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This definitely applies to me right now. My TBR is all Netgalley books. Will I stop requesting? I‘ve been looking on there every day just browsing and feeling tempted to go on another requesting spree but I‘ve decided that I‘ll stop for now until I catch up with what I have to read from there and then I‘ll start requesting again or I‘ll take a break from Netgalley ARCs and read my backlist.

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Netgalley just said on Instagram that today is Read An Ebook Day. I‘m not reading an ebook right now but here‘s my view of my Netgalley Shelf app from my iPhone. I usually use my iPad to read the Netgalley ebooks and I use my phone to listen to the audiobooks from Netgalley. The ebooks look better when I read them on a bigger screen especially if they have pictures or illustrations. I have so many to read now. I‘m looking forward to reading them.

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I just started listening to this book today. This ARC was sent to me by the publisher. I was approved for this one. This book is a nonfiction memoir written by a man who used to work for the Morgan Stanley bank and it‘s about finance and tech. I like it so far. It‘s nonfiction but it doesn‘t feel like nonfiction. It doesn‘t feel dry which is surprising. I thought this book was going to be boring but it‘s not.

kelli7990 This book went on sale September 17 so I was supposed to read it early. I‘m going to be late getting my review posted for this book but I can‘t help it. 19h
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Yay! This one sounded interesting to me. I didn‘t know that there was a YouTube channel for Craft Beer. I don‘t like the taste of regular beer but I liked the Seltzer Beer from Bud Light that I tried over the summer. It‘s a perfect drink for summer. I like sweet alcohol not regular alcohol. I also tried some Saint Arnold‘s craft beer over the summer called IPA and it was okay. I didn‘t really like it but I drank the whole can of it anyway.

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1. Tagged! I read so many books in Aug that were my favorite but I really liked the tagged book and it‘s perfect for Spooky season.

2. Audiobooks. I‘ll read physical or ebooks if I can‘t find an audiobook for what I want to read but if I can, I‘ll listen to audiobooks.

3. Recently, it‘s been nonfiction because Netgalley has so many nonfiction books I want to read right now but that could change.


Eggs Thx for playing along 🥳 18h
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I was also approved for this ARC from Minotaur Books.

Climbing in Heels: A Novel | Elaine Goldsmith-Thomas
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I was pre approved for more ARCs to read from St. Martin‘s Press and then when I was on Netgalley looking at my pending requests, I clicked on a book I requested called”If Flowers Were Little Monsters” which is a field guide about flowers that I wanted to read and I saw that the publisher archived the book on Sept 5 so I had to withdraw my request for the book because they didn‘t answer my request.

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Here‘s my review for a book I just DNF‘d.

On Sale: 9/17/24


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Happy Publication Day to this book too! I was hoping that I would have already read and finished this book and maybe read and finished I Dream Of Falling as well but it didn‘t work out that way for me. I‘m sure the publisher will understand if I‘m late getting both of these ARCs read and reviewed. I have too many ARCs to read this month because I requested more books than I can read at one time. I do better when I have less ARCs to read.


Happy Publication Day to this book! I‘m not finished with it today. I haven‘t read any of it today. I haven‘t decided yet if I‘m going to DNF it or not because I‘m not liking the characters in it.

The Devil Wears Prada | Lauren Weisberger
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1. It depends on what I‘m doing that day. If I‘m staying home then I change out of my nightgown into something comfortable to wear and then I change back into my nightgown before bed but if I leave the house then I change into a T-shirt and shorts and then when I get home, I‘ll change back into something comfortable and then put on my nightgown before bed.

