I cannot recommend this series enough. If you love historical romance and fantasy and magic and Scotland, don‘t hesitate to give these books a try! They‘re both available on Kindle Unlimited now. 💜
I cannot recommend this series enough. If you love historical romance and fantasy and magic and Scotland, don‘t hesitate to give these books a try! They‘re both available on Kindle Unlimited now. 💜
I‘ve only read the first of these (I‘m about 50 pages into book two), but I am enjoying the magical world that Forrest has created. Very thankful to my local library for fulfilling this purchase request for me!
#harleymerlin #bookseries #fantasy #magicalbooks #currentlyreading
This was a sweet, nostalgic book. Anne of Green Gables was one of my favorite series as a little girl and this paid homage to it without detracting from LM Montgomery‘s story.
#marillaofgreengables #anneofgreengables #sarahmccoy #lmmontgomery #PEI #historicalfiction
I can‘t wait to get to this beauty! So glad I binged this series a few months ago.
#kingdomofash #throneofglass #ToG #sarahjmaas #ya #fantasy #newbook #series #gorgeouscover
One of my favorite series of all time! It is such a long and intimidating series so I‘m glad that I read it when I was very young. This book really introduced me to the fantasy genre and became the first fandom I ever was a part of.
#lotr #lordoftherings #tolkien #fandoms
This was so disappointing - nothing happened throughout the entire book and the ending was even more anticlimactic. #stephenking #thegirlwholovedtomgordon #octoberreads
I‘ve heard so many good things, and there‘s no doubt this was written with an outstanding amount of research, which is why I gave it 2/5. The main characters - Tatiana and Alexander - are two of the most infuriating, stubborn, obnoxious characters I‘ve ever read. I love a good antihero (Scarlett O‘Hara and Rhett Butler are my favorite), but these two were the worst. #thebronzehorseman #donotrecommend #badreads #bookisihated
This book is great if you're suffering from A Court of Thorns and Roses withdrawal. It's similar with its focus on fair folk and forbidden love, but much shorter.
#anenchantmentofravens #margaretrogerson #ya #yafantasy #yalit #newbooks2017 #fallvibes #gorgeouscovers
"How hidden the heart, Nance thought. How frightened we are of being known, and yet how desperately we long for it." -Hannah Kent, The Good People
What are you currently reading?
I am so excited to delve into this; I've heard good things, and I loved Burial Rites by this author.
#thegoodpeople #hannahkent #newbooks #beautifulbooks #ireland #folklore #currentlyreading #badassbookbabes #bibliophile #booknerd #bookaddict #booklove
What's your honest opinion of ACOWAR?
(The Velaris candle is from NerdWicks Candles and the bookmark is from LittleInklingsDesign.)
#shelfie #acowar #acotar #acomaf #sarahjmaas #acourtofthornsandroses #acourtofmistandfury #acourtofwingsandruin #fandom #bookworm #bibliophile #booknerd #bookaddict #bookmark #bookishcandle
"A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies...The man who never reads lives only one." George R.R. Martin, A Dance with Dragons
I just finished season 7 of Game of Thrones! ?
#gameofthrones #agameofthrones #got #adancewithdragons #jonsnow #daenerys #bookmail #reader #alwaysreading #bookme #badassbookbabes #bookish #bookworm #bibliophile
Is this on your TBR? I'm ashamed to say that I have only read the first Throne of Glass book. 🙈 I'm hoping to get into the series next month - my TBR this month is booked. 😉
#towerofdawn #sarahjmaas #throneofglass #newbooks #chaolwestfall #empireofstorms #queenofshadows #heiroffire #crownofmidnight #alwaysreading #bookish #bookworm #bookphotography #bibliophile #booknerd #bookaddict
"The reading of all good books is like conversation with the finest men of the past centuries." -Rachel Caine, Ink and Bone
#inkandbone #paperandfire #thegreatlibrary #rachelcaine #ya #bookseries #beautifulcovers #bookit #badassbookbabes #bookish #bookworm #bookphotography
Despite George RR Martin irritating the shit out of me as an author (and a person), I do love this series. Dany is my favorite character, followed by Jon Snow and Ghost. #agameofthrones #gameofthrones #GoT #daenerys #motherofdragons #khaleesi #ironthrone
This and a few other books make up my August TBR! What's on yours?
