Hey #TeamSlaughter! Here‘s the game for week 3 of #scarathlon2020. I figured I would post it nice and early since I plan on sleeping half the day away😉 Since there is a large number of words available, you can either write the words in the comments below, or post a picture of them written out. I‘ll be going the old pen and paper way myself.🤪I‘ll be choosing a random number, and the __ person to post will get a bonus 100 points. GOOD LUCK! 🎃
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though, meat, laugh, lonely, party
honey, money, new, letter, teller
tell, weep, low, say, saw
sloppy, tea, male, youth, neat
mate, mane, teen, seen, semen 4y
smart, halo, game, taught, thought
apple, pear, map, gallows, gap 4y
sauna, past, palm, great, grate,
grey (gray), way, may, naughty, holy,
hole, most, more, yam, yamen,
past, pasta, paste, petty, maw,
mew, mews, gull, gust, gusty 4y
hear, hearty, gum, plum, plume,
rune, tune, muse, ruse, use 4y
taste, tasty, hasten, hare, rate,
hallow, worth, wage, wages, wager
Who, wash, rye, waste, greet 4y
pull, push, panty, you, your, me, age, whore, pore, power 4y
warm, ale, wary, weary, wear,
see, surge, mere, merely, tear 4y
yarn, yearn, moth, mother, mothy,
month, year, lay, ray, monthly,
mouth, soup, soap, soapy, swap,
swamp, sea, marsh, harsh, harshly 4y
tart, smug, smartly, sweet, sweat, wan, away, aware, warm, worm,
nose, arm, leg, hose, morgue, automat, muster, master, thermal, mustang,
tally, law, low, lower, lowly, pet, onager, horse, mouse, louse,
slowly, slow, aghast, hymen, ape, salt, salty, germ, germs, gem,
wasp, goal, turn, torn, gasp,
grasp, sleep, sleepy, steal, teal,
rug, rag, seal, spam, smog 4y
states, rate, rates, rat, rats, gut, guts, name, ware, spare 4y
town, lawn, hope, hate, tall, put, pat, pattern, toll, lot, on, to, tether,
teeth, pay, pony, seat, help, eat, ate, eaten, stew, need, den, author,
super, supper, spy, he, she 4y
people, our, ours, oar, one, two, three, ten,
hurry, hunger, teenager, teem, twen, twenty,
lust, trust, sod, soda, pop, pose, are, were, lap,
trout, law, maw, hour 4y
anyhow, mural, anus, anal, there, glean, tray,
plate, other, others, otter, smother, wreath, wrath,
stone, threat, only, art, arts, gleam, gleamy,
heath, heathen, sway 4y
whether, pretty, try, pry, plant, gawp, got, get, sugar, sugary, sinewy, sinew,
all, grumpy, lump, plump, wheel, towel, trowel, tower, snow, snowy, owl, tour,
tow, row, leather, plenty, seagull, gully 4y
late, mast, means, meager (meagre), pyre,
pure, pest, pester, lousy, mellow,
yellow, green, run, rum, rump,
hump, sun, sure, sage, thyme,
sallow, allow, up, pulp, gulp,
rumple, the, marge, large, tan,
grump, grumpy, than, then, Easter,
north, south, west, east, western 4y
awash, appear, appeal, sale, tang, malt, malty, myth, mango, mangoes, tango, Egypt, hay, glory (edited) 4y