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peanutnine This chapter was real cute, but what a weird coincidence that Laurie and Bhaer both show up in the span of two days lol 3mo
Bookwormjillk I somehow forgot about this chapter. It was a good one. 3mo
julieclair I‘m rooting for Bhaer. 3mo
mcctrish So much of this I forgot but I am so glad Bhaer arrived 3mo
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Their Marchioness | Jess Michaels
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Ah here are my book's for March's bookspin.


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Ruthiella What‘s up with those portraits? Did we suddenly step into a gothic novel? 12mo
BarkingMadRead @Ruthiella right?!? And built into the walls? So creepy 12mo
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dabbe I have bad feelings about this. He confesses to his debauchery with a woman, but I don't think he'll be able to forgive her. And his was consensual! There are too many bad omens here: the rain, the rooster (who is white [pure] and red [stained], the guy who knows her that Angel punched, his family not showing up, all the d'Urberville places (isn't there ANYWHERE where their name is not involved?). Tess believes they're on equal footing, but ... 12mo
BarkingMadRead @dabbe I know! I feel like it‘s totally snowballing out of control! 12mo
Bookwormjillk Another day where it was hard not to read ahead! 12mo
Daisey @dabbe So true! The feelings of foreboding just keep piling up. I was surprised by his confession, but it didn‘t at all make me any more hopeful. 12mo
Clare-Dragonfly I hate the other dairymaids being so despondent over Angel, especially since earlier it felt like Hardy was encouraging the reader to laugh at their love for him. Now that just feels cruel ☹️ Also, I really wish I knew exactly what Tess said to Angel. She thinks of herself as culpable, so did she spin it to him that way, or did she explain it in a way that makes it obvious to Angel she was raped? 12mo
Cuilin @dabbe I think we‘re going to see some double standards here much like the body count discussion today. What makes it worse is that Tess didn‘t consent. 12mo
dabbe @Clare-Dragonfly I wonder too if we'll ever know or if it'll be like a Shakespearean scene done offstage. 12mo
dabbe @Cuilin Whereas Angel totally did! If he doesn't forgive her ... 12mo
currentlyreadinginCO Resisting the urge to keep reading!! What a cliffhanger chapter 12mo
KAO After Angel‘s delayed confession (which took me by surprise!), I had hopes that he would be able to better understand what Tess had not been able to talk about (even though she tried to tell him earlier). I fear the worst, however. 12mo
Bklover #yallhesjustadude cracked me up! 12mo
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I fully expected this to be terrible and it wasn't. I wound up enjoying it. The relationship building is nicely paced and sweet. It's still weird that Sakura doesn't even consider seeing a doctor when he loses more than a month if memory. Because of incel internet culture of alpha vs beta males, it was occasionally hard to take this book's premise seriously even though the two are unrelated. #LGBTQ #Manga #OfficeRomance

Clare-Dragonfly Oohhh, it‘s an A/B/O world. Yeah, definitely a different trope 😂😂😂 13mo
Kenyazero @Clare-Dragonfly I was worried what they'd do with it but they used it well. 😆 13mo
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Woke up with no memory of the last two weeks, doesn't even consider for a second that he might at least visit a doctor 😏 #FictionProblems #Manga

Vanity Fair | William Thackeray
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BarkingMadRead @IndoorDame I legit squealed 1y
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IndoorDame @BarkingMadRead gasped over here. But I do my CAD reading in the morning and am always trying not to wake the neighboring apartments with yelling and book throwing. Frequent struggle! 1y
BarkingMadRead @IndoorDame 🤣🤣🤣🤣 me at Panera every week 🤣🤣🤣🤣 1y
Daisey I absolutely had a moment when I listened to this! I barely managed to stop myself from getting ahead. 1y
Bookwormjillk D__d 🍌👖. I was settling in for a good harangue about gambling and then Becky drops that little bombshell. 1y
Bookwormjillk @IndoorDame 🤣🤣🤣 1y
mcctrish This was an INSANE 2 chapters!!! First off, George is garbage!! It was bad enough his sisters were mean to Amelia, now his dad says she‘s isn‘t good enough for him AND he‘s a self absorbed douchebag?! 🤬🤬 then as soon as I realize Mrs Pitt is in her deathbed I‘m thinking #dearlordnottheoldmanproposingmarriage and then he does?! 🤯 but Becky is already married? Is this for real?! 1y
TheAromaofBooks I was mind blown!!!! I actually think Becky would have done great as Sir Pitt's wife - she would have ruled the roost, bossed him around, and made sure she inherited everything when he died 😂 But WHAT EVEN!!! I was not expecting that plot twist!!!! 1y
dabbe Becky being married is one of the best cliffhangers ever! Didn't Thackeray publish this as a serial? What would we have done back then if we had to wait a WHOLE MONTH for the next installment? #gobsmacked I also loved how Becky took down good ol' George. She put the “sarc“ in sarcastic! 🤣 1y
AnnR @Dabbe That's a great point about it being published as a serial. The zingers Thackery sticks in some 'chapters' would definitely bring reader(s) back for more. They must have felt impatient waiting for the next installment but it also sounds fun. 1y
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Their Marchioness | Jess Michaels
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This book is just shameless smut with some plot

NetGalley Month: 4/20
NetGalley Year: 4/200

An Uncommon Blue | R. C. Hancock
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Wedding/honeymoon book & gift haul. #bookworm #blessed #thankful #backtoreality #married

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So I did this on 4/28/18... married. Just whoa.

#wedding #married #nolongersingle

Traci1 Congratulations! 6y
so1quilt Congratulatons!!❤ 6y
SqueakyChu You did it! So lovely!! Congratulations! It will be really nice to see you again one day and get to meet your wife. I‘m so happy for both of you. 💕💐🍷 (edited) 6y
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