While I am bummed that this is the only compilation my library has, I'm heartened by the fact that Scalzi has continued to maintain his blog Whatever, (which now also includes writings by his grown daughter Athena) meaning I can pop into the archives AND see his latest stuff all in one place. And it will be much lighter on my wrists to hold my phone and browse than it was to read through this tome. 1/?
There is much quippy and witty and silly, but there is also straightforward tackling of tough topics; I appreciated the tigger warning proferred before one entry in particular.
Big fan of 'my wife is awesome and I love her' as a running theme. 1w
There are a couple posts which discuss people which Scalzi could not have known a decade or more ago would recently have been called out for appalling acts - not a comfy experience, but the past can't really safeguard against an 1w
Personal Standouts (which thanks to the titling and dating you could go find on his blog right now!):
How I Think Mar 24 2010
How to be a Good Commenter Sep 18 2012
It's Okay Not to Read Me Jul 2 2012 (I think all readers should read this, it's a good reminder that you don't HAVE to read a particular book/author etc, enjoying fave authors or supporting new authors or finding new faves is a more rewarding pursuit)
Straight White Male: The Lowest Difficulty Setting There Is May 15 2012
Why In Fact Publishing Will Not Go Away Anytime Soon: A Deeply Slanted Play in Three Acts Feb 3 2010 ( Scalzi gave his wife the best lines/action and it's fantastic 😂)
⚠️Mention of SA, miscarriage 1w