my first trip abroad in 1992
#historicalheroines Helen Keller lived in a dark and quiet world after a fever left her deaf and blind as an infant. In spite of these obstacles, she became a famous speaker and author.
A great #homage to Douglas Adams' The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Science fiction magazine Monolit is my ultimate #palatecleanser. It featured short stories by the Sci-Fi greats such as Zelazny, Niven, Keyes, le Guin and a handful of Serbian authors. It was issued from 1984 to 1993, my father used to buy them religiously. Only few survived my doodling years :)
#candycolouredcovers Larousse Baby Library I got from my students when my son was born ♡
Forgive me for this cheat, but apparently my shelves lack #lovetitles. Murakami's novel was translated in Serbian as Sputnik Love.
The novel brings together three major characters in a joyful #lovetriangle. At first awkward and unlooked for, the relationship eventually becomes a source of solid comfort and stability for the witch, wizard, and pirate chief who enter into it. For as long as it lasts.
My #literarycrush Colonel Aureliano Buendia is one of the central characters in One-Hundred Years of Solitude. He's the second son of José Arcadio Buendia and the first person to be born in the town of Macondo. As an adult, Aureliano became the leader of the revolutionary forces. He fathered seventeen children, all of whom were murdered before reaching the age of 35.
“All Creatures know that some must die
That all the rest may take and eat;
Sooner or later, all transform
Their blood to wine, their flesh to meat.
But Man alone seeks Vengefulness,
And writes his abstract Laws on stone;
For this false Justice he has made,
He tortures limb and crushes bone."
#alltheworldsastage a collection of short drama pieces created during theatre workshops my friend organized for adolescents with autism and down syndrome. They have performances every year, but this is their first publication.
Trust Gaimen to have opposite of #AnthropomorphicCharacters. The Rat-Speakers live in the Underground, using old and forgotten cellars and walkways where they eke out their meagre existence. They are closely allied with the rats and have taken on several of their typical traits and habits. They move and chitter like rats and scavenge just like they do. Their clothes look as if they were made of cats' fur.
By popular vote, Cline's novel is #bestdebutof2016 hopefully, I'll check it off my TBR list soon :)
I #changedmymind about Harold Pinter. His plays were required reading for modern anglophone literature class. Having read criticism of his work, I realized there is no easy way into Pinter so it's best to just crash-land into his work. This play filled me with dread. The drum beat, fricative verbal tennis matches, everything in this play feels like it's counting down to something. But it left me hungry for more Pinter.
#mostreread book of all times simply because I use it with my freshmen every October for the past 10 years or so. It's a required reading. I enjoy rediscovering it with every new group of students.
It turns out that #shadows are very frequent in titles on my shelf. I haven't read the other two books, Shadows Linger by Glen Cook and Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon. While the tagged book is the fourth in the Wheel of Time series which is dear to my heart :)
#TBR I got caught up in the Broken Earth series, so these two are on hold. Though, I was really looking forward to the new Expanse book.
#signedbytheauthor Philosophy of a small town is an analysis of a small closed community and the mentality of its members. Namely, fear of different and new.
#read january
#booksbyasianwriters three Murakami's novels, all gifts from my best friend
I'm not big on #autobiography reads, but my ultimate favorite is Burroughs' book
#slowread more of a slow listen. Generally, Gibson takes me a lot of time in audio form. But I enjoy his books.
#page24ofcurrentread Children are the undoing of us. Thoroughly enjoying the book!
The book tells the tale of #royals Alfred the Great and hos struggle with the Danes. The strife between Christianity and paganism is the background to this outstanding series of how England was made and very nearly lost.
#recommendedby #mybookclub Daniel watches from his window as the world goes by, and his only relationships seem to be with people who barely know he exists. His fear of curbs, new friends and great word play make this a hilarious read.
#fortheloveoffonts These Star Trek books are rarely any good, but I'm a Trekkie so I read them religiously. Plus, the fonts are so Delta Quadrant.
Kostana is #setinmycity Vranje, Serbia. It is a story of a Gypsy girl with angelic voice and stunning hips who seduces all the men in the town with her song and dance. The drama raises an issue of being a woman free from the patriarchal norms in a society burdened with etiquette and morality. It ends tragically. The woman in the photo is one of many actresses who portrayed Kostana on stage cca 1960.
#girlinthetitle a powerful story of parental love under the guise of a zombie story
Angry reading of Pinokio. My 5yo was angry I wouldn't let him go out and play in the snow so he went to bed to read. This so reminds me of me when I was a child. I remember not being allowed to go on a school trip and spending all three days of the trip reading locked in my room. Mind you, I shared a room with my older brother, so he had to sleep in the living room.
I tend to stick with the books, though sometimes it takes years to finish them :) The one I chucked across the room was Sholokhov's epic novel in two tomes about the collectivization process in the Soviet Union aimed at the consolidation of individual land and labor into collective farms and the hardship the people endured because of it. It took him 28 years to write it. It was on the shool syllabus but #DNF
I risk summoning Litsy wrath for this post #bookseveryonebutyouhasread When I was growing up, my little world was divided into two groups, those who read Tolkin and those who read Frank Herbert. We tolerated each other, but did not mix :) Even decades later, I never picked up the book.
My #readingequipment
I do most of my reading on my phone using Moon reader app since my son was born. I've just started the sixth book in the Expanse series #veryexcited
#TitleWithAProperName A story of a moral decline and sick ambition. Boris Romanov helps people with their stunted emotions while he himself is in dire need of help. The whirlwind of abuse, dark urges and emotional deadlock ends tragically.