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Questions, Questions | Marcus Pfister
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JanuarieTimewalker13 Lonesome Dove. Currently reading Comanche Moon. Loving it. All 4 have been a memorable experience! 1mo
suvata @JanuarieTimewalker13 I haven‘t tackled that yet, but it on my TBR 1mo
JanuarieTimewalker13 You will love it!! Just be patient bc LD starts out a bit slow….hang on bc the characters are great and it‘s an epic saga. 1mo
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suvata @JanuarieTimewalker13 everyone says it‘s so good. I really do I have to dig into it soon. 1mo
wanderinglynn Ooh, so many to choose from! It‘s hard to pick one fave. Right now it‘s a toss-up between Ilona Andrews‘s Kate Daniels series or Patricia Briggs‘s Mercy Thompson series 1mo
suvata @wanderinglynn i‘ve not heard of either of those. What genre are they? 1mo
Ruthiella Too many to name! Patrick O‘Brian‘s Aubrey Maturin books, Elizabeth Peter‘s Amelia Peabody series, Robin Hobb‘s Realm of the Elderlings novels, those are the current ones I am working my way through. 1mo
suvata @Ruthiella I never heard of any of those either. Looks like I‘m going to have to rebuild my TBR. (edited) 1mo
dabbe The canon of Sherlock Holmes, of course! #sherlocked 🖤 1mo
suvata @dabbe Absolutely. Sherlock is timeless. 1mo
wanderinglynn @suvata urban fantasy (set in the modern world but full of magic & supernatural beings like werewolves, vampires) 1mo
wanderinglynn @dabbe 🙌🏻 excellent choice! #iamSHERlocked 1mo
suvata @wanderinglynn I haven‘t read a lot of urban fantasy but the few that I have read I really enjoyed. Will check out the ones you mentioned. Thanks. 1mo
wanderinglynn Both of these series feature strong kick-ass women, which I love. 1mo
dabbe @suvata 🩶🧡🩶 1mo
dabbe @wanderinglynn 🩶🧡🩶 1mo
ShelleyBooksie Harry Dresden series by Jim Butcher. Any of Kelly Armstrongs series (she has several), Mercy Thompson series by Patricia Briggs, Kay Scarpetta series by Patricia Cornwell, Tempe Brennan series by Kathy Reichs, Outlander by Diana Gabaldon, Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich, Green Creek series by TJ Klune 1mo
suvata @ShelleyBooksie i‘ve read many of these, but the only series I completed was Outlander (still waiting for that final book). I gave up on Stephanie Plum after about 18 or so. (edited) 1mo
CoverToCoverGirl Way too many to name, I wouldn‘t want to cut into your reading time. 1mo
JanuarieTimewalker13 Before The Coffee Gets Cold…Kawaguchi…short books…fun…5th one coming out in November 1mo
suvata @JanuarieTimewalker13 I have to agree with that. Loved those books! (edited) 1mo
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The Complete Sherlock Holmes | Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
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TheSpineView Thanks for the tag! 💜 🏷 9mo
CBee I‘d have to add Atticus Pund 😊 8mo
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dabbe @CBee Oh, yes, those were fun! 🤩 8mo
The_Penniless_Author Thanks for the tag. 😀 8mo
IndoorDame It would be super boring for me to JUST repeat your list, so I‘m gonna have to go with Miss Marple for my Agatha pick 😁😘 8mo
dabbe @IndoorDame #greatminds And I need more choices cuz I love Miss Marple, too! Thanks for playing! ❤️💜🩷 8mo
rwmg Only 3? Oh dear. In no particular order: Sir John Appleby, Wesley Peterson, Kate Shackleton. But ask me again next week and I might choose somebody else entirely 8mo
dabbe @rwmg Me, too! You've given me 3 new ones to add to my TBR. Thanks for playing! 🤩 8mo
iread2much Hmmm, I don‘t read a lot of mysteries, but maybe Will Trent (I really like the TV show but haven‘t read the books) Lady Sherlock (my favorite!), and Beka Cooper from the series by that name. She‘s not brilliant, but she‘s good 8mo
dabbe @iread2much Haven't read any of these--on the good ol' TBR! Thanks for playing! ❤️💜🩷 8mo
iread2much @dabbe thanks for the invite! 8mo
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The Valley of Fear | Arthur Conan Doyle
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Although I've read The Valley of Fear several times before, and seen numerous TV adaptations, I'd still forgotten both the plot twist (which really should have been obvious to me - I see but I do not observe!) and the involvement of Professor Moriarty.
An interesting mash-up of a Holmesian mystery and a Western thriller 🔎🤠

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Adaptation | Malinda Lo
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One of my most favorite things is reading a book and then seeing it adapted to a movie, television series, play, etc. What are your favorites? Anything so bad you still had to watch it? Looking to add to my #tbr #booktomoviereads

StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego The best Book to Movie adaptation IMO is The Revenant. The movie is far better than the book. As for TV adaptations I liked The Handmaid's Tale, American Gods, Sharp Objects & Big Little Lies. 6y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego The worst one I've seen recently was The Girl With All the Gifts. Awful movie, great book. 6y
swynn I almost always hate a movie if I've read the book first, especially dramatic adaptations of nonfiction works, which tend to become ... well, not nonfiction. I find "The Imitation Game" unwatchable, for instance. But anything by Alfred Hitchcock is at least as good as its source material; I love love Elia Kazan's East of Eden; and Spike Jonze's adaptation of Susan Orlean's Adaptation it's flat-out brilliant. 6y
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Gitanjali I agree with @swynn. I‘m a book purist :) but I thought lord of the rings was fine. 6y
Indexasaurus Even though I love the books more, the Potter movies and the Game of Thrones series are my favorites. On the opposite end, I love the movie versions of The Witches of Eastwick and Practical Magic but didn‘t care for either book (I swear I‘m not obsessed with witches!). 6y
Lel2403 To kill a mockingbird....and The Birds.....or maybe Shawshank Redemption....too many to choose ! 6y
LaLecture @swynn I had the same thought about non-fiction to movie adaptions with “Hidden Figures”. The book was a list of facts and the movie was a rather cheesy story (even though I liked it, viewed separately from the book). 6y
LaLecture I think “Stardust” is even better than the book in some parts 🙈. My favourite book to movie adaption might be “The Perks of Being a Wallflower”. It‘s a bit different from the book but you can still feel the book‘s spirit as the author worked on the movie to. 6y
LauraRenae White Oleander. Both the book and the movie are fantastic and yet so different. 6y
dragondrool The Silence of the Lambs. Fried Green Tomatoes. It 2018. I also really liked The Shipping News. 6y
Amiable "Mystic River" by Dennis Lehane. Best adaptation to a movie ever. 6y
MotionChickness That was a tough one! I‘m so anal about book to screens... like irrationally lol. I think The Martian was done very well... and Paper Towns! 6y
Crystalblu The Princess Bride and Silence of the Lambs. Same as my favorite movies😜 It must say something about me that my favorite movies were books first 🤔 6y
madamereadsalot1 Fight Club, Coraline, Howl's Moving Castle, The Hunger Games trilogy, etc. 6y
hissingpotatoes The movie I think most closely resembles its book, and which I loved both of, is Holes by Louis Sachar. 6y
WolfGirl16 I had such a difficult time watching Ready Player One as a movie because I loved the book so much 6y
zzz Gone Girl. The book was just ok for me but I really liked the movie...thought the female lead was perfect👍 6y
Whimsical.Curiosity @WolfGirl16 I enjoyed the movie for what it was but after like 15 seconds I had to pretend that I have read the book. The book was friggin amazing! 6y
WolfGirl16 @Whimsical.Curiosity I thought of one this afternoon. I‘m completely in love with BBCs Sherlock. An amazing show based on great books. #iamsherlocked 6y
Whimsical.Curiosity @WolfGirl16 good call!! Love me some Cumberbatch #swooooon 6y
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Wie sehr ich die TV-Serie Sherlock liebe! 😍
Und ich möchte eins sagen:
Jeder der sie noch nicht kennt: anschauen!!!
Wird endlich Zeit, das ich mir auch die original Bücher mal genauer anschaue!
Habt noch einen schönen Abend! 👋
#book #bookish #booklove #booklover #bookworm #buch #buchliebe #buecherwurm #buecher #bookstagram #lesen #leseliebe #lesezeit #buecher #buchsucht #reading #iamsherlocked

Sarah83 Cool. Von welchem Verlag ist die Ausgabe? 6y
Saari84 @Sarah83 von "kein und aber Pocket" ? 6y
Sarah83 Sieht super aus 😍 6y
Saari84 @Sarah83 ich mag die Cover der "kein und aber" bücher generell sehr gerne. Immer schlicht, aber immer schick ?♥️ 6y
Sarah83 Ich hab die noch nicht so oft gesehen... 😊 6y
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Adventures of Sherlock Holmes | Arthur Conan Doyle
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I realized that some of you might actually like to see my pictures from inside nerdy museums thanks to @IamIamIam! This is from the replica museum of 221B Baker St. in London. Part of their living room with that oh so wonderful violin. 😍 I forget I'm among people who like these places too! #IamSherlocked

theresidentromantic @Sarah83 This is part of their living room. Crowded with little things you don't have a lot of time or room to look at. But pretty nontheless and very cool. You don't imagine it being that small! 7y
Sarah83 Looks so gorgeous. Do you also participate #conandoyleswap? 7y
Sarah83 In your opinion who wrote the best pastiche? 7y
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SilversReviews Oooooo......I LOVE this photo. 7y
CoverToCoverGirl Most excellent! 😍 7y
Jadams89 I knew what that room was before I read. I love it!!!! 7y
Texreader We were there last summer!! Great photo! 7y
theresidentromantic @sarah83 No, I am doing the #janeaustenswap :) and hmm. I haven't actually read too many, but my favorite might actually be fanfic. It's an old, three part series on fanfiction.net. I don't remember what the first two are, but my favorite the third is called The Rules of Engagement. It uses an oc named Helen but it's marvelous, really humanizes Holmes. What about you? 7y
Sarah83 I read quite a few. I liked this one pretty much 7y
Sarah83 Didn't like these ones 7y
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Final Fall | Heather W. Petty
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Not enough Sherlock, but a satisfying end to the series. Further thoughts in covered comments. #IamSherlocked

RestingBodiceFace I am happy that the author allowed for Mori's darkness, and that it won out in the end. A happy ending would have been an injustice to the characters of Sherlock & Moriarty. 7y
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Lock & Mori | Heather W. Petty
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Finished in a day. A bit of a slow start, but picked up toward the end. For the record, I pictured a young Benedict Cumberbatch the whole time I was reading this. #iamsherlocked #highfunctioningsociopath #doyourresearch

The Case for Jamie | Brittany Cavallaro
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MarriedtoMrT I LOVE the Every series. 7y
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O Jerusalem | Laurie R. King
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#SetInTheMiddleEast #MayBookFlowers This book is from the Mary Russel series. It follows Ms. Russel and her mentor Sherlock Holmes as they traverse Palestine just after WWI in search of a spy and saboteur. This book not only is a source for famous locations and persons, but is also a fairly accurate portrayal of Bedouin life for that time period. I would recommend this series to everyone even if you are not a fan of Holmes stories #IamSherlocked