2. Tagged! I‘ve seen the movie but I haven‘t read the book.


kelli7990 When I‘m staying home, I have a loose sleeveless dress that I like to wear when I‘m not in my night gown and I don‘t usually wear a bra when I‘m wearing it. If I know I have to leave the house then I wear a bra so I can have the support but if I‘m staying home all day then I don‘t see the point in wearing a bra. 2d
TheSpineView Thanks for playing! 2d
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Online Shopping | Jim Stephens
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I ordered from 3 websites and I‘m excited. I ordered 2 necklaces from Taylor Bradshaw, preordered a 2025 reading tracker and 2 pairs of earrings from the Linkin Park merch store. I ordered an LP necklace with their logo on it a long time ago but I wanted some earrings to match my necklace. I probably didn‘t need 2 more necklaces or 2 more pairs of earrings but I wanted them. Life is boring when I don‘t have online orders to look forward to.

Reading Tracker | Amy Collins
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I just wanted to share this 2025 reading tracker from Novelly Yours. It‘s available to preorder now like the Instagram post says. I‘ve been liking the 2024 reading tracker. This was my first year using one so I preordered the 2025 one. Novelly Yours is a small bookish business. Definitely support small businesses if you can. I wish I could support everyone but I‘m doing what I can do right now.

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I‘m sharing this merch that I ordered from Taylor Bradshaw, an independent folk musician from NYC. He just made some new necklaces. One is a wildflower necklace with real wildflowers and the other is a Birch Leaf necklace made with real leaves. He hasn‘t been signed to a record label yet. I‘ve been supporting him for a while after I saw him advertising his music on Facebook and I feel really good about it.


kelli7990 He has a Facebook page and a YouTube channel. I just really like his vibe. I would like to support more independent musicians and help make their dreams come true but there‘s only so many hours in the day to listen to music and I might not like all of the music that I see being advertised on Facebook so I‘m being very selective about who I support. It‘s important to me that I genuinely like the musicians I‘m supporting. 2d
TieDyeDude Very cool. It\'s nice when you can direct support an artist that is important to you. That\'s some unique merch, too! 18h
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I decided to start this book instead of The Money Trap. This Netgalley ARC is coming out September 17 and so is the other Netgalley ARC The Money Trap but I figured that maybe this one would be a quick read. I don‘t know if I‘ll get finished today or if I‘ll end up bailing on this book. I definitely won‘t be able to start and finish The Money Trap on Sept 17. I don‘t know if I like this book or not. I don‘t really like the characters that much.

kelli7990 I‘ll read more of this book and see if I want to keep going. If I DNF this book then I can start The Money Trap but I‘m not going to finish it right away. 2d
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Evil in Me | Brom
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Thank you Macmillan Audio for sending me an audio ARC of this book! I enjoyed this book. I liked everything about this book and I liked that this book has a music element to it. I thought that was really fun getting to hear what the song was supposed to sound like. This was my first book by Brom but it won‘t be my last.

On Sale: 9/17/24


Evil in Me | Brom
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I usually read 1 book at a time but right now, I‘m currently reading the short stories each week from Sherlock Holmes for the #noplacelikeholmes readalong and I‘m reading Evil In Me by Brom which is a Netgalley ARC being published on Sept 17 but I‘m almost finished with it.


BookmarkTavern The Holmes stories are wonderful. Thanks for sharing! 4d
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Evil in Me | Brom
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I‘m almost finished with this Netgalley ARC. It‘s being published on Sept 17 but I‘ll be able to get finished with this book before then. I‘m enjoying this book. I also have 2 more Netgalley ARCs being published on Sept 17: The Money Trap and I Dreamed Of Falling. After I finish my current read, I can start The Money Trap but I probably won‘t finish it by the 17th. I probably won‘t start I Dreamed Of Falling this week.

kelli7990 I don‘t know how long it‘s going to take me to read The Money Trap because the audiobook is 9 hrs and 45 mins. If it takes me all week to read the book then I won‘t be reading I Dreamed Of Falling this week. There‘s no way I‘m going to get The Money Trap or I Dreamed Of Falling read before Sept 17 but I‘ll try my best. If I‘m late getting these other 2 ARCs reviewed then I can‘t help it. I just have too many ARCs to read. 4d
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For #weeklyfavorites, I‘m sharing this Netgalley ARC being published on October 1 that‘s about gardens.

