Thank you to my #FunkoPopandBookSwap match! I don't know who to tag for all these goodies :)
Thank you to my #FunkoPopandBookSwap match! I don't know who to tag for all these goodies :)
Thank you! Thank you! @morgankaileigh1 I absolutely love my swap gifts! #funkopopandbookswap
Sorry for posting this late! I just got home late last night after a trip to visit family @kstadt929
Sorry for the late post!! Thank You Cynthia for the Bob Ross pop and the book! I have wanted this book for a while!! The tissue paper is beautiful too!! I'm having a little trouble reading/finding your Litsy handle so I apologize for not tagging you properly! #funkopopandbookswap @kstadt929
Almost forgot today was Opening Day!!! @kstadt929 You outdid yourself with this and making it themed was too cute!! I have wanted this book FOREVER and I LOVE postcards and LOVE Mary Poppins!!! ty ty ty again. So glad I could be your match for your first ever swap! #funkopopandbookswap
I am so in love with everything in my #funkopopandbookswap box @guinsgirlreads !! It was so generous of you to send 2 books and 2 pops (along with some extra goodies!) I am so excited for both the books and cannot wait to find the perfect spot for Mary Poppins and Ariel once we unpack all our books and bookshelves in the new house 😁 Thank you so SO much!! 🥰🥰
I just got home and immediately opened up my #funkopopandbookswap box! @Traci1 I absolutely love it! This was so thoughtfully put together! I‘ve been wanting to read this book for forever and Carrie has a special place in my heart because it introduced me to one of my favorite authors. And IT was the second King movie I ever saw, so I love the keychain ❤️🎈 And the card 😍 You nailed it! Thank you so much!
And thank you to @kstadt929 for hosting!
Loving my #funkopopandbookswap books and Harry is so cute! He will be joining Dobby on my mantle! Thanks to @kstadt929 for organizing and thanks to my swap gifted!
My little bookworm heart has been spoiled!!
A book themed book swap of my favorite bookish things. What more could a girl ask for?! Thank you @RvnclawWhovian 💝💝💝
And a special extra thanks to @kstadt929 for the wonderful #FunkoPopandBookSwap!