From “Speech and Silence in The Lord of the Rings: Medieval Romance and the Transitions of Eowyn”
#FellowshipOfTolkien #MedievalTolkien
From “Speech and Silence in The Lord of the Rings: Medieval Romance and the Transitions of Eowyn”
#FellowshipOfTolkien #MedievalTolkien
After finishing The Fall of Arthur this morning, I pulled this book from my shelf this evening. In the introduction, the description of this essay relating Eowyn to a female medieval knight seemed a perfect complement to my earlier reading. It‘s a truly interesting analysis of Eowyn‘s character development from court lady to acting lord of Rohan to shield maiden and finally to wife and healer.
#FellowshipOfTolkien #MedievalTolkien
This is a perfect #Jolabokaflod gift! I‘ve had this book of essays about women in the works of Tolkien on my wish list for quite a while and am looking forward to at least choosing one of them to read later this evening while also enjoying some delicious Dove truffles. Thank you to @Light_of_Aether for a great gift and to @MaleficentBookDragon for organizing this wonderfully festive swap!
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