Read4life 💚💚💚 4d
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Readathon: Occasional List : Geleentheidslys | Gauteng (South Africa). Education Media Service
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I‘m going to participate in #spookoween in Oct and I decided to sign up for #hauntedshelf too. I was looking at this and I wasn‘t sure if I should sign up because I have a lot of Netgalley ARCs to read in October but this sounds like fun and I don‘t want to miss out. The only thing I‘m being haunted by right now is my Netgalley ARCs which is interesting because Halloween is next month.

PuddleJumper It's all about reading your TBR as well as spooky/autumn books. ARCs definitely count! 4d
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Untitled | Unknown
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1. I‘ve been watching the Love Life Women‘s Conference at home. I‘m going to be watching it on Sat at 1 PM for the last time and then it‘ll be back in 2025.
2. I was approved for a lot of Netgalley ARCs this week.
3. I ordered some necklaces from Taylor Bradshaw, an independent folk musician from NYC.
4. I preordered a 2025 reading tracker from Novelly Yours.
5. I‘m going to be participating in #spookoween in Oct.


DebinHawaii Great list of joys! 💛💛💛 New arcs are such fun! 🎉📚🎉 Thanks for sharing & spreading the joy! 🤗 5d
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Fall: Murder On The Orient Express - Agatha Christie. I enjoyed this book when I read it in Oct 2020.

Spring: The Secret Garden - Frances Hodgson Burnett. It‘s set during Spring but I read it last Fall and I enjoyed it.

Summer: Never Lie - Freida McFadden. I read this one over the summer and I enjoyed it.

Winter: A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. I reread it last Winter and I enjoyed it.


RaeLovesToRead Great choices!!! 6d
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Readathon: Occasional List : Geleentheidslys | Gauteng (South Africa). Education Media Service
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I‘m looking forward to participating in #spookoween. I have some Netgalley ARCs to read in October and I think this would be perfect for me to participate in. If I have time during the month after reading my ARCs, maybe I‘ll read some spooky books. It just depends on how many ARCs I have to read.

TheSpineView Sounds like a great plan! 6d
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Evil in Me | Brom
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I was having a hard time sleeping today so I decided to start listening to this book. I listened to the first two chapters and it‘s really good. This is one of my Netgalley ARCs that‘s being released on Sept 17. This is my first book by Brom. I just found out that he‘s the same author who wrote Slewfoot. I haven‘t read Slewfoot but I‘ve seen people online talking about it.

KateReadsYA Brom is my favorite!!!! So cool you got an Arc of this. 7d
Jess Slewfoot is the best. Let us know what you think of his new one when you finish. Enjoy! 6d
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Untitled | Untitled
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I‘m not sure if I can recommend anything because I don‘t read enough mysteries or thrillers and usually after I read them, I don‘t reread them because once I know how the mystery ends in the book then it‘s not fun for me anymore.


dabbe No worries! If you think of just one or none, that's more than enough! 🩶🧡🩶 7d
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UNTITLED BOOK 4 | Tina Baker
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This book is not in the Litsy database.

Thank you Meerkat Press & Netgalley for making this book available as a Read Now book! This book was okay. It was very creative but I didn‘t like it very much. I never felt emotionally invested in the story but it was a quick read.

On Sale: 12/3/24


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Thank you Chronicle Books & Netgalley for making this book available as a Read Now book! I enjoyed this book. I thought it was interesting reading the notes people wrote and looking at the pictures of the flowers and I also liked that at the end of the book, it tells you what kind of flowers to send someone depending on what occasion it is.

On Sale: 9/24/24


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Thank you Quarto Publishing & Netgalley for making this available on Netgalley as a Read Now book! I enjoyed reading this book and looking at the pictures of the gardens. If you‘re interested in reading about gardens then I would recommend reading this book.

