Just started this tonight :) #currentlyreading #thriller #crime #thepuppetshow #MWCraven #bookblogger #bookreviewer #books #bookish #booklover #bookobsessed #bookaholic #reading #reader
Just started this tonight :) #currentlyreading #thriller #crime #thepuppetshow #MWCraven #bookblogger #bookreviewer #books #bookish #booklover #bookobsessed #bookaholic #reading #reader
This is one of the best thrillers, I‘ve read in a long time. It was different and I loved that I couldn‘t even guess what the hell was going off and was left holding my breath and my mouth dropping open at the end.
I don‘t want to write to much although I could go on and on because I don‘t want to leak any spoilers. But if you haven‘t read this book yet, you need too. Read the full review www.readingthroughthepain.wordpress.com #bookreview
I‘ve finished. Omg this book is flipping amazing.. I read it in a 12 hours on and off. ( normally takes me 3-7days) Only took me that long cause I passed out with exhaustion ( thanks fibro/Cfs) lol Writing my review up now.. post tomorrow I think :) #bookblogger #bookreviewer #spareroom #dredasaymitchell #thriller #crime #murder #books #bookcommunity #booklover #bookaholic #readingthroughthepain
I haven't read a Non-Fiction medical science book written by a professional before so I didn't know what to expect. But this blew my mind in many ways. I am heavily ( maybe a little to much) into anything that is a crime, forensic, psychology and anatomy and what hides behind it all.. Full Review www.readingthroughthepain.wordpress.com #bookblogger #bookreview #nonfiction #forensic #booklover #bookcommunity #bookish #read2019 #reviewer #crime
Starting reading this tonight after hearing so many good reviews about this book and author. 6% in so far, so good. #spareroom #dredasaymitchell #thriller #crime #pyschogical #readingthroughthepain #RTTPBookBlog# #febuaryreading #reading2019 #bookblogger #bookreviewer #bookblog #booklover #bookish #bookobessed #currentlyreading #chronicpain #mentalhealth
Finally finished this wonder outstanding book. ( takes me awhile to read these days) I have wrote my review notes up and will be writing and posting my review later or tomorrow morning. Wooo! @ReadingThroughThePain #readingthroughthepain #bookreview #bookblogger #unnaturallcauses #read #nonfiction #pathologist #crime #serialkillers #murder #bookish #booklover #crime #crimelover #blog #drrichardshepard #
Such as an interesting book so far. Embarrassment is just the kind of worldly concern which I believe the dying relinquish, often perhaps with relief. #nonfiction #unaturalcauses #richardshepard #pathologist #forensics #murder #serialkillers #bombers #currentlyreading #kindle