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School is taking a lot of my time right now, so I feel I haven‘t been much of a host for our Tolkien reading. I do always love the vocabulary in Tolkien‘s writing, so a word post for today!

#WeirdWords #WeirdWordWednesday #FellowshipOfTolkien #MedievalTolkien

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#FellowshipOfTolkien #MedievalTolkien

I'm happy that my edition includes an essay by Tolkien on the poem, because this opened to me scenarios that went totally lost on me.
I'm not surprised Tolkien was fascinated with this story considering his read of it as about temptation.
Not easy to read (at least for me, who know basically nothing about English literature), but fascinating.

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#FellowshipOfTolkien #MedievalTolkien

I really quite like the end of the story. I ended up caring a lot for Gawain. He seemed so very human to me, especially ent the end, when he shows his vulnerability.

But the story remained mostly obscured to me. I couldn't read the symbols or the themes. It's a poem that needs some form of education to read.

I still enjoyed it 😁

KCofKaysville @JazzFeathers There is a recent movie that seems a bit odd also. Maybe there is a book that is annotated and explains the symbols etc.? 1d
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I know the text is tiny, but I wanted to share this section about the bob & wheel rhyming pattern for those whose edition does not include the appendix on verse forms. The first time I read this translation I did not read closely enough to note this rhyming pattern on my own, but I think it‘s fascinating to see how it‘s in the original and the translation.

#MedievalTolkien #FellowshipOfTolkien #Poetry

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#FellowshipOfTolkien #MedievalTolkien

A softly rainy day, a blanket, a good book and my sweet Demonia.
Life is good, today ☺️

Aims42 Looks like a purrrr-fect day 😻 2w
Daisey Lovely! 2w
JazzFeathers @Aims42 Indeed ☺️ 2w
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#FellowshipIfTolkien #MedievalTolkien

Just finished reading Sir Gawain part II.
If this is not ominous, l don't know what is 🥶

I'm not very familiar with this kind of poems firm. Antibody knows what's the deal with such long and detailed descriptions?

Daisey Do you have the section on verse forms? If so, I would definitely read it before finishing the poem. I was much more aware of the alliterative style this time through because of that. Additionally, if you‘re unfamiliar with the story itself, there are prose translations as well. That‘s what I read in high school, so the poetry was new, but I had some familiarity with the story itself, which was probably helpful as well. 2w
JazzFeathers @Daisey Unfortunately, my edition seems to be very different from yours 😟 But I'll see whether l can find something online 😁 2w
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From the Appendix on Verse Forms:
“The frequent occurrence in the translation of ‘Wawain‘ for ‘Gawain‘ follows the practice of the original. Both forms of the name were current; and of course the existence of an alternative form of the name of a principal character, beginning with another consonant, was a great help to an alliterative poet.”

#MedievalTolkien #FellowshipOfTolkien #Poetry

Daisey When listening to the audio, it seems each introduction is with each poem, but I cannot find the appendix on verse forms which I found very helpful for better appreciating the poetic form and complexity of this translation. This was one detail I found interesting and amusing. 2w
BethM Def been thinking they were two people lol 2w
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JazzFeathers @BethM Me too 😂 Thanks @Daisey This is so helpful! 2w
TheAromaofBooks I was really glad the schedule recommended reading the appendix before the poem because it had a lot of helpful information. 2w
Daisey @BethM @JazzFeathers @TheAromaofBooks Yes, reading the appendix helps a lot with some of the detail of the poetic translation. I might post about the bob and wheel pattern later today too. 2w
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#FellowshipOfTolkien #MedievalTolkien

Well. Took me three days to read the first part (l find it a bit difficult to read, English being my second language and all), but l enjoyed it
I didn't expect it to be such a rich narration.

Sir Gawain & the Green Knight | John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, Eric Valentine Gordon
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#FellowshipOfTolkien #MedievalTolkien

So, l have started... And I'm already falling behind 😅
Sorry, but today l thought, 'I'll read only a few pages of the Silmarillion first.'

Only read the intro, but I'm quite intrigued by this story. And by the story of its author.

@Daisey I suspect l have a different edition than yours. I only have one intro and after the actual story, l have one Tolkien's lecture on il 🤔

BethM I have one intro but it does have sub parts that line up with the schedule. 2w
Daisey I‘m not sure how each edition is set up, but basically, find any explanatory information about each poem to read before reading the poem itself. Mine has some at the beginning and some at the end as well that I didn‘t find until after I read all the poems the first time. 2w
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TheAromaofBooks I am not usually a poetry person, so I'm surprised by how much I'm enjoying this. I absolutely love the rhythm of this alliterative style! 2w
JazzFeathers @BethM I can't really reconcile the schedule with what l have, but l suppose l can follow along the text and organise what l have around it 😁 2w
JazzFeathers @Daisey I tried to do that, but then l realised Tolkien's lecture references the text quite a lot, so l decide to read that afterward ☺️ 2w
JazzFeathers @TheAromaofBooks You made me smile. That's exactly what l thought when we first read The Lays if Beleriand 😜 2w
Daisey Also . . . I thought this was a pretty easy schedule, but teaching new classes this year has me overwhelmed. I may only be reading and posting on the weekends. 2w
BethM @Daisey I concur. I‘m struggling already lol 2w
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Good morning! Today we start our next Tolkien readalong. I‘m so looking forward to discussing these poetic translations with other readers. Additionally, I‘ve missed my Sunday morning breakfast with Tolkien time. I‘m reading this print copy and also downloaded an audio to listen as well.


#FellowshipOfTolkien #MedievalTolkien #Readalong #JRRTolkien #Poetry #BookAndBreakfast #BreakfastWithTolkien

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