On Sale: 10/1/24


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I was just approved for these 2 books and some other ones that I requested too. These are both being released in October by Hachette Books. I‘m excited about these. I‘m looking forward to reading them. These would be perfect to read in October. I‘ve been in a nonfiction reading mood lately because the nonfiction books from Netgalley have been really good and I want to read a lot of them which means I don‘t feel like reading what I own right now.

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1. Yes. These are 2 pictures from March when I went to the Water Wall in downtown Houston with my brother and my sister in law. That‘s me in the red shirt and shorts. We spent the whole day in Houston and for dinner, we went out to eat with my stepmom because it was her birthday weekend.

2. Tagged! This Netgalley ARC coming out in Oct is a nonfiction book about gardens. I‘m almost finished reading it. I‘m enjoying it so far.


dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 1w
Eggs Love the waterfalls and your photos ❣️The book sounds good 👍🏼 (edited) 1w
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dabbe Poor, sweet Toppy. Hope she's on the mend soon. 🖤🐾🖤 1w
TheDaysGoBy That all sounds scary! Glad you still get some nice days with her though 1w
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I cleaned my room and decided to put my books on this table in my room so I can get my books off of the floor. Now, I can see all the books I have. If I want to read them, it‘ll be easier for me to get to them. Having them stacked on the floor wasn‘t working out for me.

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I started this book on Monday after I finished my last book. I‘m close to getting done with this book. I only have 9 more gardens to read about. I‘m enjoying this book. I learned in a chapter in this book that in Lynchburg, Virginia, there‘s a garden called Thomas Jefferson's Poplar Forest. I didn‘t know Thomas Jefferson had a garden. I thought that was interesting. Other than that, I don‘t know that much about American History.

kelli7990 I googled Thomas Jefferson‘s Poplar Forest and just from seeing pictures of it, it looks very old like it‘s from another time period but that‘s because it was. It was opened up to the public in 1986. I wasn‘t even born yet. I was born in 1990 and my brother was born in 1985. (edited) 1w
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Last Thursday, I watched Linkin Park‘s livestream with their new singer and last Friday, I watched the music video for their new single. I enjoyed the livestream and the new single is good. The music video is cool but it‘s just not the same without Chester. I can‘t even listen to their music anymore without feeling sad or depressed and I love their music. I‘ve been a LP fan since I was a little girl.


kelli7990 My older brother was a teenager when he started listening to LP and I was a little girl so my brother and I took it really hard when Chester died. It‘s been 7 yrs since his death. I have mixed feelings. I wish them well and I‘m happy they‘re making music and touring again but I haven‘t accepted that Chester is gone. If my brother shares LP music with me, I‘ll listen to it but other than that, I don‘t listen anymore because it‘s too painful. 1w
TheSpineView I need to check out the new single. Thanks for the reminder. 1w
TieDyeDude That must be tough dealing trying to reconcile the loss of a musician that's had such an impact on your life. I think the new single is alright; not something I'd rush out to buy, but a decent attempt to honor the band's sound. 3d
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The publisher approved my request for this book. This is an LP book. I‘m going to love it because I‘m an LP fan but here‘s what they said and my email back to them. Maybe my Netgalley bio should have been filled out like that to start with. Mine wasn‘t so I updated it. I‘m going to have to keep it updated if anything changes. I don‘t think the numbers are going to change because I hardly get any likes or comments on my stuff on social media.

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Thank you Chronicle Books & Netgalley for sending me a digital ARC of this book! This book has pictures and gives you tips on how to create your own book nook. I don‘t really feel like I got anything out of reading this book but I enjoyed reading this book and looking at the pictures.

