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This is the FINAL discussion of #thestoriedlifeofajfikry - discuss anything related to this book. #ajfikry

LitsyBuddyRead What did everyone think of the book? 6y
AmyG I really enjoyed this book. It was sweet, funny, sad...all the feels. I would love to know what happens to Maya...did she become a writer? Yes, it was bit corny in parts, and I can understand why some didn‘t like it...but I really enjoy a book like this every once in a while. 6y
Jess7 I really enjoyed it. I would of liked a little more depth, but I appreciated the book references and the heartwarming story. @AmyG 6y
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CoffeeNBooks It was a nice, quick read. It reminded me of a Hallmark movie, but sometimes that's what you're in the mood for. The end was definitely sad- AJ and his family deserved more time together. I kind of liked that I forgot about the missing Tamerlane as I was reading the story, and then the mystery of it was solved in the end. 6y
Currey @CoffeeNBooks @Jess7 I agree, it was a nice warm hearted easy read and I loved all the book references. I did wish the ending wasn‘t so sad but on the other hand I was expecting something to go terribly wrong. I did like the characters - particularly Maya and A 6y
Jennifer3 I loved it. It was the kind of read I needed, I embarrassingly am still working on our last month‘s book. This book although sad at the end was hard to put down and I agree @CoffeeNBooks it was like a Hallmark moving just with the sad ending. I did wish A.J. could have had longer with his family and I forgot about the mystery of Tamerlane, so it was nice to wrap that up. 6y
Andrew65 I absolutely loved this book. Fell in love with the characters, and was rooting for them all. Shame it took so long for them to get together and even sadder that they had so little time together. A very sad ending all round. 😢😭 Just loved the reading experience all round. Some similarities to A Man Called Ove. Felt heartily sorry with the brain tumour and the effect it had and not being able to communicate at the end. @AmyG @Jess7 @CoffeeNBooks (edited) 6y
Jennifer3 @Andrew65 The communication issue at the end broke my heart because it was an essential part of who A.J. Had become and it is essential to all of us in our connections. It was hard to read how he struggled. I definitely wanted to know how things turned out for Maya. 6y
Andrew65 @Jennifer3 Agree totally, broke my heart that he could not speak or communicate with people at the end. No way to go. 😭😭😭😔 We do need a sequel for seeing what happened to his wife and daughter in the future. (edited) 6y
Jennifer3 @Andrew65 I would love a sequel! 6y
shadowspeak17 I didn‘t have much of a reaction to this book. I didn‘t love it, I didn‘t hate it. It was sweet, I guess, but it felt lacking in depth and I think that just kind of left me at a distance. 6y
theokiereader I absolutely loved this one. So many of the books I‘ve read lately address social issues, so I needed something warm and loving to begin the holiday season. I absolutely loved the direction the author took with the Tamerlane. Us parents can ALL relate to toddler crayon on important documents. 😂🤣 I also loved how the disappearance of the Tamerlane turned out to be an act of love and not theft. 6y
thereadingowlvina It's a light, quick & heartwarming story & I loved it! I agree with @Jess7 - I too wish it has more depth as I felt some parts were just touch and go. And yes! Definitely has A Man Called Ove vibe @Andrew65 🤗 I'll definitely re-read this book in 2019! 6y
Jess7 Yes, I agree that part was sad. @Andrew65 I can see some small similarities to Ove, but Ove seemed deeper than this one. This was the perfect read for me this time of year though. Perfectly light enough 6y
mrp27 I agree with everyone here, it was the perfect light hearted read for this very busy time of year. I'm glad I finally read it and I'm very curious about the rest of Maya's story. I also liked the bit of mystery with the missing Poe book. 6y
Suelizbeth Yes, @CoffeeNBooks a total Hallmark movie vibe, but that made it a perfect, light read. Unlike others here, I do not want a sequel. This book was enough and self contained. Not everything needs to be explained or expanded upon for me. 6y
Andrew65 @Jess7 Yes I‘d certainly agree that Ove had a lot more depth to it than this one, and overall much more hard hitting. 6y
erzascarletbookgasm Sorry,late to the discussion. I read this a while ago and really enjoyed the story for what it is..heartwarming and sad. And agree it‘s corny at times! I liked the references to books too. I can see why it‘s not for everyone. Sometimes we must be in a mood for it. However I don‘t agree it‘s similar to Ove. Ove‘s character is multi layered and has more depth, his story addresses certain important issues and has no ‘Hallmark‘ vibes to it. @Jess7 6y
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The final discussion of #thestoriedlifeofajfikry begins at 1 pm. Be sure to scroll to the following post marked spoiler and join in a few minutes! #ajfikry #litsybuddyread

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Finishing this one up for our #litsybuddyread discussion today at 1 pm EST. Will you be joining the discussion?

