My first gift exchange was a great experience. I look forward to using all my new gifts.
My first gift exchange was a great experience. I look forward to using all my new gifts.
Love Stephen King. The master of horror!!
Believe the hype people. This was an amazing story that made me happy to read. A reminder of the simplest parts of life and the earth.
Sometimes she heard night-sounds she didn‘t know or jumped from lightning too close, but whenever she stumbled, it was the land who caught her. Until at last, at some unclaimed moment, the heart-pain seeped away like water into sand. Still there, but deep. Kya laid her hand upon the breathing, wet earth, and the marsh became her mother.
Sick and twisted. No redeeming value and yet an awesome read. Now on to watch the show. #thebookisalwaysbetter
Enjoyable story about a girl finding her true identity as one of the Fae. Cool story but not the most original.
So I see a lot of people panning this book or bailing. Well I guess I agree because I skipped around some which I never do. I like the show better which is so unusual for me. I‘ll probably keep watching the show.
Boo. I had to power through this one. It was well written by the characters were all unfortunate and ridiculous. I really don‘t recommend it
The story has some twist but it‘s not a new idea. Still a fun read. Hey
This book is fantastic. If you are a fan of The Mortal Instruments you should check this one out. The story is about 2 human sisters living in the fairy world. Jude is a fantastic character and a badass chick. I definitely recommend this one. #ilovetoread #badasswomem #excitedforthesequel
This is our sweet dog Hermione. Do I like Harry Potter? Yes I do.
I really enjoyed this book. A story about a small town, a group of friends and a murder. But there is so much more to it. A fun quick read to entertain Steven King fans.
Why does my job rock? Because today I got to read The Polar Express to a room full of kids and got to drink hot chocolate. That‘s why! #imapreschoolteacher
I enjoy this author. I enjoyed this story. It‘s interesting and also disturbing at times.
An emotional upheaval. A death. A mystery. And a lot of difficult relationships. This book was not an easy read but it was one worth the task. I felt sad while reading this book but also happy at times. It was worth the investment.
So here‘s the thing about this review. I‘m biased. I knew the author growing up and read the book on a recommendation from my mom. I have nothing but respect for a girl who tells her truth and Christina McDowell does in this book. A girl who grew up with nothing but the best is suddenly broke, her father is in jail and her good name is ruined. This books teaches a hard life lesson learned by a kind intelligent woman.
I‘ve enjoyed this series so far. If you are at all into the supernatural or just like a good mystery then this series will entertain you.
Decided to re-listen/read this book while working out. I‘m enjoying it again. A great read and fascinating story about what can happen in a corrupt country. #likeours #thanksalottrump
Enjoyable series opener. I‘m excited to read more about Holly Barker and her awesome dog Daisy
What can I say that hasn‘t already been said. Nothing. Favorite books of all time. I read them yearly. The boost my mood. #hpforlife
Here‘s the thing. This series is YA and parts of it are ridiculous and cheesy however if you can stomach it then the series is worth a read. I enjoyed the angel verse demon series and had fun reading them.