Bookshop is having a 20% off sale on Spring books. It excludes ebooks. It ends on Monday.
Bookshop is having a 20% off sale on Spring books. It excludes ebooks. It ends on Monday.
Bookshop just sent me this email this morning. I only bought 2 ebooks from them so I don‘t have that many ebooks from them yet. It‘s $10 for 1 ebook but since I bought 2 ebooks, I ended up spending $20. I feel good about this.
I did some journaling tonight along with this book and I read some of this book today. I‘ve been alternating between the stream of consciousness writing and the guided journaling prompts.
Here‘s what I listened to recently.
On Hoopla, I listened to the last album that Slipknot put out. Now, I‘ve listened to all of their albums. I like their older music better.
On my Amazon Echo Dot in my room, I listened to Third Eye Blind after I got finished taking a shower one night. I like having music on when I‘m getting ready for bed too. I love my Echo Dot.
I decided to sign up for a Libro fm membership and I changed my Audible membership from a Premium Plus membership to a Standard membership. I was paying $16 a month for Premium Plus and I wasn‘t listening to the audiobooks from the Plus catalog. This should help me save some money. I used the promo code SWITCH when I signed up for Libro fm and they gave me 3 credits for free. I bought 2 audiobooks with my credits already. I have 1 credit left.
I‘m still reading this book. I started it on February 17 and I‘m still journaling along with it. I‘ve been enjoying the guided journaling prompts. I was only able to journal before bed last night. I answered 1 journal prompt that asked what challenges I faced yesterday and I filled up 3 pages just to answer it.
Here‘s my #readyourkindle picks for March. #16 is a mood read, #14 is a mood read, #19 is Kindle Unlimited and #1 is #roll100. Basically, I can choose whatever books I want for these prompts except for #roll100. I have 1 book that I started last month from my #roll100 list. If I get finished with it this month then I‘ll add it on here. It‘s taking awhile to read because it‘s a nonfiction book you journal along with.
I entered in my email address on Chirp and they told me that I already have an account with them. I forgot that I made an account. I haven‘t bought any audiobooks on Chirp.
Here‘s another website where you can buy audiobooks. It‘s called Chirp and this is what the website says. I‘ve never used it but I like that this isn‘t a subscription service. Everything is a subscription service now but this isn‘t. I‘m tempted to subscribe to Libro fm though because I looked at the cost of one audiobook from Libro fm just to buy and it‘s $20.99 so it seems like I would save money on audiobooks by subscribing to their service.
I just found out about this website where you can buy physical books. I was reading their website and this is some of the information I found out about it. I‘ve never shopped with them before. I don‘t need to buy more physical books because I‘m running out of space but this website sounds really good.
I just made a Libro Fm account. I chose another independent bookstore to support in my area but I haven‘t signed up for a membership. I was reading their website and they said you can sign up for a membership, buy credits without a membership or buy audiobooks a la carte. I like that. I don‘t want to sign up for a membership so I think a la carte purchases would work better for me just to see if I like Libro fm or not.
I just looked at Libro FM and it sounds really good. It supports independent bookstores and I like that. I currently pay $14.95 a month for Audible and Libro FM is $14.99 a month so it‘s about the same price. I use Kindle Unlimited and I like the read & listen for free books because I can get the audiobook from Audible and it doesn‘t cost me anything. I also like the Audible Originals so I‘m not leaving Audible.
I‘ve decided to buy some ebooks from www.bookshop.org because after Amazon said that you‘re just purchasing a license to read their ebooks, I don‘t feel comfortable buying ebooks and audiobooks from them anymore but now, I feel better about buying ebooks knowing that it‘s helping a local independent bookstore that I‘ve chosen. Libro FM also supports independent bookstores. I love Audible but maybe eventually, I‘ll switch to Libro FM.
Here‘s my bingo board for #bookspinbingo. I chose a St. Patrick‘s Day background for March. I really like it. I hope this board will make me lucky and I‘ll have time to read everything that I want to read this month but I‘ll just have to see what happens. I have a lot going on with reading this month.
Here‘s my #roll100 picks. #51 is a Christian nonfiction book. #9 is a memoir by a quantum healer, #90 is a cocktail recipe book. I can‘t read #74 yet because it‘s being published in April. I preordered the ebook from www.bookshop.org so I‘ll read it after it‘s released. I‘m rolling over 2 books from February. I‘m currently reading My Healthy Noggin. I don‘t know when I‘ll get finished with it. I haven‘t started Black, Queer & Untold yet.