#ajfikry #thestoriedlifeofajfikry #gabriellezevin #bookstore #buddyread #bookclub #readalong #LITSYBUDDYREAD

AmyG I‘ll be there. Really enjoyed this book. 6y
julesG What? That is today? I thought I had another week to catch up. GAH! I really need to add buddy reads to my Google calendar. 💡 There should be a Litsy Happenings Google calendar that I could subscribe to - maybe I'll curate one for the next year. 💡 6y
Jennifer3 Me! Me! I will be participating! @julesG I love the Litsy Happenings calendar idea!! 6y
julesG @Jennifer3 I guess I'll make this happen. Not just right now, right now I'm too comfortable in front of the fire, with my cats around me. 😉 6y
Jennifer3 @julesG in your own time, you should enjoy the fire and the cats. I am still sitting up in my bed with all my covers as it is finally cooler in AZ! 6y
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I didn‘t instantly warm to this book. In fact, I had set it aside, but a readalong made me pick it up again, and I‘m so glad that I did. It is a heartwarming, charming story about a bookstore. Now, I know what you‘re thinking, but this book is anything but cliche. Read it. You‘ll love it. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ #LitsyBuddyRead #thestoriedlifeofajfikry #ajfikry (Sorry/not sorry—I had to finish it.)

Joanne1 I truly love this book. It came along at just the right time in my life and pulled me out of a dark place. (edited) 6y
Suelizbeth @Joanne1 😻📚❤️ Books are true magic. 6y
Eggs Loved this book 6y
Suelizbeth @Eggs 📚❤️ 6y
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Who doesn‘t love a book set in a bookshop? I‘m loving this book, A.J., and all the bookish references! I still can‘t believe a character in the book actually read all of The Book Thief and then not only didn‘t like it, but actually returned it?! Has anyone else read #thestoriedlifeofajfikry?

Don‘t forget to join our book discussion going on today over on the Litsy Buddy Read page! #ajfikry #litsybuddyread

StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Love this book 💕 6y
DimeryRene I read it with my book club a few years ago! Truthfully, I don‘t remember a lot of the plot. I do remember it gave me warm, fuzzy feelings. 😍 6y
ThatBookishGal I actually didn‘t like The Book Thief! I thought I was alone until someone told me their entire book group didn‘t like it. Definitely made me feel better!! (edited) 6y
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readordierachel Great picture! And a great book too. 6y
Gaylagal2 This book is at the top of my list! 6y
JamieArc I had a hard time getting into The Book Thief and never finished... it may be because of life circumstances though so I‘ll try again 🤷🏻‍♀️ 6y
Bakingbookworm @ThatBookishGal I didn‘t like The Book Thief either. At least we‘re not alone. 😉 6y
SaturnDoo The Book Thief quickly went into my DNF pile. Rhen a friend said please read it so I did and still hated it after finishing. I didn't return it,but it may have ended up in the trash for a long staycation 🙄 6y
Bakingbookworm @JamieArc I feel the same way. I feel like I missed something that everyone else seemed to get out of The Book Thief. I keep thinking perhaps it was what I had just read or what I was experiencing when reading The Book Thief that influenced y experience with it. Everyone (ok, almost everyone) waxes poetic about it but I thought it was just okay. Cool narrator though. 6y
Jess7 Wow! It‘s great to hear different opinions! I had no idea so many people didn‘t like The Book Thief! Parts were slow but I loved it. @ThatBookishGal @JamieArc @Bakingbookworm @SaturnDoo 6y
LiteraryinLawrence I actually did not love The Storied Life but I did love another book by the author, Young Jane Young. 6y
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Discuss pages 1-128 here ⬇️⬇️⬇️

