Up next!!! SO many favorite authors! 🥰 #marple #twelvenewmysteries #agathachristie #naomialderman #leighbardugo #alyssacole #lucyfoley #ellygriffiths #nataliehaynes #jeankwok #valmcdermid #karenmmcmanus #dredasaymitchell #katemosse #ruthware
Up next!!! SO many favorite authors! 🥰 #marple #twelvenewmysteries #agathachristie #naomialderman #leighbardugo #alyssacole #lucyfoley #ellygriffiths #nataliehaynes #jeankwok #valmcdermid #karenmmcmanus #dredasaymitchell #katemosse #ruthware
⭐⭐⭐ My first time reading this author. Whilst it was an enjoyable read that held my interest throughout, in that I wanted to see how the mystery unfolded, it wasn't a page turner for me. By the end of it, it felt a bit of a dragged out storyline that could have been resolved much sooner. #dredasaymitchell #spareroom #tea_sipping_bookworm #goodreads #thestorygraph#litsy #bookqueen #bookstagram
I‘ve finished. Omg this book is flipping amazing.. I read it in a 12 hours on and off. ( normally takes me 3-7days) Only took me that long cause I passed out with exhaustion ( thanks fibro/Cfs) lol Writing my review up now.. post tomorrow I think :) #bookblogger #bookreviewer #spareroom #dredasaymitchell #thriller #crime #murder #books #bookcommunity #booklover #bookaholic #readingthroughthepain
Starting reading this tonight after hearing so many good reviews about this book and author. 6% in so far, so good. #spareroom #dredasaymitchell #thriller #crime #pyschogical #readingthroughthepain #RTTPBookBlog# #febuaryreading #reading2019 #bookblogger #bookreviewer #bookblog #booklover #bookish #bookobessed #currentlyreading #chronicpain #mentalhealth