The book mentions the NamUs website and its problems, and today NPR reports fresh journalism on those deep issues.
The book mentions the NamUs website and its problems, and today NPR reports fresh journalism on those deep issues.
Two websites listed in the book for missing and un-ID‘s persons:
1. https://namus.nij.ojp.gov/%3Cfront%3E
2. https://www.doenetwork.org/
The Doe Network was created by a friend of the author and is entirely run by volunteers, unlike Name Us, which is government.
When there are too many victims from a county, or city, years and months are assigned: Los Angeles County John Doe 1980. Los Angeles County John Doe 1999.
This is not a cozy- but book 2 in a mystery series. The main character is an archeologist asked to solve a mystery by examining bones. There is a second timeline 500 years in the past. I really liked this book and will read the others. For #hyggehour I am reading Magical Midlife Challenge- that i will write about soon. I am in the tail end of an epstein barr flair and being cozy on the couch is exactly what i need. 🩵
I‘m posting one book a day from my massive collection. No description, no reason for why I want to read it (some I‘ve had so long I don‘t even remember why!). Feel free to join in!
Meh. These are entertaining. This series inspired me not to request ARCs that are part of a series. This is 9 and I have an ARC of 18 somewhere in my secret book closet.
#BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks
Thank you @Gissy for the amazing box! The sign made me laugh and I love the apron. We don‘t host Thanksgiving but we will definitely put the candles to use. We usually light a candle every night during dinner. #cbbc #coffeebeanbookclub @Mommamanzi
Did you know there are 7 body farms in the US? These are acreage that universities own and the archeology students study human decomposition. This knowledge helps forensic anthropologists and crime scene investigators with cases.
Freeman Ranch is one of those body farms and is located in Texas.