On Sale: 9/17/24


Convenience Store Woman | Sayaka Murata
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I‘m sharing some book recommendations about weird girls. I‘ve always thought I was weird and awkward because I‘m Autistic and I‘ve been Autistic my whole life. I used to be a member of an app called MeetMe and a guy that I was chatting with on there told me that I‘m weird and my response was,”A lot of people are weird.” And he said,” I know that.”


kelli7990 After that guy told me that I‘m weird, I‘ve tried to not be weird but I don‘t think I can stop because it‘s the Autism that makes me act weird. I can‘t help it. Anyway, the only book I‘ve read from this list is Convenience Store Woman and it has a single Autistic woman. I enjoyed the book. I saw myself in her. I don‘t have a job but I could still relate to her. (edited) 1w
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Thank you St. Martin‘s Press & Macmillan Audio for both of my ARCs of this book! I don‘t know anything about AI. I don‘t follow any sort of news that has to do with AI. I‘ve only played around with AI for fun so I didn‘t think I would like this book very much but I liked this book. I found it very interesting hearing about how AI was created and I liked learning about the tech startups.

On Sale: 9/10/24



I was wrong about the publication date of this book. I thought it was being released today, September 9 but it‘s actually being released tomorrow, September 10. I was worried that I was going to be late getting this book read and reviewed but I‘m on time. That makes me feel better because I just finished reading this book.

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I‘m reading this Netgalley ARC being published today and I‘m still not finished with it but I have an hr and a half left in the audio ARC so I should be able to get finished today. This is a nonfiction book about AI, ChatGPT and also tech startups like Google, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter so I would say that this book is set in the USA.


Ground Zero | Alan Gratz
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Thank you for the tag @TheSpineView

I had to look up books for this on Google because I didn‘t know and this book is one of the books that came up. I didn‘t know that there were middle grade about 9/11. When 9/11 happened, I was 11 years old and in 6th grade. My older brother and I still went to school that day. My mom didn‘t pull us out of school. My mom said that a lot of parents pulled their kids out of school that day.


TheSpineView YW! 🌞😊😀 1w
Karisimo Thanks for posting! 1w
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For She Is Wrath | author Emily Varga
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I went on another Netgalley requesting spree. I saw too many books I wanted to read and I still keep looking on Netgalley every day for books to read even though I have a lot of ARCs to read right now. I need to stop requesting more ARCs to read until I catch up with what I have to read right now. If I don‘t stop requesting then I won‘t catch up and I don‘t want to be behind on ARCs.

BookmarkTavern You and me both! 🤣🤣 1w
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Here‘s my progress on this Netgalley ARC that I‘m reading. It‘s 3 AM right now. It‘s being published on Monday but I‘m still not finished yet. Maybe I can finish on Monday and then post my review afterwards. If I don‘t finish this book on Monday or have my review posted afterwards then I‘ll be 1 day late. It‘s hard to read ARCs on time when I have a lot of them. I have about 21 ARCs to read this month.

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Here‘s my progress on this ARC. I‘d like to keep going because this is interesting but I‘ve read enough of this book today. It‘s 3 AM so I‘m going to go to bed and read more of this tomorrow.


This book is about AI and ChatGPT and it talks about tech startups. I don‘t know anything about AI but I think this book is interesting. This book is being published on Mon, Sept 9. I have 3 hrs left in my audio ARC of this book. Will I get finished by Monday? I‘m getting close to the publication day so I don‘t know but I think I can do it if I set aside 3 hours at night just to read this book. I can do that. I‘m up all night anyway.

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For #weeklyfavorites, I‘m sharing this nonfiction book from Netgalley that I read as a Read Now book. It‘s being published on September 10. It‘s a book about fashion. It‘s about a costume store in Los Angeles. I enjoyed it.

Read4life 🩷🩷🩷 2w
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Here‘s my progress on this Netgalley ARC that I started. I was approved for the ebook of this book from St. Martin‘s Press and approved for the audiobook of this book from Macmillan Audio. I listened to this book while I was walking my dog at the park today. I left the house at 3:30 PM and I got back home at 5 PM. The weather was nice so why not spend the afternoon at the park? The weather will be nice on Sunday too so I want to go again.

willaful I find the two different titles there intriguing... 2w
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Coffee Time | Helene Hovanec
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AllDebooks Thanks for playing. X 2w
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