From “Speech and Silence in The Lord of the Rings: Medieval Romance and the Transitions of Eowyn”
#FellowshipOfTolkien #MedievalTolkien
From “Speech and Silence in The Lord of the Rings: Medieval Romance and the Transitions of Eowyn”
#FellowshipOfTolkien #MedievalTolkien
After finishing The Fall of Arthur this morning, I pulled this book from my shelf this evening. In the introduction, the description of this essay relating Eowyn to a female medieval knight seemed a perfect complement to my earlier reading. It‘s a truly interesting analysis of Eowyn‘s character development from court lady to acting lord of Rohan to shield maiden and finally to wife and healer.
#FellowshipOfTolkien #MedievalTolkien
One of my current hyper fixations is J.R.R.Tolkien. I stumbled across this and knew I needed it. It has a bit of info about his life and his writing. However, it is mostly photos of his artwork. I only learned recently how much of an artist he was. This is a quick read, and I'm glad I found it.
I had just purchased this tagged book for my brother when I read this in A Letter for Mary.As a very young precocious reader,my brother was wild for Tolkien & owned many first editions.He lost everything in a fire when wild fires in CA burned down his house,garage, brewery.His family got out;he suffered burns on his arms. Fortunately I had borrowed his letters from Father Christmas, so he has this original book.We sibs celebrate #Jólabókaflóðið
Anyone else partaking in the #TolkienBirthdayToast? At 9 pm, I'll have the tagged book in one hand and a whisky in the other! #TheProfessor #BooksAndBooze
Both #TomKitten and #ColeCat are doing their best to thwart my year-end reading. Really trying to knock out a few more titles over here, but cats are gonna be cats, eh? #CatsOfLitsy #BlackCats
This is a perfect #Jolabokaflod gift! I‘ve had this book of essays about women in the works of Tolkien on my wish list for quite a while and am looking forward to at least choosing one of them to read later this evening while also enjoying some delicious Dove truffles. Thank you to @Light_of_Aether for a great gift and to @MaleficentBookDragon for organizing this wonderfully festive swap!
Any other Android users having issues with the Litsy app?? It's been acting odd for the past couple of weeks. When I try to find it on the Google Play store, it doesn't come up, so I can try to update the app. The add text function is working but not like it normally does.
Love this quote my darling sister @Ireadkidlit has in her house :)
Such an interesting look at how CS Lewis and JRR Tolkien‘s experiences in WWI and their friendship influenced their writing. It also talked about the rise of the fantasy genre post-WWI. The time spent discussing Christianity did surprise me but that‘s my fault for not reading the subtitle.
Finished 10/13/2022
*Let me know if you want to be added or removed from the tag list. 18h