Once again, another Shakespeare reference. #thedivider #peterbaker #susanglasser #donaldtrump #uspolitics #robertmueller #politicalscience #ushistory #history #russia #russianinterference #investigation #uspresidency
Once again, another Shakespeare reference. #thedivider #peterbaker #susanglasser #donaldtrump #uspolitics #robertmueller #politicalscience #ushistory #history #russia #russianinterference #investigation #uspresidency
I love that a woman is doing much of the investigating. The story didn‘t grip me as much as the first two in the series did, but it did ramp up a bit toward the end. Still enjoying it enough to continue the series.
This novel had lots of twists and many turns. I had a little trouble figuring out the plots and where the characters fit in for the first couple of chapters. The layers were waiting for the reader to catch up. Then things were starting to make sense. I was surprised by some of the layers and certainly didn‘t expect the ending. This was my first novel by Margolin and I will read more of his work. 4.25/5
One positive from the Nixon investigation- both parties were willing to investigate to get to the truth. #impeachment #timothynaftali #richardnixon #resignation #bipartisan #houseofrepresentatives #senate #ushistory #uspolitics #investigation #history #politicalscience
Opera singer Claire Buchanan is haunted by the recent death of her twin sister Catherine, & niece,in childbirth. Claire feels her sister‘s lingering presence. Postmortem photos offered a way for those left behind to assuage their grief. But Claire sees only deep sadness in her sister‘s eyes.She suspects her brother in-law,a cold,calculating,controlling man of her murder.Claire hires Prudence MacKenzie & ex Pinkerton Geoffrey Hunter to investigate.
#24in4 readathon
Keeping Track of hours read doesn‘t work for me, so I am totaling up # of pages read.
Read Bloomsbury Girls in its entirety: 353 pp; Let the Dead Keep Their Secrets, also it‘s entirety:311 pp; Whose Body? In entirety: 213 pp. You‘ve Changed:36 pp; Anam Cara: 9 pp.
In total I read 922 pp. I am quite happy with that!
Such a gentle breeze, wind chimes-all is quiet after our traditional Village Memorial Day parade,that goes right by my front yard. We join in the end of the parade & go to the cemetery for speeches, a fly over,& a 4-gun salute.Then a short walk away at the fire house, there is coffee, ice cream, hot dogs. Wonderful community event.#MemorialDay #remembrance #porchlife
Fascinating book with many applications. Criminology, obviously, but I‘m also thinking in terms of ‘anomalies‘: encounters with ‘ghosts‘, UFOs and the like. If testimonies are all you have, testimonies are what analysis should seem to explain: stories rooted in memory. Loftus shows how unreliable memory can be, but is in no way dismissive. I like this approach way better than the discarding of recollection because it doesn‘t supply ‘hard data.‘
Two very different but utterly compelling reads. #memoir #investigation #nonfiction #audio Finished today.