Pretty sure it's illegal to go to a book store and not buy a book. So I picked this one up today to stay safe.
Pretty sure it's illegal to go to a book store and not buy a book. So I picked this one up today to stay safe.
Love getting photos from readers! Here's a copy of 'The Trouble With Being God' marked up by a reader with tons of post-it notes!
Sent out some autographed copies of the tenth anniversary edition of The Trouble With Being God the other day.
Now reading. Such a fascinating exploration of a subjective, indefinable yet constant aspect of reality.
Remarkable and terrifying. Absolute must-read for anyone interested in true crime, detective stories, and the deranged minds of serial killers.
Anyone who‘s looking for a heady trip of a story, with strong (nonstereotypical) characters who traverse consciousnesses, dimensions, place and time all in a journey that culminates in a question of ultimate sacrifice should pick this up. 5/5.
Love that my kids are all #bookworms. Oldest (10) read this whole book this morning before school!
About 60% of the way through this book by a fellow #indieauthor and I have to tell you, it's AMAZING. Part thriller, part exploration of mental illness and part examination of society, this is by far one of the best books I've read yet this year.
Still have a ways to go, so no full review yet... but seriously ORDER A COPY NOW.
A CONFESSION hanging out with a few books that inspired it. #existentialism
Really digging Jessica Cruz as a Green Lantern!
Love Nightwing but not really digging this story all that much. Happy to see Batgirl show up and add a little interest.
Decent, but a little too "CW" for my taste. Great art, mediocre story. Missing Gail Simone.
Woke up this morning to this note from a reader. What a great way to start the day!
Definitely much more a fantasy than thriller or suspense story, it's nonetheless engrossing. Very true to current topics and rhetoric, this book fits right at home during the #metoo movement and new feminism. I applaud the the Kings for handling such matters in a meaningful way without becoming preachy or damning. An excellent look at the natures of man and woman, our need for each other and the respect and humanity we owe one another.
Just donated a copy to my public library!
FINALLY read this one and wow... I see why it's so praised. Loved the absurdity and the familial response to the titular "metamorphosis." Such an amazing work.
My new sci-fi dystopian novel is now available on Amazon! If you dig stories from Philip K. Dick, Brian Aldiss, Blake Crouch or others, you'll love this one.
Already getting rave reader reviews!
FINALLY reading this. And it's as amazing and weird and full of truths as everyone says. Almost finished!
Lunch break on a gorgeous October day.
Communicate clearly and you shall be understood.
Pretty good, although I preferred his modern day pieces better.
This is pretty horrible. I like the bits of history, but making it into some sort of thriller narrative is just plain dumb.
This is why we marketers love it when you sign up for loyalty programs / rewards cards.
"All men are moral. Only their neighbors are not." - John Steinbeck from 'The Winter of Our Discontent'
Next read. Fascinating so far.
Fantastic read for anyone interested in how our decisions are influenced or how we can influence others. Just like his book, Contagious, this one is finding a permanent home on my own shelves as something I'll come back to many times for my personal life and professional career. A must for anyone who's interested in behavioral psychology.
FREE ON KINDLE through tomorrow, then back to $9.99. Get your copy now! #kindle #thriller #literaryfiction #existentialism #camus #sartre #kafka
My reading for the flight to Orlando. Love Dan Ariely and behavioral psychology, so super pumped to read this.
Just finished Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook by Gary Vaynerchuk, now into this. Honestly both excited AND scared to read it.
Excited because knowing Travis Wright it's going to be brilliant ... and scared because I have a feeling he's going to say a lot of what I want to say in my upcoming book, but much more eloquently than I could ever dream.
Current "business" read. A little outdated already but still great conceptually.
Loved Faber's book 'The Book of Strange New Things ' and also loved the movie version of 'Under the Skin.' Finally reading the book and it's considerably different from the movie, but I'm still loving it.
A followup for me after finishing The Haunting of Hill House.
Who wants a free copy? First one to request it gets it. 📬📕😆
Ooooh look what was on clearance at Barnes & Noble! #bn #barnesandnoble
Working on a project for a new client. Word of mouth will definitely be a big part of the strategy. Happy to have this book as a reference. (No, I can't remember everything ... that's why a good library is so important.)
I know ive been posting quotes from this book like crazy ... but it's just so damn interesting.
Love behavioral psychology.