#ajfikry #thestoriedlifeofajfikry #litsybuddyread

LitsyBuddyRead I‘m really enjoying all the book references in this book and I really like the style. What does everyone else think of it so far? Which characters do you like and dislike the most? 6y
AmyG I am really enjoying the story. It‘s very predictable at times, but that‘s ok as I want AJ and the woman bookseller (oy, I already forgot her name) to be together. I am curious what part 2 brings for those two..,and for Maya. (edited) 6y
Currey I also enjoyed the story. Although not particularly challenging, the fact the AJ is a curmudgeon and the constant reference to other books kept my interest. And the characters are all likeable. I particularly like the police officer 6y
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CoffeeNBooks I'm really enjoying this one so far! A quick, easy read, a fun story to watch unfold. I hope A.J. and Amelia end up together. I'm not entirely sure how Daniel and Ismay factor into the story, but that's ok. It reads like a Hallmark movie, but sometimes that's just what you need. 😊 6y
zezeki I'm really enjoying this one. It's a quick read, and I really love that isolated small town bookstore setting. 6y
Currey @CoffeNBooks Oh no, if it is a hallmark movie there will be crying in the end. I was looking forward to a happy ending. Maybe it is a “uplifting” Hallmark Movie 6y
Suelizbeth I‘m enjoying this light read. It feels familiar. I know I‘ve read something very similar, but the title escapes me. I really love Maya and Lambiase and Amelia but not Ismay so much. 6y
LoverofLit All the tears and love for this book! ❤😭❤😭 6y
Jess7 I am finding the story to be very heartwarming. I love all the book references and I love that AJ‘s fatherhood has changed him. I‘m also liking the flirting that is happening between Amelia and AJ. The cop is a nice guy too. I‘m really interested to see how Maya grows up and what conflict will arise. At this point there doesn‘t seem to be anything wrong. @Suelizbeth @Currey @AmyG @zezeki @CoffeeNBooks 6y
BookishMe I am particularly amused by Fikry's book recommendations to the various residents and his internal cringing at some choices. Loved how the police officer becomes hooked to the books. Wasn't impressed with Fikry's episode though I could feel his grief. I found the aftermath of reporting the loss was rather hilarious 6y
Jess7 @BookishMe i love that you‘re joining the discussion, but I think you might be talking about pages behind 128? This is just our first discussion. 🤗 6y
BookishMe @Jess7 Oops... Let me check my pages again. Thanks for pointing out. And I thought I was restraining myself from mentioning about events later to come ;p esp in reference to Hallmark movie. 6y
Jess7 I think you‘re good up until the last two lines about fikry‘s episode and aftermath... that part so if you edit that part out you should be good @BookishMe (edited) 6y
zezeki @Jess7 Yes, nothing seems to be going wrong, so I'm a bit scared to see what will happen next, because something bad is bound to happen. Maybe that's just pessimist in me talking. 6y
thereadingowlvina I loved this book! It's an adorable, heartwarming story. I loved Fikry, Amelia and Lambiase characters. I do get the A Man Called Ove vibe. Fikry reminds me of the grumpy but younger version of Ove 😏 6y
Jess7 So true! @zezeki - same!! 6y
Jess7 @thereadingowlvina I can see the comparison! That must be why I like AJ! 6y
Jennifer3 I love this book! I had to restrain myself not to read@past page 128. I knew if I did I@would say something that would be meant for the last discussion! 😳 I need an easy read from time to time and this one fits the bill. AJ, the Chief Lambaise and Maya are my favorite characters. Worried about the sadness I know is to come. Can‘t wait to read the rest! The book references are great & thanks @Jess7 for picking the book as I don‘t know (edited) 6y
Jennifer3 if I would have selected it to read otherwise but am glad I am! 6y
TracyReadsBooks Late to the discussion but I am very much enjoying the book. Truthfully, I find it impossible not to love such a bookcentric story. Equally impossible not to like the super grumpy Fikry & hope for good things for him. All the book references are fantastic & I love that the characters themselves see the world in terms of books & their characters. Definitely a fun cast of characters & I‘m looking forward to the reading whatever comes next. 6y
mrp27 I'm late to the party but I agree with everyone here. Sweet and quick. Love the literary references, loving the characters and I'm rooting for all of them. The only thing is I keep thinking A.J. is older and I have to keep reminding myself he is not. 6y
Andrew65 Yey! Finally caught up. This was just the read I need at the moment, light, entertaining, engaging, feel good (much needed positivity) and loving Maya. In fact mostly really great group of characters. Intrigued to see where it is heading. @jess7 @AmyG @Currey @CoffeeNBooks @zezeki @Suelizbeth @LoverofLit @BookishMe @thereadingowlvina @Jennifer3 @TracyReadsBooks @mrp27 Although do worry what may be ahead! 6y
Jennifer3 @Andrew65 I agree! I just finished today and am ready for our final discussion! 6y
theokiereader Apparently I completely screwed up in regards to the reading schedule— I missed the first discussion, and then I read ahead just to find the final discussion isn‘t until next week :) I had the same thought as @thereadingowlvina— this book feels very similar to A Man Called Ove. I think AJ is a little gentler than Ove, 6y
theokiereader ... and he‘s not trying to kill himself (although you get the sense that he‘s just waiting for the day when death comes). I love the lighthearted ease of this book. I‘m not going to say much in fear of talking about events further into the book, but this one definitely left me with a book hangover. (edited) 6y
Andrew65 @Jennifer3 I had to finish it off today too! Very ready for the discussion, roll on next week! One of those books that leaves a lasting impact! 6y
Jennifer3 @Andrew65 It definitely leaves an impact! I was sad to leave the characters when I finished! 6y
Andrew65 @Jennifer3 Totally agree. 6y
thereadingowlvina @marywag08 Agree! He's gentler than Ove but still grumpy most of the time 😂 This book is just so good and I know I'll re-read it one of these days! 6y
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The first discussion of #Thestoriedlifeofajfikry begins at 1 PM EST today. We will be discussing pages 1-128. Be sure to check back for the next post marked “spoiler”. Click into that one and begin discussing.