#augusttbr #thelunarchronicles #caroline #truthwitch #augustbooks #tbr
"Once upon a time, an angel and a devil fell in love.
It did not end well." -Laini Taylor, Daughter of Smoke & Bone
I'm super intrigued by this quote from Daughter of Smoke and Bone! ?
#daughterofsmokeandbone #daysofbloodandstarlight #dreamsofgodsandmonsters #lainitaylor #tbr #yabooks #ireadya #bookquote
This book was a pure cover buy. It's gorgeous, it's YA, fantasy, and a female protagonist - all good things. The only thing stopping me from giving it a lower rating is that I know it's the first book in a series, and I'm hoping massive character development happens, because I'm not a fan of Roar/Rora. She felt very one dimensional, as did several others. Here's hoping it gets better as the series goes on!
#roar #coracarmack #ya #fantasy
Wow. I really loved this book! It had some serious Friday the 13th vibes and was the perfect amounts of thriller, horror, and slasher. It kept me guessing until the very end - I stayed up until 2 am and finally made myself put it down around page 185. Then I read the rest the next day in one sitting. It was a heart-pounding, refreshing homage to the horror flick trope of the "final girl".
#finalgirls #rileysager #thriller #slasher #arc #julyreads
Book mail really can help make your day a little bit better! 💛
#sevenstonestostandorfall #dianagabaldon #outlander #jamiefraser #clairerandall #scotland #historical #timetravel #tbr #bookmail #shortstories #storycollection
Happy Pride Month! Here's a bookish rainbow for this beautiful, windy Sunday afternoon. 🌈
#pridemonth #lgbtq #bookishrainbows #simonvsthehomosapienagenda #thegiver #carryon #beautifulredemption #offireandstars #cress #thesmellofotherpeopleshouses
This book was a heartbreaking look into the life of a woman who could never have who she truly wanted by her side.
I loved that Evelyn challenges Monique (her biographer), forcing her to see beyond the preconceived notions of what Evelyn's marriages, relationships, and family life meant, and how she felt throughout them all.
The ending paid tribute to the rest of this beautiful, lyrical novel with an ending note of finality and grace.
I don't know about you guys but I LOVED this duet/duology. My favorite ship is Nina and Matthias. What about yours?
#sixofcrows #crookedkingdom #leighbardugo #ya #yalit #fantasy #yaseries #ninaandmatthias #bookships #bookcandles
This is my current read. I'm only a few pages in but I really like the dialogue and banter between the characters so far.
#theupsideofunrequited #beckyalbertalli #ya #contemporary #currentread
My current read! I'm about 1/3 of the way done. 😊
Several months later (what feels like an eternity), I finished this monstrosity. It's very informative but kind of dense - I got a lot of dates/names/facts but not a lot of feeling for who Paul is as a person. Overall, still a pretty good read.
This book is about cats in a library. I work in a library, I have two cats. This was a no brainer. Sweet and adorable, I have no qualms saying I shed several tears at the end.
I had high expectations for this book, but it fell flat for me. Lois Lane is communicating via messages to "SmallvilleGuy" while trying to expose some shenanigans going on at her school. The first half felt like nothing happened, and then everything got resolved too quickly in the last half.
This book makes me want to sit the author down and ask her what the hell was she thinking. The "hero", Alec, is a smug, condescending alpha male who thinks he needs to constantly remind his airhead bride Jamie of her "place" as a woman. I hate romance fiction with such horrible sexist cliches.
This book was so cute! I rarely read picture books but I got it for my sister to read to my brand new niece. She told me I had to read it too, and I'm glad I did. It's factual and sweet, with lovely illustrations and an index of photos at the end.
Since I am reading a biography of Charlotte Brontë, it seems fitting to review one of my favorite books - Jane Eyre. I've loved that book since I was 11: the gothic, dark, dreary wonderfulness that only a Brontë sister can create. Jane is unapologetically independent for her time.