Here‘s my #bookspinbingo picks. My #bookspin is the February pick for the #naturalitsy buddy read. I just joined the buddy read but I‘m hoping I can read this. My #doublespin is the first story for the #noplacelikeholmes buddy read. I will be able to read this because I‘ll be reading 5 short stories for the buddy read this month.
Here‘s my #readyourkindle list for February. I‘m hoping to finish a book series on my Kindle for #serieslove2025 but other than that, I‘m using the same list from last month.
Here‘s my #bookspinbingo list for March. I joined 2 buddy reads in February: #christiescapers and #naturalitsy. I‘m 2 months behind on those books because I‘m just joining but I should have time to catch up with everyone else. I‘m going to be reading more of Assassin‘s Apprentice for #realmofelderlings. I‘m in a book club on Fable but I don‘t know what we‘re reading yet. When I find out, I‘ll read it.
For my #readyourkindle picks in February, I finished a bad boy romance series on my Kindle for #serieslove2025.
Here‘s how I did on #bookspinbingo in February with the picks that were chosen. I completed a book series for #serieslove2025 and I started Assassin‘s Apprentice for #realmofelderlings but I‘m not finished yet. I don‘t know when I‘ll get finished but I‘m taking my time.
Here‘s how I did on #readyourkindle in February. I only read 1 book from my #roll100 list, I started another #roll100 book but I haven‘t finished it yet and I completed 1 book series for #serieslove2025.
Here‘s how I did on #bookspinbingo in February. I started the #realmofelderlings book but I didn‘t finish it and I didn‘t expect to. I finished 1 series for #serieslove2025, read the short stories I needed to read for #noplacelikeholmes, read my book club book and only read 1 book from my #roll100 list. I also started another #roll100 book but I didn‘t finish it.
I didn‘t realize that it was already time to read the next short story for #noplacelikeholmes but I just looked at the reading schedule that I took a screenshot of and saved to my photos in my phone and it is time. I‘m glad I saved the schedule. I don‘t know how long it‘ll take for me to read this short story. I can‘t believe we‘re almost done reading the canon but I‘m glad we‘re doing it together and that I‘m not doing it by myself.
I just joined the #naturalitsy buddy read last night. I‘m only 2 months behind because I just joined but I should have time to catch up. I like nature and watching nature documentaries so this is perfect for me. I recently read a book about the ocean called Sea Magick by Rieka Moonsong. It has spells, invocations, meditations and mythology about the ocean and also facts about the ocean. I really enjoyed it.
I made more progress in this book. I‘m having fun with these guided journaling prompts that I‘m finding on Google. I like the ones I‘ve been finding instead of the journaling prompts this book has. The journal prompts in this book are hard. I‘m still journaling along with this book but I‘m choosing the journal prompts I want to do. I like my approach better and it‘s working for me.
1. My walk-in shower was resurfaced and the missing grout from the shower bench was filled in. The leak I had came from my shower bench. The grout was missing from my shower bench but it‘s fixed now.
2. New Read Now books from St. Martin‘s Press
3. I‘m going to be doing a collaborative art project.
4. I joined a buddy read.
5. I cross stitched this Chicken on a cross stitching app called Cross Stitch World.
I made more progress in this book. It‘s not on Litsy. I did my Night Pages earlier this evening along with this book. Instead of doing stream of consciousness writing, I looked up easy journaling prompts for beginners and chose the ones I wanted to do. I answered 4 journal prompts in order to fill up 3 pages. I really liked the journal prompts I chose. It was so fun to do the Night Pages that way instead of the way I‘ve been doing them.
I‘m reading My Healthy Noggin by Bokinia Colbert and I highlighted one of the journaling prompts she suggested. Her journaling prompts are really hard. I don‘t think I can do them so I think I‘m going to look up some easy guided journaling prompts for beginners and see if I can use one of them in my Night Pages tonight just to try something different and if I don‘t like it then I‘ll continue doing stream of consciousness writing.
Here‘s another journaling thing I looked up. I wanted to know if there were Afternoon Pages like there are Morning and Night Pages. I‘ve done Afternoon Pages and Night Pages before and the last 2 days, I tried Morning Pages because I had to get up early. I‘ve never tried guided journaling before. I‘ve done Afternoon Pages before and I feel like that works for me because I don‘t get up early. If I don‘t do it at noon then I can do it at night.
I made more progress in this book just now. There were blank pages to fill in so I decided to do Morning Pages and list the things I‘m grateful for while waiting this morning to see if a contractor would show up at our house today because my mom told me to. I waited between 10-10:30 AM and no one showed up. I finished my Morning Pages by then so I went back to bed. I‘ll be doing Night Pages tonight since there‘s more blank pages to fill in.