You can discuss anything within those pages on that post. If you‘re not caught up yet, join as soon as you are. #litsybuddyread

LitsyBuddyRead If I did not tag you and you want to join, please join and then let me know so I can add you to my list to tag for the final discussion. I will be joining in a few hours later when I get home. 6y
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Jennifer3 I will join later too. I am out trying to find something to wear to a wedding. 6y
Jess7 I‘m home and have started commenting! Excited to see what you think @Jennifer3 6y
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Repost for @LitsyBuddyRead :
Here is the reading schedule for our November Litsy Buddy Read! We will be reading #TheStoriedLifeofAJFikry by Gabrielle Zevin. This is a short book (only 260 pages!)

Who is joining me? 🙋🏻‍♀️ Comment below so I can add your name to my list ⬇️

Please LIKE, SCREENSHOT, and REPOST to spread the word. Thanks 😘 #LitsyBuddyRead

MoniqueReads305 Just checked it out via Libby 6y
Woodsangel Such a wonderful book!! 6y
mamareading I love this book! 6y
TheBookkeepersApprentice I‘m reading this now and hoping to be around for the discussion of the first half-I‘m loving the book so far! I will be traveling on the 25th so not sure if I will be able to discuss the second half then. 6y
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Sharing this for @Jess7 and @LitsyBuddyRead :

Here is the reading schedule for our November Litsy Buddy Read! We will be reading #TheStoriedLifeofAJFikry by Gabrielle Zevin. This is a short book (only 260 pages!)

Who is joining me? 🙋🏻‍♀️ Comment below so I can add your name to my list ⬇️

Please LIKE, SCREENSHOT, and REPOST to spread the word. Thanks 😘 #LitsyBuddyRead

kspenmoll I have read it but it was a long time ago. Thinking of a reread, depending in time... 6y
AmyG I am almost done with section one for this read and it‘s a sweet story. 6y
Jess7 🤗🤗 thank you!! 🤗🤗 6y
Gissy I'm in! 6y
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Reposted for @Jess7
Here is the reading schedule for the November #LitsyBuddyRead! The book is #TheStoriedLifeofAJFikry by Gabrielle Zevin . The book only has 260 Pages so will be quite a quick buddy read.

If joining tag @Jess7 in a post below so she can add you to her list. Come and join us! 😊

Please like, screenshot and repost for @Jess7 to help spread the word.

EadieB @Andrew65 I liked this one. Read in 2015. 6y
Andrew65 @EadieB That‘s good to hear. 😊 6y
SW-T It was really good 😊 6y
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Andrew65 @SW-T Thanks, I‘m looking forward to this one. 6y
Crazeedi Great book 6y
Andrew65 @Crazeedi The positives about this book just keep coming! Can‘t wait to start. Likely to be next week so I can remember it for the discussion! 6y
Jess7 Thank you! 🤗🤗 6y
Andrew65 @Jess7 😊🤗 6y
Crazeedi @andrew65 you are truly going to enjoy this book, I just happened to pick it up at library, and I couldn't put it down. One of my favorites in the last couple years 6y
Andrew65 @Crazeedi That‘s some praise! 6y
Blaire This is a great one. We read it a couple of years ago in one of my book clubs. 6y
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