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This was a really enjoyable Christmas read covering the story of Eva who has reached a crisis point in her life, following a period of grief and hiding herself away in other things. Suddenly over a Christmas away her gran re-appears to her and this is the cue for ghostly intervention.

#DashingDecember #Book10

Andrew65 I felt this was a very cleverly put together book that gave the right amount of time to introducing us to Eva‘s life, the ghostly interventions and what happened following this intervention. Eva, and the reader, definitely goes on a rollercoaster of emotions seeing her life crisis from different viewpoints, and there are some hard hitting punches thrown in there too. (edited) 5mo
Andrew65 I love the plotting of the book and the characters were cleverly written so that you ended up caring about all of them.

I loved the ending to the book and some of the messages that it delivered, as well as seeing the changes in Eva, it do be aware this isn‘t all sunshine and roses.

I would definitely recommend this book, and would be keen to read more books by this author.
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PuddleJumper 💙❄️💙 5mo
kspenmoll Great review! 5mo
Read4life Love your review. This is on my TBR and it just moved up 🤓 5mo
Andrew65 @Read4life Hope you enjoy it 😁 5mo
BookmarkTavern Lovely! 💖 5mo
peanutnine This sounds great! 💖🎄☺️ 5mo
Andrew65 @peanutnine Also 4380 word search points! 5mo
DieAReader 🥳🥳🥳 5mo
Catsandbooks 🍭❄️❤️ 5mo
Andrew65 @kspenmoll Thanks 🎄🎄🎄 5mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 5mo
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When you wake up early on your workout rest day....oh darn I guess I‘ll have to read 🤷🏻‍♀️

Anyone else sometimes get up early to read in peace?

#bookworm #momlife #earlymorningreads #happiness #2021books #book10 #book11 #firefly #themagnificentnine #jameslovegrove #josswhedon #alongwaygone #ishmaelbeah


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Getting ready to start this beauty. The first book in the series was incredible so I have high expectations for this one #2021books #book10 #firefly #themagnifecentnine #jameslovegrove #josswhedon #obsessions

The Last House Guest | Megan Miranda

This was a magnificent suspense mystery novel. The author keeps the killer at the edge of the story so that you think they aren't a major character. The twists and turns in this novel will give you whip lash they come so fast.

I loved that there were really two mysteries that needed to be solved. The first mystery seems almost unimportant untill the end. What an amazing author Meghan Miranda is. .#TeamSlaughter @Clwojick

The Talisman: A Novel | Stephen King, Peter Straub
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bookcollecter Why did you dislike out of curiosity? 6y
JacintaMCarter @bookcollecter For me, this needed to be about 300 pages shorter. I know that King loves to put in every single detail about everything, but after awhile it started to feel redundant. Most of the action doesn‘t come in until the very end and everything before that is just the kid very slowly making his way across the country. 6y
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A beautiful sunny day has turned gloomy and rainy, perfect for some reading in my pjs (yes it‘s only 6pm but I don‘t care). 💕📚🙃🌧 #dontwakethisprincess #mounttbr #book10 #climbingmountvancouver

Crewgurl ❤️ this one! 6y
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Roadwork | Stephen King
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Alright, ladies and gents, I did it. I finished Roadwork. Now, I didn't sit down and read every word because it was too painful. But I skimmed and grabbed the main points. Definitely not my favorite King, not even by a long shot. It was just meh for me. #epicstephenkingreread #book10 #1981

Gayan Most people don't like this one. I read it so long ago I don't remember a thing about it. 7y
Reagan I just bought a copy of The Bachman Books, Rage, The Long Walk, and Running Man have stayed with me since reading them for the first time 20+years ago. I remember nothing about Roadwork. 7y
Josie @Reagan-reads I love the other three Bachman books! 7y
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IamIamIam I'm trudging through The Stand over here, all jealous of you!!!! 😂😂😂 7y
Josie @IamIamIam hahaha is it getting any better for you? I was reading it around this time last year. 7y
IamIamIam You know how it is, @Josie... you go on these tears where you can read a hundred pages at a clip and then you just don't care for a while. LOL 7y
Josie @IamIamIam hahaha so true!! You will get to a point where you are close enough to the end to just power through!!! 7y
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#bookisholympics #book10 And book ten is done.I love the Vera Stanhope series,it reminds me a lot of Columbo, another detective who's underestimated but always comes out on top. Margaret Krukowski is found dead on the metro by Detective Joe Ashworths daughter.Vera heads to the coastal town the victim lived in,but finds everyone lying to her.Then another woman dies and it's a race to find the killer. I wonder if I can get book11 in before midnight?

Dragon I've seen the tv show but hadn't realized it was based on a book series. Yay a new British mystery series to read👏 8y
Lizpixie @Dragon you definitely should. Once again, even though the tv series is fantastic, the books are so much better📖 8y
Dragon Thanks @Lizpixie I'm going to watch for them at the next booksale 8y
Lizpixie @Dragon The Crow Trap is the first book, it's fantastic! 8y
Dragon Thanks just added it to my tbr 👍 8y
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