Hi y‘all! Please be aware of this user. He followed me last night on here in the middle of the night, liked this post I made about my journaling and he made this comment. I looked on his profile. People are following him and he‘s following people but he hasn‘t added any books he wants to read to his profile and he hasn‘t made any posts on his profile. I blocked him because I thought this comment was creepy. I don‘t like creeps.
This morning, I did some upside drawing with this picture turned upside down. I tried to draw it just by looking at it. All I know how to draw is stick figures. I don‘t know if I like how my drawing turned out or not. Maybe I should do more upside down drawing. After that, I did Morning Pages. I‘ve never done this before. I‘ve only been doing Night Pages before bed along with a book I‘m currently reading.
I just finished the short story that I was supposed to read for #noplacelikeholmes.
I‘ve decided to join the #christiescapers buddy read. The only Agatha Christie book I‘ve read is Murder On The Orient Express and I liked it. I‘ve been wanting to read more of her books. I have some of her books on my Audible app and this will give me a good excuse to read them sooner rather than later. They also seem like short audiobooks. I‘m only 2 months behind on the buddy read because I just joined but I have time to catch up.
For #weeklyfavorites, I read Sea Magick. It‘s about the ocean. It has spells, invocations, meditations and mythology. I really liked this book. This was on my #roll100 list. This week, I finished the short story from Sherlock Holmes for #noplacelikeholmes. I have 2 books in progress: Assassin‘s Apprentice for #realmofelderlings and My Healthy Noggin from my #roll100 list. It has blank journal pages and I‘m journaling along with the book.
I saw this ad on Facebook today. Normally, I would be so excited to buy ebooks from Amazon but now, I‘m rethinking buying any digital books. It makes me not want to hoard my ebooks or audiobooks anymore since I‘m only purchasing a license to read them. I like digital books though. I don‘t have to worry about finding space for them or deciding what to do with them after reading them. All I have to do is just delete them off of my phone.
Here‘s more from that post I saw today from a Facebook page I follow called Dog And A Book talking about Amazon‘s new change. I don‘t want to pirate books and I don‘t want to hurt authors. I downloaded my ebooks to my computer because I was worried about losing them. I thought I was doing the right thing saving them to my computer and just keeping them on my computer because if I lose my ebooks then I won‘t have any way to get them back.
I follow a page on Facebook called Dog And A Book and she posted about Amazon‘s new change where Amazon isn‘t going to allow people to download books to their computer anymore and here‘s a few things she said about it. I wish I would‘ve seen her post about it before I downloaded my ebooks to my computer. I‘m still trying to process the fact that for years since owning a Kindle that I‘ve never actually owned my ebooks.
I started the short story I didn‘t read last week for #noplacelikeholmes. I started it last night before bed. I‘m almost done. I have chapters 6 and 7 and the epilogue to read now. While listening to the short story, I finished a Cross stitch picture I started and then colored these pictures on some color by number apps I have.
I‘m subscribed to Apple Music and this is just some of my Favorites that I added on Sunday night. I ended up with 387 songs and I still want to add more. My music taste is all over the place. I‘m stressed out because I have a lot going on at my house right now and it‘s throwing off my routine so listening to the music and favoriting the songs made me feel better. It‘s been a while since I‘ve sat down and just listened to music.
I‘m subscribed to Apple Music on my phone and I discovered that if you‘re subscribed to Apple Music, you can Favorite Songs and it makes a playlist of them and automatically adds them to your device without having to buy the song so I did that on Sunday night and listened to some songs I added and I added my iTunes library to Windows Media Player. I listened to 1 song by Brokencyde and some other songs on my computer.
1. Stressed out. There‘s a leak in my shower coming from my shower bench. My mom has a leak in her shower and the water heater needs to be fixed because it‘s banging around up in the ceiling.
2. Yes. All I listened to last night was music. I actually listened to a song last night where the guy was screaming more than singing.
3. I like Linkin Park and heavy metal music. It makes me feel like I‘m not alone.
I made more progress in this Netgalley ARC I have on my #roll100 list. I was supposed to read it before it was published but I didn‘t so I‘m reading it on Kindle Unlimited. I‘m still reading this book and journaling along with it when the blank journal pages come up. I‘m doing stream of consciousness writing along with this book. I think the journaling is helping. I probably won‘t finish this book before the end of the month but I‘m enjoying it.
I need to read this week‘s short story from Sherlock Holmes for the #noplacelikeholmes readalong. I haven‘t read it yet because I was busy downloading my Kindle books from Amazon but I‘m done doing that. I started on Wednesday and I finished downloading at 4 AM on Saturday. I have 3,000+ books so it took forever and I didn‘t feel like dealing with it but I didn‘t want to lose my ebooks. I got finished before February 26.