WHAT?! The End? EXCUSE ME?! 🤯🤯🤯
#SarahJMaas #ACourtOfMistAndFury #ACOTAR #betrayal #controlingmen #wtf #whatjusthappened #cliffhanger #whattheactual #audiobook
WHAT?! The End? EXCUSE ME?! 🤯🤯🤯
#SarahJMaas #ACourtOfMistAndFury #ACOTAR #betrayal #controlingmen #wtf #whatjusthappened #cliffhanger #whattheactual #audiobook
Ch 4.7: this is what happens when you google brothers Karamazov kite flying 🪁 #whatjusthappened #thischapterwasnuts #poorfamily #somuchbullying #nowimsad #thenextbookstartstomorrow #wonderwhoisgettingmarried #thatcaptainthough #totallynuts #thebros #daysofourlives #hashtagbrigade #pemberlittens
Chapter 16: Lucy wakes up in a familiar room…… #whatjusthappened #didnotseethatcoming #thischangeseverything #ifeelsosilly #whosawthatcoming #mindblown #pemberlittens
@TheBookHippie for the love of all that is holy what the flying Vagina did I just read? It was totally about a car and yet so obviously about sex. 🤯 Mind. Blown. Only getting one poem read tonight because this one has left me entirely... 🤯
#EECummings #EroticPoetry #Poetry #xix #whatjusthappened